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  1. Kharian_Beast

    Hopefully Ron Paul runs again

    This thread dedicated to Ron Paul, Republican Congressman (Texas)
  2. Kharian_Beast

    Police Brutality Is Similar to Taliban Lashings

    Next time you would like to blame the world's ills on Pakistan, take a closer look at your own backyards.
  3. Kharian_Beast

    UAE Built It's Economy Using Indian, Pakistani and Bengali Slave Labour

    Another reason why I dislike sand surfers and their oppressive regimes. :angry: :guns: :tsk: UAE site workers are slaves, says lobby group 17 April 2009 By Roxane McMeeken A pressure group has set out to prove that the conditions of building site workers in the UAE meet the legal definition...
  4. Kharian_Beast

    Come Fly with Kharian Beast

    Hey guys, this is for you aviation fans and flying buffs, I just got a new plane and took it for a spin yesterday
  5. Kharian_Beast


    REST IN PEACE GOES TO OUR FRIEND THE THANKS BUTTON. You were with us through thick and thin, sometimes you betrayed us, other times you filled us with joy and at the best of times you struck fear into the hearts of readers and pseudo debaters...but you were always just a click away. How I will...
  6. Kharian_Beast

    Third Generation Exocet Missile Ready

    Flying fish with a deadly bite: naval forces await third-generation Exocet By Richard Scott There are occasions where an event in military history becomes inextricably linked to the impact of a specific weapon or equipment. For example, public recognition of the Exocet anti-ship missile...
  7. Kharian_Beast

    America's wooing and then abandonment of the Taliban!

    Not only that...
  8. Kharian_Beast

    DRDO Unveils Eggplant Mobile

    Mumbai, India -- DRDO Unveils secret weapon in a move that was widely acclaimed in Indian military and political circles. Known as Bangen Gari Mk.1, it will be used as a floating bridge in times of inconvenience on the battlefield where mobility is compromised, as well as a self sufficient...
  9. Kharian_Beast

    Sri Lanka Grabs Strategic Rebel Base

    self delete ftw !
  10. Kharian_Beast

    Obama Gestapo Youth Plan For Takeover

  11. Kharian_Beast


  12. Kharian_Beast

    Joining the Force...Questions I Need Answered!!

    blah blah effin blah .
  13. Kharian_Beast

    Scarlet Takes a Tumble

    Watch from 2:50 :rofl:
  14. Kharian_Beast

    The $300 Billion Betrayal

    Please pay attention to what they say about JSF Lightening as well!
  15. Kharian_Beast

    Sleepy village baffled by link to captured terrorist

    Mumbai terror: Sleepy village baffled by link to captured terrorist | World news | The Guardian Saeed Shah in Faridkot, Pakistan guardian.co.uk, Tuesday December 2 2008 00.01 GMT A sleepy village in Pakistan has found itself at the centre of the Mumbai terror plot, leaving locals...
  16. Kharian_Beast

    India...The new covert member of the ISAF...

    Sat, Nov 29 03:53 PM US officials fear that should the firm evidence emerge that the Mumbai terror attacks were planned and directed from within Pakistan, it would certainly escalate tension between the neighbouring countries and could also provoke an Indian military response, even strikes...
  17. Kharian_Beast

    Saudi Arabia wants to jack up oil price to $75 a barrel

    CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Saudi Arabia said Saturday that it hoped to raise oil prices to $75 a barrel, but indicated that no measures would probably be taken until an OPEC meeting next month in Algeria. Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi said that OPEC will "do what needs to be done" to shore up falling...
  18. Kharian_Beast

    Taliban Lunatics Arrested for Acid Attack on School Girls

    KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan authorities have arrested 10 Taliban militants in connection with this month's acid attack on schoolgirls, a provincial governor said Tuesday. The militants confessed and said they were paid 100,000 Pakistani rupees ($1,265) to carry out the acts, said...
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