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  • Don't go around opening threads with 3-4 liner posts. If you want some serious discussion and information to flow to other members, open the thread with your own remarks as well as some information from some sources about the discussion that you have initiated.

    It kick starts a discussion and people then know what is being talked about and they get the knowledge.


    The rods of gods---the weapons systems is called HAMMER OF THOR---I am surprised that the mods closed that thread.

    Too bad---they didnot know about it---you want to learn a little more then read this book by Dale Brown---EXECUTIVE INTENT.

    It is an extremly deadly weapons system that can be fired at any enemy at any time---.

    The resultant strike force of the rod is into thousands of lbs of high explosive---the rod is a few feet long---.

    Also ask the mods to re-open this thread.
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