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Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Attempted Missile Attack on Riyadh

Iranian newspaper on its first headline "Houthis missile attack on Riyadh, Dubai will be next"


then some ignorants say Iran has nothing to do with this attack, even your offical newspapers with openly say that the next target of Houthi missiles will be Dubai.
UAE should start immediately deporting all Iranians.

Here's another one from shelves so no other ignorant comes here and says it's photoshopped
So you figured it out all by a news paper headline? you gotta be a genius...
You know what it'd be really weird if Yemenis target Dubi, as far as I know the UAE has not been involved in this war and has not targeted Yemen cities ... so there is no reason to be concren about that.
Why do iranis have ballistic missiles before they have nukes? That's like developing the cart before ever seeing a horse!
Many countries have missile program and many of them don't have nukes, moreover Iran doesn't want to have nuke.
Iranian newspaper on its first headline "Houthis missile attack on Riyadh, Dubai will be next"


then some ignorants say Iran has nothing to do with this attack, even your offical newspapers with openly say that the next target of Houthi missiles will be Dubai.
UAE should start immediately deporting all Iranians.

Here's another one from shelves so no other ignorant comes here and says it's photoshopped
Since when keyhan become Iran official newspaper. And as far as I'm aware they just reported what Houthis said.

who do you think fired the missiles at Saudi Arabia?
Yemen army which operated missiles before Iranian army start using them.

This is not a sectarian war. I am wrong. You are right. :(

I am an extremist. :(
You don't get it . Houthis are zeidi Shia this Shia sect is far closer to Sunnis than to twelve Shia .
Nothing sectarian about this war its about being KSA backyard.

Nah this is just a good ol' money making deals being fought by extremists.

This ain't got much to do with Yemen either. Saudi Arabia basically ran Yemen till the Arab Spring drama. No one blinked.

Just a rogue militia creating discord in the region.

But who the hell fires rockets at the capital of a major country and endanger civilian life.


By the way where are the official response from other sources.

Like this made as much news as a burping Kuala lol

Though corruption related issues did make news in Pakistan from Saudi Arabia. Quite welcomed as well.
The one whom get bombed by the other major country .
Why not mention what is is a doing to Yemen people.

Saudis are the good guys though, right?

Why are they attacking Saudis though? Who do you think pulling their strings?
They did not attack KSA till KSA bombed them for weeks on daily bases, then they just began retaliate on 1/100th scale
Yemen army which operated missiles before Iranian army start using them.


Saudi Arabia vs Yemen territorial dispute?

No territorial dispute will be solved in this world without solving Kashmir.

So this Yemeni Saudi conflict is irrelevant game for Pakistan.
Why do iranis have ballistic missiles before they have nukes? That's like developing the cart before ever seeing a horse!
do you need a horse to pull a cart ? I thought you are familiar with these scenes
Lucky you.

In Turkiye, we call these countries 'brothers'.

We are indeed lucky.

And is it not a custom to kill your brothers for power?

Like your descendents the mughals. There was this Aurangzeb he killed 17 brothers or so.

On the other hand he was also considered very pious by others.

Strange world this
We are indeed lucky.

And is it not a custom to kill your brothers for power?

Like your descendents the mughals. There was this Aurangzeb he killed 17 brothers or so.

On the other hand he was also considered very pious by others.

Strange world this

Attila and Bleda were nothing like the Mughals(Aurangzeb especially). Although, Bleda did die in a hunting accident :undecided:
Yemen has had missile program since 1978
There's a difference between Yemen and rag tag Houthis.
I bet, houthis are simply the show horse, while work horses are international tribe.
Yes, you are right. Yemenis and Saudis just love fighting each other for no reason whatsoever.

