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Aamir Hussain

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  • Amir Hussein,

    Looky o looky---you have some very distinguished guests visiting you lately.

    Would love to see you in think tank.
    Indeed---71---it was a turning point in the ideology of our nation---the morals of the nation took a back seat as well---and the term 'character' starting disappearing from the vocabulary of the people.

    Majority say---it is the lack of education---but if only education had given character---wouldn't the educated have shown better judgement and better leadership to lead.

    No people and nation can progress without character and strength of belief, honesty and integrity. That is where the mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters have at first failed their siblings and then failed in the obligation that they owe to a nation---for raising healthy minded children.
    I told oneof my american friends some 30 years ago---I an honest person---I could not take bribe---He says to me---you cannot take yourself out of the equation---just because you are honest---you are the general relfection of what your nation is portrayed as---you are a part and parcel of all the bad and good your nation is.

    I realized that just me by myself being honest is not enough---it is just an excuse that I was hiding under.

    Then my thinking went to a different direction---we the children are the reflection of our parents---what our parents have taught us---that is what we are---so basically our parents failed us---if so---do we have the conscience to confront our mothers and fathers.
    The psyche of the "Sarkar" is still in our blood. You are very right. Even the news channels use the word "Hukumran" in their reference to the Govt.!

    Alignment with China is good but for trade?? I am not sure about that.

    Modern Moslem states like Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, and to large extent Morroco can form a more outward looking Moslem block.

    Need for enlightened education is needed -- even on this forum!
    We can only align ourselves with the chinese truthfully because of their geographic constraints and of our total confidence in them. But with the muslim nations, there are a lots of doubts.
    There is a new awakening in turkey, but our problem with corruption at the top level and hard headedness of Zardari and Nawaz Sharif have the turks dis-illusioned as well.
    It is very tragic that our means of protest against the govt are similiar to those of when we were occupied by the british. So, when we act in protest, we want to destroy to stop the govt functionary in moving forward. We basically want to enforce financial loss to the govt.
    After 60 years of independence, we still have not learnt to do things any different.

    Our enemies having nothing more to do than display a cartoon aginst our prophet and we will start to destroy our property. So, basically the enemy has won the economic battle without firing a single shot. So, then we have so many hurdles of our own creation, how can we become an economic power. Children need to be educated on this subject.
    Cheif Operating Officer for who? Kindly introduce yourself to me please. Seems like i have been missing you all the time. Thanks. :)
    Someone posted something and I wrote back---see what you think of it. This came about in response to pakistanis who say if we have strong economy---that will solve our problems---and I say---you will never get there, unless the powers to be don't want you to---.

    Strong economy will not happen if other nations don't want to buy from you----if they would have bought from you, we would have had already a strong economy.

    We, the pakistanis don't live in ether---it is our acts, stability, marketing and luck that will create oppurtunities for us.

    Even if we have strong economy for a while---which means that we will be dependant on others for our welfare---if they buy we prosper---when they cut off the umbilical cord we die.

    What we need is better stability in the nation---we need better adminstrations---we need a rule of law in the state---we need people people to own up to their nation---we need a systematic change.

    We need to stop burning down our trains, buses, properties- We need to stop these wheel jam marches and protests---we need to crush any protest that destroys property and shuts down the businesses.

    We have Masshak trainer---we can't sell it---we have Al khalid tank---we can't sell that---people of the world know us as corrupt and deceitful people---people don't trust us in our dealing---people don't trust that we will deliver what we promised---people just simply don't trust our character at all.

    We can'y sell a bottle of water to a bedouin in a desert----he won't buy that bottle of water from us---but rather travel few more miles and get it from the russians or the american---that is where our economy is.

    Most important of all---we don't need to take 8 years to learn that TTP and Al qaeda are an enemy of pakistan---we don't need to take 8 years to learn that the al qaeda and TTP have no love lost for pakistan---as the pakistanis were begging to be of brotherhood to these fundo lunatics the TTP and al qaeda---they were blowing up and slaughtering these very people making excuses for them.

    So, when and where are we going to become an economic power when no one buys our stuff.
    Hi. i've seem some good posts of yours. Looks like you are a good addition on our side....


    The kids only know what they have been told over and over. It is very difficult to blame them, but then it is so very difficult to open up their minds and make them look at things differently.
    I will tell you that you are so fortunate to have that ROTC experience in your life----my personal feeling is that must have been an eye opener for you
    Eveven though I didnot take up rotc here in the u s ( I now wish I had )but I had a few american friends who had and some of my colleagues have been in the u s millitary services, what a difference it is when you talk to them---it is like this piece of metal has been forged in a different foundry. That is my experience.

    Thankyou very much for your input as well---otherwise sometimes I feel like being Mansoor al Hallaj.
    If you could find some additional information on the usage and decommissioning on Shermans it would be great. I am in the process of research for an article in 'Path Finder Magazine' a publication in the UK for owners of historic military vehicles.
    I tried to send a PM but i couldn't work it out on this forum!
    I do not have a clue my friend. Suggest you try the Coast Guard HQ near the Karachi Press Club -- have u been there as yet?
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