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  • in 2011 it will be in mar-apr. You should be in 2nd year of the intermediate studies to apply for GDP.

    sure I'll. CSS this year it was in feb-mar. But this year it will be in mar-apr. December mid is the registration time.

    lol, come on, give me some exclusive tips. :p
    I can't wait for that website, if you'll let me know now, it'll be a good start for me as I just started reading it's books. =)
    hi, im not sure if i'll be able to go to pakistan this summer, if i do go i'll apply again. This time I'll have my equivalence certificate ready.

    You just made me realize, i made a huge mistake last time, instead of getting an equivalence for FSc i should have gotten one for A levels, sine you mentioned chemistry wasn't required.
    Hi, I've read in your thread about your AS level grades, that's nice!
    I just entered A levels and will be giving my AS in the upcoming May session (next year). Please do tell me some tips, I also chose physics and maths. =)
    Not a silly question at all friend..
    I am a Jounalist !

    Take Care,

    just PM me or msg, I will help you as best as i can, but I think as you already contacted the most appropriate person (MuradK) than u dont need anything else.......!!!!!
    Hi young friend.....!!!! I just came to know that 14/02/10 is a confirm date for GDP. and I have a brochure in my hand if anything else u want to know just let me know....!!!!

    Best of Luck
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