No the case is not Yemenis sheer love for fighting Saudis, actually it's Yemenis that are being attacked by Saudis and consequently now are defending themselves and the reason is obvious Saudis wanna keep countries in southern Persian gulf under their thumb, any attempts to seek change must be dealt with iron fist. Qatar is one example .. they were about to attack it ... they crack down protest of people in Bahrain .. they undermined democratic government of Iraq for more than a decade ... Egyptian revolution ended with military coup supported by Saudis ... even the UAE were somehow behind coup in Turkey ... and when Yemenis tried to get rid of Saudis hegemony they faced the war .. the so called president of transient government of Yemen supported by Saudis aka Mr Hadi was supposed to hold presidential election within 2 years .. not only he didn't he extended his terms illegally for 1.5 years .. this which was result of 2011 revolution + corruption + poverty + plan of 6 regions federation which marginalized Houthis resulted in taking control of capital which was opposed by Iran... whatever it was it was a political struggle btw Yemenis which turned to a civil war by Saudis intervention ...
So sectarian excuses is bs.

Yemen: In the Shadow of the House of Saud

if someone think yemnis can do it he need to learn yemen again
When you and your people are under bombardment 24/7 , your country is occupied and humanitarian crisis has reached to a level that 500000 cases of cholera has been reported and other countries instead of forcing the aggressor to stop the war prefer to arm it then you would do whatever it takes to defend yourself.
For example Iran started its missile program under Saddam missile attacks at first we refueled our missiles by bucket, or for a while when we fired a missile we even were not able to find the location that it hit ..or we used to use hospital serum bag as our drones fuel tanks and yonolit as structure of our drones .. but now we send our drones thousands kms away from our borders to exact spot that we decided to hit isis and then broadcast the footage of targets ...
C__AB4zUwAAZ4rF.jpgFuel tanks.jpg

While Yemen has had missile program for decades even a almost decade before Iran, Iran didn't even 1 single missile when started its program.

There's a difference between Yemen and rag tag Houthis.
I bet, houthis are simply the show horse, while work horses are international tribe.

But back in 1962 Saudis supported the same rag tag Houthis against Nasir.
No the case is not Yemenis sheer love for fighting Saudis, actually it's Yemenis that are being attacked by Saudis and consequently now are defending themselves and the reason is obvious Saudis wanna keep countries in southern Persian gulf under their thumb, any attempts to seek change must be dealt with iron fist. Qatar is one example .. they were about to attack it ... they crack down protest of people in Bahrain .. they undermined democratic government of Iraq for more than a decade ... Egyptian revolution ended with military coup supported by Saudis ... even the UAE were somehow behind coup in Turkey ... and when Yemenis tried to get rid of Saudis hegemony they faced the war .. the so called president of transient government of Yemen supported by Saudis aka Mr Hadi was supposed to hold presidential election within 2 years .. not only he didn't he extended his terms illegally for 1.5 years .. this which was result of 2011 revolution + corruption + poverty + plan of 6 regions federation which marginalized Houthis resulted in taking control of capital which was opposed by Iran... whatever it was it was a political struggle btw Yemenis which turned to a civil war by Saudis intervention ...
So sectarian excuses is bs.

Yemen: In the Shadow of the House of Saud

When you and your people are under bombardment 24/7 , your country is occupied and humanitarian crisis has reached to a level that 500000 cases of cholera has been reported and other countries instead of forcing the aggressor to stop the war prefer to arm it then you would do whatever it takes to defend yourself.
For example Iran started its missile program under Saddam missile attacks at first we refueled our missiles by bucket, or for a while when we fired a missile we even were not able to find the location that it hit ..or we used to use hospital serum bag as our drones fuel tanks and yonolit as structure of our drones .. but now we send our drones thousands kms away from our borders to exact spot that we decided to hit isis and then broadcast the footage of targets ...
View attachment 435394View attachment 435395

While Yemen has had missile program for decades even a almost decade before Iran, Iran didn't even 1 single missile when started its program.

But back in 1962 Saudis supported the same rag tag Houthis against Nasir.

1) Saudi Arabians and Yemenis are neighbors, fellow Arabs and brothers and sisters.

2) Wars involving KSA and Yemen can be counted on 3 fingers. 2 of those wars are aimed at a less than 25 year old terrorist cult called Houthis. Using your logic Iran is at war against Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese.

