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    Iran & the Caucuses: Some Thoughts

    The West tries to include the Republic of Azerbaijan into its anti-Iranian coalition. A number of US publications and statements by politicians calling to “protect the Republic Azerbaijan” from Iran have grown. For example, the former American congressman Michael McMahon urged the...
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    Can Iran trust Turkey to be a leader in the Muslim world?

    A question for my Iranian friends: If this is official government policy in Turkey, can Iran trust that the government of Turkey will protect Muslim values?
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    Syria war affects Armenia & Republic of Azerbaijan

    “Nagorno-Karabakh is ready to accept Syrian Armenians and provide them with an opportunity to study in Artsakh [the word used by Armenians for Karabakh] free of charge, as well as providing them with accommodation,” authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh have reportedly said in an address to Armenian...
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    War with Syria / War with Iran / How Iran Built Hezbollah /

    These topics are all related. Israel used carry-out massacres in Lebanon with impunity: Not any more. The West, Saudi Arabia, and Israel tried to have Saddam attack Iran: It didn't successfully work because Iranians will fight. Iran builds Hezbollah and gives Lebanon a fighting chance...
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    Iran's anti-tank rockets / video

    Iran now produces an array of sophisticated anti-tank / anti-helicopter rockets (already tested on Israeli Mirkava tanks in 2006). In Persian the video says: "Iranians already proved in the war with Saddam that they will stand before tanks with their bare hands and minimal weapons." Then...
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    'Erdogan's political future at risk because of Syria'

    PRESS-TV: The government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has put its political future on a knife edge by propping up insurgent groups in Syria, an Iranian lawmaker says. Ebrahim Aqa-Mohammadi, a member of Iran's Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, on...
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    Saddam's attempted invasion of Iran 1980s - War Videos

    In the 1980s Saddam was an American client, friend and collaborator; They provided him with sophisticated weapons; satellite data; chemical weapons; and financing from Saudi Arabia in an attempt to invade Iran. This is footage from the front lines. Many years later, after the US was done with...
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    Thank you to Pakistan / Earthquake

    ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf in a message of condolence to President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, has expressed his sympathies for the victims of earthquake that struck Tabriz on Saturday killing around 180 people. He said, “Our prayers are with our brothers and sisters in...
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    Iran's Space Program

    Iran's space program. (Someone from Turkey wrote Iran can't build drones, however, as you will see Iran is one of the few countries to have placed domestically built satellites into space on domestically built delivery vehicles, which is much harder than building a drone. Iran intends to...
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    Republic of Azerbaijan Risks Being Crushed By Iran

    Azerbaijan made the first move by sidelining the Iranian Naftiran Intertrade Co (NIco) company, participant of Shah Deniz consortium from the planned pipeline projects, including the Trans-Anatolia pipeline project. In its “U.S. Ally Azerbaijan to Exclude Iran From Gas Pipeline to...
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    Republic of Azerbaijan calls Israel "Brother Country" & Oppresses Muslims

    NOTE: I Personally believe a lot of what is in this story is propaganda and that the British Government has a vested oil interest for spinning the facts negatively about Iran so it can justify the Republic of Azerbaijan's discrimination against Muslims, the dictatorial government, and the...
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    " 'Anti-Semite' Label Used as Tool of Psychological War" -- Mossad

    Ex-mossad agent explains how Israel uses the "anti-semite" label to trick people as a tool of psychological war.
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    Israel Is Paying Internet Workers to Manipulate Online Content

    "We are taking classes in Israel to edit Wikipedia to make it more Zionist in nature." -- Jews Admit this; and if they do it with Wiki; they are doing it with other sites on every topic they are interested in.
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    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    FARS news agency reported that Iran overhauled and upgraded about 100 tactical MiG-29 fighter jets to maintain combat readiness. The MiG-29 (Russian: МиГ-29), NATO reporting name: "Fulcrum" is a fourth-generation advanced jet fighter aircraft designed for an air combat...
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    Iranian Azeris (Azaris) - Who we are. Please visit Tabriz, Iran.

    A Little Background on Who Iranian Azaris Are Please Note: We are Iranians & People from Turkey are NOT Our Spokespeople. You will see in Tabriz we celebrate all of the Iranian cultural icons from several thousands years ago. Russia took part of Iran's Northern Province and engaged in a...
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    Syria update August 10 2012

    UK Guardian: Syria: UK to give £5m to rebels - Friday 10 August 2012 • Hague says assistance will not include weapons • Fighting continues in and around Aleppo • Algerian set to replace Annan as peace envoy ALEPPO, Syria, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Rebels fighting Syrian President...
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    Beautiful Pictures from Iran

    Then When the US, Europe, Russia, and Saudi Arabia backed Saddam and gave him the most powerful military in the region and armed him with chemical weapons and satellite data. Iran had almost no military when Saddam attacked and was under an arms embargo. Now Enemies of Iran are...
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    Video of Syrians downing Turkish Jet violating Syrian Airspace Released

    Footage Proves Turkish Jet Violated Syrian Airspace - YouTube
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    Regional Destabilization & Neo-Colonialism

    Iranian-Azari General Yahya Rahim Safavi Iranian-Azari General Yahya Rahim Safavi accused Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of serving US and Israeli interests in Syria aimed at weakening “the resistance axis comprising Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.” In commenting on Ankara’s...
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