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  • Roger that webbie - i am positive about it.

    Hopefully i will get my guidelines wouldn't i ?
    Yes please! It is a hobby I would very much enjoy. I have found discussing and researching for the forum very enlightening and a good way to learn myself too.

    Hello Webmaster,

    I have got banned today my id is "trident2010" by Tami Khan. I appologise for the mistake and promise will take care of these things in future.
    Could you please remove me from banned list? Thank you very much.

    hey.. the new thingy where in when we post a new thread, which shows similar titled thread is so kewl.. Surely help in reducing number of duplicate threads.. good move webby.
    Hello Webmaster,

    Would you please change my name from 'youknowwho' to 'Abir'.

    Thanks in advance.
    Assslam o Allikum,
    Sir with most due respect sir i Appologize the mistakes which i have done in past i hope you as a administrator forgive me and give me a chance to get better this forum is like my family and i cannot live without it kindly give me a chance i will not repeat my mistakes in future.
    good good
    me too MashAllah Pakistan is doing pretty well!
    yo this might be embarresing but how do you make a thread again?
    well primarily because i don't like the way they play not to mention they have zero defense.
    Hi there, i am fine, you tell what are you upto these days? World cup football just came to an end, to my horror all my favorite teams( south Americans) didn't even make it to semi finals :( so far this has been a bad year for sports as Roger federer not only exited early from Wimbledon but has also come down to 3rd spot, as for NFL i really am keeping my fingers crossed for my team i hope Matt Ryan can live upto expectations, but above all i really want falcons to cream bengals.
    I m new to this forum.. dont know how to start a thread.. cant see 'new thread' button anywhere, so posting my query here..plz guide me in right way.
    I've recently done M.Sc in IT n applied for DSSC as Information n computer technology officer(ICTO) in army.. M gona give initial academic/written test on 26th july 2010.. i dont know anything about format of test ?and have no idea how n from where i've to prepare for test?... whether it will be a general test ? or it will be specific to my field? plz guide me.. thanks in advance
    Over and over people are having trouble seeing links embedded into the text of a post. Is there any way to fix this without us having to bold, color, or underline the text ourselves?
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