3) There is nothing in this world called "Southern Persian Gulf region".:lol: Yemen does not even border the Gulf expect for the Gulf of Aden. Other than the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb. Yemen is an Arab country located on the Arabian Peninsula. The southwest of it. In West Asia/Southwest Asia/Asia/MENA/Northern Hemisphere.

4) Qatar is boycotted by almost all Arab countries and almost all Arab governments are heavily against Qatari policies. The reason why Qatar was boycotted is explained in detail in this video below:

I suggest watching it. Only 5 minutes long. You and others will learn a lot.

As for Qatar, Saudi Arabians and Qataris are brotherly people as well. 90% of all Qataris originate from KSA and so does the ruling Al-Thani dynasty. Not only that the temporary political dispute has not claimed a single life. Anyway rest assured, Qatar will change their behavior. They have already.

5) Bahrain is an extension of Eastern Arabia. 90% of the historical territory of Eastern Arabia lies in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province. It's the same story as in Qatar. KSA won't accept instability in a brotherly nation that relies heavily on KSA or give backward and failed Islamists with a foreign agenda (Wilyat al-Faqih supporters ) any room to breath. They will never rule anything. The demographics of Bahrain nowadays (the majority is Sunni today) will ensure this as will common sense and the desire to progress and not regress.

6) It was the Egyptian military that decided to remove an incompetent regime. KSA had nothing to do with it other than always standing beside the Egyptian people and the Egyptian people spoke clearly. Ask any Egyptian user on PDF. Not a SINGLE one supports Morsi or the MB. Foreigners (non-Arabs) have no clue about what went on in Egypt back then.

@Frogman @EgyptianAmerican @MICA @Hell NO @Gomig-21 @Amir_Pharaoh @Mahmoud_EGY @Ahmad Torky @Amun etc.

7) Do you have any proof that UAE was involved in the coup in Turkey? Moreover do you have a prove of it not being an inside job? Many observers, locals as well as foreigners believe that. @Khafee

8) Hadi has a transitional figure and his government was on the right cause until the incompetent Houthi terrorist cult started attacking Yemen and Yemenis and causing trouble. Aided by a removed president (Ali Abdullah Saleh).

9) Sure, Iran was "against" it in another universe maybe. In other news, Iran is home to more jungles than Congo.

10) There is no 24/7 bombardment. Do you think that 5000 civilians killed by the Arab coalition (UN data) would be this few after almost 3 years of war if there was bombing 24/7? Houthis have killed more civilians and are the root cause of the war.

KSA has every right to protect itself and prevent Yemen from turning into another Afghanistan as Yemen is a very strategic country just for the Bab el-Mandeb strait alone where 15% of the world's trade passes by.

11) There were no Houthis back in 1962. This just shows how little you know about Yemen. The Houthi
terrorist cult was founded in 1994.


KSA supported Northern Yemen and the Zaydi monarchy when Egypt (Nasser) invaded Yemen during the North Yemen civil war back in the 1960's. This was due to the split between Arab countries that supported Arab nationalism and secularism and mostly monarchies.


So you figured it out all by a news paper headline? you gotta be a genius...
You know what it'd be really weird if Yemenis target Dubi, as far as I know the UAE has not been involved in this war and has not targeted Yemen cities ... so there is no reason to be concren about that.

Absurd. You don't even know that UAE is the second most important participant in the Arab coalition after KSA. In fact they have done a tremendous job so far. Don't you think that you should refrain from commenting on topics that you have no clue about? I am saying this to you despite you being one of the more informed Iranian users. What should that tell you?


Iranian newspaper on its first headline "Houthis missile attack on Riyadh, Dubai will be next"


then some ignorants say Iran has nothing to do with this attack, even your offical newspapers with openly say that the next target of Houthi missiles will be Dubai.
UAE should start immediately deporting all Iranians.

Here's another one from shelves so no other ignorant comes here and says it's photoshopped

Well, some people love to shot themsleves in the foot. The Mullah Wilayat al-Faqih regime has been doing that continuously ever since 1979. You can't learn an old dog new tricks.

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