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Recent content by Loy Afghanistan

  1. L

    Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US

    Naaah....we Afghans have a saying about the Americans...."they signal left but move to the right"....
  2. L

    Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US

    That's good, baby steps first...as for Afghanistan remaining in the past or leap-frogging into the future, either way, it will happen on our own watch. Couldn't have happened to a nicer people...and how may I ask and with who's permission did the state of Pakistan emerge and inherited a...
  3. L

    Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

    ...did the friendship end then or when your leaders defied an ally’s protestations by developing a nuclear capability that earned you sanctions, followed by a belligerent exacerbation of the matter through wanton nuclear proliferation? Or was it when the United States decided to remain...
  4. L

    Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US

    This article is a timely reflection of the real choices placed before Pakistan’s military rulers. On the one hand awaits a future confrontation with a Taliban proxy army going vindictive out of betrayal by turning their guns on the Pakistani state, while on the other stands the...
  5. L

    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    Mm-hmm...uh-huh....would you mind explaining to the forum about the “sacrifices” that Jinnah supposedly made? He was instrumental in dividing Indians by carving out a Muslim state, but ended up at the helm as “Governor General” to the Crown, wearing the same old crisp...
  6. L

    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    You live in the United States, hence a secular Republic with a small Muslim minority, correct? Was it the "wrath of Allah" that compelled you to MIGRATE there? Was it the "wrath of Allah" that compells you to REMAIN there? Is it the "wrath of Allah" that induces you to use an INNOVATION that...
  7. L

    Emergence of Afghanistan?

    Reasonable people who'd have read what I've written would not have struggled to comprehend the difference between the scriptural reference to heaven and the heaven I've clearly described in relative terms. But do go on old man....
  8. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    Sadly, your opinion holds the weight of a flea, for all I see here is a pathetic remnant of a once proud ancestor, looking the more forlorn with the long arm of Pakistan visibly stuck up so high into his posterior that it reaches his mouth and moves it against me. All I have for you is one...
  9. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    Sadly, your opinion holds the weight of a flea, for all I see here is a pathetic remnant of a once proud ancestor, looking the more forlorn with the long arm of Pakistan visibly stuck up so high into his posterior that it reaches his mouth and moves it against me. All I have for you is one...
  10. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

  11. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    …once again, the Afghan unfailingly reveals his honor and courage, while the Pakistani reveals his foolishness….both then in the Mosque and now in this forum by proudly repeating himself! I believe it was Aristotle that correctly described courage as a virtue occupying a mean point between...
  12. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    No "irony" there, Mr "Historian". The "Europeans" that you speak of were at war with one another only as far back as the 1990's, ending up with the dismantlement of the former Yugoslavian tyranny that helped liberate Muslims among others….do you remember that? That was only within...
  13. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    Well said Popey, and I will respectfully expand on this with what little I've came to learn. The "real world" that you speak of harbors a brutal wisdom of its own and is completely right in its natural assessment. The noble Quran advises its disciples that "all that is good on this Earth comes...
  14. L

    Russia's Putin says NATO should stay in Afghanistan

    Down boy, down...If you think we need the Indians to "mislead" us into acknowledging you as our sworn enemies, then you have a head so thick it makes the brick wall in front of me look like a thin sheet of paper. There has never been any friendship between Afghanistan and Pakistan and nor will...
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