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  1. MertKaan

    Conflict between Turkmen and Kurds 17 dead

    Irak'ta Peşmerge ile Türkmen milisler arasında çatışma - TRT Türk - Beş Kıtanın Haber Merkezi Irak'ta Peşmerge ile Türkmen milisler arasında çatışma Salahaddin'a bağlı Tuzhurmatu'da Peşmerge ile Şii Haşdi Şabi'ye bağlı Türkmen milisler arasında çıkan çatışmalarda 17 kişi öldü Tuzhurmatu ilçe...
  2. MertKaan

    Racism aganist Turks in iran

    Despite Iran’s National TV Channel 2’s official apology and termination of the racist program “Fetileh” and the director of broadcasting in national TV, people of South Azerbaijan have gone to the streets of almost all major cities of S. Azerbaijan such as Tabriz, Urumiyeh, Ardebil, Zengan...
  3. MertKaan

    What do you Think about Turkic People

    The Turkic peoples are a collection of ethnic groups that live in northern, eastern, central and western Asia, northwestern China and parts of eastern Europe. They speak languages belonging to the Turkic language family. They share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical...
  4. MertKaan

    Kurdish militants kill seven Iranian troops

    Kurdish rebels based in north Iraq claimed on Aug. 26 to have killed seven Iranian soldiers in clashes last week near the Islamic republic’s border with Iraqi Kurdistan. The Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) said two of its fighters had died in the Aug. 22 clashes near the Sardasht...
  5. MertKaan

    President Morsi overthrown in Egypt

    The Egyptian army has overthrown President Mohamed Morsi, announcing a roadmap for the country’s political future that will be implemented by a national reconciliation committee. The head of Egypt's armed forces issued a declaration on Wednesday evening suspending the constitution and...
  6. MertKaan

    Turks in Azad Jammu-Kashmir

    Pakistan'ın en kuzey noktasında Himalaya dağlarının eteklerinde bulunan yerel ifadeyle Azad Jammu-Keşmir, resmi ifadeyle Keşmir Özerk Yönetimi olarak adlandırılan bölgede Orta Asya'dan göç etmiş binlerce Türk ailesi hayat sürdürüyor...
  7. MertKaan

    Syrian jet bombs area near Turkish border

    A Syrian fighter jet today bombed an area near the Turkish border, causing several casualties, officials and witnesses said, The Associated Press reported. An Associated Press video journalist saw the plane bomb an area around the Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn, some 10 meters from the Turkish...
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