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  1. StandForInsaf

    Gen. Bipin Rawat discusses the plan to attack on pakistan.

    Plan to attack and capture Pakistan by bipin rawat.
  2. StandForInsaf

    USA vs Pakistan scenario.

    Lets suppose USA becomes mad and ignores all relation with Pakistan and decides to attacks us from sea and from Indian and afghan border. (just ignore political solutions) My question is that. 1- Have we prepared for the worst? 2- How hard can we hit enemy which is thousands of miles ways? 3-...
  3. StandForInsaf

    Terror groups in India who are hostile to Pakistan / Kashmiris /Muslim ideology

    IN this thread please list all terror groups who are anti ISLAM in India and are possible threat to Pakistan. All their activities which are anti Islamic may be posted here. RSS Shiv Sena Ram Sena Hindu Sena Bujrag Dall Know any more add here. Moderator Pin this thread for all anti...
  4. StandForInsaf

    Pakistani Army Arrest Indian Army Spy On Indo Pak Border

    www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x4us6vs Indian solider a$$ beaten badly. mod embed the link its not embeding on my side
  5. StandForInsaf

    Racial, Verbal abuse on Central Line London Train

    Racial, Verbal abuse on Central Line London Train :rofl: (oops sry it has already been posted just found)
  6. StandForInsaf

    Pakistan frees 179 Indian fishermen

    Pakistan freed 179 Indian fishermen on Saturday who were imprisoned for violating territorial waters, the prisons chief said. "We have released 179 Indian fishermen and a civilian prisoner who had completed their sentences," prisons chief for southern Sindh province Ghulam Qadir Thebo told...
  7. StandForInsaf

    Sikhs Regrets on Jinnah`s Offer

    Found that video a bit interesting .
  8. StandForInsaf

    PML-N rally: From ‘go Zardari’ to ‘go Imran’

    GUJRANWALA: It was apparent at the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) rally in Gujranwala on Saturday that party chief Nawaz Sharif has started to take former underdog, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), seriously. While ostensibly, the rally was part of the opposition’s ‘Go Zardari’ campaign...
  9. StandForInsaf

    Harvard removes Swamy-taught courses (Hindu Extremism)

    In an op-ed piece for an Indian publication, Swamy had suggested that only Muslims in India who 'acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus' should be allowed to vote. Harvard University has decided to remove courses taught by Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy at its annual summer...
  10. StandForInsaf

    Pakistan Vs US soldier

    Pakistan Vs US soldier.. LOL - YouTube
  11. StandForInsaf

    Bachmann leaked information about plans against pakistan nuclear program

    Bachmann may have leaked classified information on Pakistan’s nuclear weapons during debate Minnesota Repubican Rep. Michele Bachmann may find herself in hot water for information she provided during Tuesday evening’s national security-focused Republican primary debate. Discussing the...
  12. StandForInsaf

    PPP concerned over ‘memo gate’ scandal

    ISLAMABAD: The core committee of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) on Friday discussed the controversy surrounding Ambassador to US Husain Haqqani over a secret memo alleged to have been sent by President Asif Ali Zardari to former chairman of US joint chiefs of staff Admiral Mike Mullen. The...
  13. StandForInsaf

    Ayesha Malik sees towards CJ for ‘justice’

    Ayesha Ahad Malik, proclaiming to have a claim on Hamza Shahbaz as her spouse, has appealed to Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry to take suo motu notice of her case and provide justice and protection to her. Speaking at a news conference at National Press Club (NPC) here on...
  14. StandForInsaf

    for your attention

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