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  • No I do not support him but out of respect for a fellow Arab I stopped my anti-Assad remarks.
    Go smoke Shisha watch football. Play on my PS3. My friends go with their gfs and parties etc. But that is not my thing.
    If you did not notice I stopped my anti-bashar remarks in respect to you. I suggest you do the same.
    It is funny how when they started attacking Arabs we both stood up together.

    أنا و اخويه على ولد عمي أنا وولد عمي على الغريب
    Smart move leave me in the front line while you split. Very smart move. You should be a politician.
    Thanks but no thanks.

    It has been this way for months now especially that bastard muse. I understand other people's hate and misconceptions our history is not bright but things have changed a lot. Outsiders won't see it yet but in time they will.
    I have no doubt that our history will not favor positively with them and they will also be Pro-Iran Anti-Saudi because we do not go around bragging what we actually do to help Palestine for instance we are the biggest aid donors to Palestine also we are the Biggest supporters of the Palestinian state bid.

    The west is against it but we are not. Iran is only funding groups that is destabilizing the area what is Hizboullah trying to achieve?? Liberate Palestine in 1973 the USA intervened by itself to save Israel. What you do is get the first of the five rules of waging war "The Moral Law" Hizboullah groups are "Heaven" to Israel for international support but a peaceful Palestinian Bid is disastrous for them. Supporting Hizboulah is not a positive thing. Supporting Palestine is.
    I agree Saudi Haters try to bring all the bad stuff up, if I insulted your King then my Apologies, however I don't think you Know Dr. Assad as well as what you hear from the Media, I've met the Man himself in person.
    Saudi Arabia of King Fahad is not the same Saudi Arabia of today. King fahad was a rotten corrupt American puppet who even his people he suffocated. This is not the case for King Abdullah where the situation is vastly different. and our foreign policy is extremely different.

    We have a bad past I admit but Saudi haters try to remind everyone of that past and give the idea that the past is the same. That is why I say you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. Israel the west and Iran all share this hatred of Saudi Arabia. All of them have somewhat the same policies. Current Iran remindes me too much of King Fahad's Saudi Arabia. Extremely anti-western only in talk but not in reality.
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