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  • Jen ledger is a pretty good drumer she is only 19 and has great talent.
    Check out her solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw88GY9ckng .

    Then there is the "rev" of Avenged sevenfold he used to be real good.
    Also mike portony former dream theater drummer and crunntly with avenged sevnfold is pretty awesome.

    but yea i am gonna save the best for last and i have to say Gavin Harrison of Porcupine Tree is the best drummer i have ever seen here is his wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Harrison .
    You can found loads of his solos on youtube but i am to lazy to link you to them =p.
    Tarja was great but Annet isn't bad she just has a diffrent style but yea there new stuff isn't that good.
    Yea i heard few songs from there new album didn't like em much :P. and aye btw you should check out puscifire thats another side project of james keenan maynard really great work tbh =O.
    HA not really though i do love nightwish , Tool , A Perfect Circle , ozzy and i used to like distrubed not anymore >->. I am into Prog rock/metal and Symphonic metal.
    اقصد تشرفت بلقائك اختي العزيزة
    Mr. dez,
    I didn't know my avatar was used by Led Zeppelin. I found it as a drawing that represents "Diogenes", the Greek philosopher who searched tirelessly, but without success, for an honest man. I do like Led Zepplin though. They remind me of my youth!

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