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  • Studying electrical engineering.

    And I support Obama (and I may be wrong) because I agree with his basic philosophy of liberalism and moderation. Yes the Democrats are more likely to impose military sanctions on Pakistan, but they may also be more likely to actually pursue a comprehensive relationship with pakistan that goes beyond the military, and may look to solutions that are more comprehensive than the 'black and white' world of the NeoCon's allows.

    And finally, I believe in his philosophy of 'compassionate government', and a government that seeks to some extent redress the inherent inequalities that a free market brings.

    I am not a socialist, I think the free market system is wonderful, but it needs to be controlled/regulated, and a government has a responsibility to provide affordable education and health care (essential services IMO) to its citizens.
    Oh sorry for not replying.

    I can't vote - not a US citizen, going to Uni. here.

    Volunteering for Obama's campaign though.
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