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  • Dear TruthSeeker,

    I was distressed to see our thread "eliminated" that everyone worked on diligently. It made me hesitant to invest significant time in other threads with the knowledge that they may also be "wiped out" at any time.

    I spend most of my time in friendlier "patches" without the threat of unpredictable utter destruction. I will think about posting a few of my more interesting threads in this forum. I am doing very well with my best thread elsewhere receiving 17,848 views.

    I apologize for attempting to rescind your position as Taiwan's Online Minister of Cultural Affairs. I should have realized that you can carry on your work without the existence of our beloved Taiwan sub-forum thread. I wish you the best as well.

    Long live the "Strawberry Crab" of Taiwan!

    Your friend,


    P.S. I might get around to writing an article on Taiwan's world's-best per-capita patent granted by the USPTO. I will add a footnote to credit you for normalizing the top ten patent chart and being the first to notice Taiwan's achievement.
    Dear, dear Martian2,

    It was so sad to log on that day and discover that Taiwan did not count in the eyes of the PDF powers that be! However, I am still the Online Cultural Affairs Minister of Taiwan. I just have a very, very limited platform now ....And, besides, the PRC internet hacker people would probably find me and "block" my access were I to resume my mission. Ta! Ta!

    Hope you are well,


    PS, I posted some of my photos of Taiwan's beautiful sites in the Picture of the Day thread after the "wipeout".
    Hey, Marty! Did the Taiwan Affairs Forum get wiped out?? Wow, a big hit to my number of posts! Bimmer ....

    Hi Lethal. "Martian" was already taken. I suppose I could've picked Martian prime (i.e. Martian1) or Martian nought (i.e. Martian0).

    Anyway, I think you're the same Lethal that I know from ***. If you are then you might find it humorous that nitesh banned me for disagreeing with him. I'm surprised that it took that long. I don't think he likes me.
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