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Recent content by PAK defender

  1. P

    Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

    They are deliberately trying to provoke destabilization in nuke-capable Pakistan for the larger goal of a contain-China war in this region. Take alook at what is happening all over the world. With the economic collapse in the West, only by destroying the existing governing structure of the...
  2. P

    The Gawadar Hoax

    It is good for warding off other evil
  3. P

    The Gawadar Hoax

    For Pakistanis it may be a blessing the moment. With Chinese come their military and experts. Given that others are bent on balkanisating Pakistan, this may be the only deterrence. And outside interference is NOT a conspiracy theory. The Western press is now full of analysis and articles of...
  4. P

    The US cannot afford an open conflict with Pakistan

    Right............this is what it is" Read on below: --------------------------- When Will U.S. Leaders Confess To The American People That America Carries Out False-Flag Attacks As Part of Its Foreign Policy? Saman Mohammadi Nov 8, 2010 In September of this year, a retired Turkish...
  5. P


    Not a conpiracy theory.........just read and put together the geo political game being played ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Eye on Pakistan: Pakistan in Pieces, Part 1 by Andrew Gavin Marshall Introduction As the purported...
  6. P

    Kayani not on board with Zardari's 'no-first-use' N-policy: WikiLeaks

    wikileaks is a CIA operation just go to the original files of wikileaks .............its mass psyops.
  7. P

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    These are not conpiracy theories there is a geo political game on for world resources. Look at the bigger picture.
  8. P

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    Absolutely correct ................there is a war against China in which Pakistan is a pawn
  9. P

    The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

    These are not conspiracy theories. There is a war on for world resources and especially for curtailing those resources to China. Look at the bigger picture.
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