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  • Saar,

    do you really think i am a RAW agent trying to get some "sensitive" info? Or was just a joke :)
    I am sorry, I have no power in these matters. I can only edit and delete post. Thats it :(
    Don't di that plz! I was banned a while ago bcz of abusive language towards Indians by Neo and Neo doesn't like me. But see, I did only one wrong post everything else was completely cool. COuld u lift the ban so I can at least watch the forum?
    He said, my post is inacceptable and I admit it was, I edit it immediately but he already banned my IP. I did 50 posts today and only one was wrong but nevertheless he banned me. That's not fair. I am not a troll, shall I donate something so you see I mean it serious here?
    ear Sir, my account Lockheed F-16 has been banned because I cursed about Geo Tv. But look, I immediately after disapproval deleted the post. It was not my aim to destroy the atmosphere of the forum. Talk to Asim, you saw that I could pretty well behave all the time. And I didn't do anything wrong, after Asim said, my post is not okay, I deleted it immediately. Nevertheless I got banned. That's not fair, every time I posted something, I thought if it will be right for the forum.
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