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IDEAS 2006

IDEAS 2006

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Reactions: Maroon Beret
Well I have heard rumours that it was equal to (earlier models at least) to the Apache. However this could be just good marketing!!
Superb heli,i have seen couple of its videos showing Rooivalk in action its really not less than any good attack heli.
The Rooivalk is a latest generation attack helicopter from Denel Aviation of South Africa. The South African Air Force ordered 12 Rooivalk AH-2As, the first of which entered service in July 1999. The Rooivalk carries a comprehensive range of weaponry selected for the mission requirement, ranging from anti-armour and anti-air missions to ground suppression and ferry missions. The aircraft can engage multiple targets at short and long range, utilising the nose-mounted cannon and a range of underwing-mounted munitions.

The 20mm F2 dual-feed gas-operated cannon fires high-speed (1,100m/s) ammunition at a firing rate of 740 rounds per minute. Two ammunition bins hold up to 700 rounds of ready-to-fire ammunition. The slew rate of the cannon is 90° per second. The cannon is chin mounted on the helicopter.

The Rooivalk is armed with the Mokopa long-range anti-armour missile developed by the Kentron Division of Denel. Mokopa has a semi-active laser seeker head and is equipped with a tandem warhead. Range is over 8.5km. Rooivalk can also fire Hellfire or HOT 3 missiles.
Rooivalk is equipped to fire 70mm Folding Fin Aerial Rockets (FFAR) from the company Forges de Zeebrugge of Belgium with a range of warheads, selectable according to the type of targets being engaged.

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