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  • So you are a Musulman?

    Are you aware the sovereignty belongs to Allah, and with this sovereignty Allah has created laws and methods and a structure of life that is divine and god-given. If we look at Islam it is not a man-made theory, what Communism is, is a man-made theory. Understand man has usurped the 'sovereignty' from God, and has decided it is man who will decide laws, customs, culture, media, labor, and other social, political, economic aspects and affairs. Communism reduces the human being, to a mere worker, while Islam seeks to strengthen the wholesome nature of man by focusing on strengthening those unique traits only found in man.....
    I dont think I accused of trolling? at least not yet. I believe it was Asim. I dont hate you or your beliefs, it's merely your opinions and I respect that even if they are different. But you are communist and communiest dont take side. I have noticed that you hate Hindus, that's what I think. I have hate in me too but it's toward extrimists in Hindu religion not Hindus. BJP and RSS at bey becuse lots of Hindus vote agians them. Anyway, I have nothing against you as matter of fact I like debating and arguing with you. But it makes you hypocrete if call your self Communists but hate hindus and pick sides based on religions.

    Believe you dont disturb me. No need for apologies.
    CPI (Maoist) is not a terror organization , they are land heros and poor people's savior and Great Allah in india !!they fight based on poor and serve the poor , they fight for the poor who are starving to death , they never attack slaveries and poor farmers , instead they hand out food and land to poor people exploited by higher race and governors who are affectlessness and as greedy as a wolf .what should they do if they are crackdown by these bad guys ??? the india government couldn't take good care of their people ,then CPI (Maoist) will not let the poors down-----just take up weapons and fight for freedom with the roaring of " freedom ,human rights and democracy should be equal for everyone "that enough to wake the dead !!!!!!!!!

    May the Great Allah bless you though i don't know whether they believe Islam ,but turely that the Great Allah will bless those who fight for the poor!!!

    People love you!!!
    Hi my friend,

    forget this indian who opened a thread against you, he simply cannot accept the truth of india! He should get a life lol. WHat's up, everything ok?
    Hello Communist, where are you from?

    Also I must say your posts have sure been interesting, you are quite a character, it's a pleasure to have you here.

    Although, sad to say, there is a growing vacuum of belief in China nowadays, Marxism will not fall away, never.

    So come brothers and sisters /For the struggle carries on /The Internationale Unites the world in song /So comrades come rally /For this is the time and place /The international ideal Unites the human race!
    Yeah particularly the war has begun, Zionism has even conquered USA, we have to counter it with the mentioned way
    Yes, Zionism is a threat to many good ideologies and if we don't act fast enough we will have this cancer everywhere, they r already on their way, we have to cooperate with each other to defend Communism and Islam
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