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Tunisia scraps ban on Muslim women marrying non-Muslims

Don't go to wikipedia.

People of the book includes only Christians and Jews.

Zoroastrians, Hindus and Buddhists are not people of the book.

well according to original definition of the People of the Book it includes Sabians on top of Jews and Christians...So yes if we are to strictly hold on to the original definition, you are mostly right (as you excluded Sabians)
People of the book is the Islamic belief which Christians nor Jews finds acceptable. While there is only one Judaism and it's schisms (Christianity).
Their country, their rules.

so a Muslim woman can marry a man who may be a person of the Book but not necessarily Muslim?

According to Islam, Muslim women can only marry Muslim men, the people of book are only allowed for men and it too have conditions and limitations. it want practicing people of book, not those women who call themselves Christians and Jews but indulge in all kind of polytheism/agnostic/atheist stuff.
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Tunisia is on the افراط and تفریط mode.
Once we hear most of ISIS members are from Tunisia, in an other scenario they allow non Muslims to marry Muslim women!.
Find a middle place NUTs!
Thanks I think some scholars also consider Hindu,Buddhists,Zoroastrians,Sabians,Taoists as People of the Book
only Abrahamic religion fall in the category of People of book bcoz we all three religion believe our God is same(God of Abraham) but Prophets are different hence the disagreements

People of the book is the Islamic belief which Christians nor Jews finds acceptable. While there is only one Judaism and it's schisms (Christianity).
what is there to accept or not we consider them people of book bcoz of the Holy books of Torah and Bible
if they dont accept it this means they are disowning holy books
Lol... So muslim women can't marry non muslim men, but muslim men can marry muslim women. Moreover they can even abduct and forcefully marry non muslim women and can convert them as per their convenience.
Its a violation of the rights of Muslim women in what was in the past a Muslim land. The tunisian president is a low life secularists and most of tunisia is still highly secular. AT least 40-50 % of the pop. subscribe to the religion of secular liberalism so NO surprise that such an obnoxious regime would violate islamic law and violate the rights of Muslim women. The northern half of tunisia is essentially a part of Europe in Africa - the sad result of intellectual, military and economic colonization.

Anyway "muslim" women who will marry non-muslim men will essentially be irrelegious or name-only muslim to begin with. Such acts (marriage) are NOT recognizable by Islam and it will essentially be fornication between a liberal secular "muslim" women and non-muslim men.

@Juggernaut_is_here Allah (swt), Who is the only One Who knows what's best for His slaves, prohibited Muslim women from marrying non-muslim men. Worshiping Allah (swt) and abiding His commands is the primary responsibility of human beings and only reason for human creation. A disbelieving man is NOT worthy of a believing women. Also Women are the primary building block of family but men by nature is more dominating than women when it comes to influence in the family. Child born under such a farce marriage NOT recognizable by Islam, will inevitably be influenced into disbelief by the disbelieving father and he won't be a good role model.
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Nice try idiot.

In the Qur'an it forbids Muslim women marrying non-muslim men. This is a fact.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam, you Zionist scum.

You clearly have an agenda here.

What about moderate Judaism and Liberal Jews.

Would you call them true Jews?

Be genuine now Solomon2. You hypocrite.

'Zionist scum'.

What brilliant reasoning! What arguments! This is one exemplary member who cannot post without abusing other people.
Nice try idiot.

In the Qur'an it forbids Muslim women marrying non-muslim men. This is a fact.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam, you Zionist scum.

You clearly have an agenda here.

What about moderate Judaism and Liberal Jews.

Would you call them true Jews?

Be genuine now Solomon2. You hypocrite.
What you just said destroy the western liberals and the moderate Muslims
All the people angry ITT need to relax. There's nothing in the law that states Muslim women can only marry non-Muslims. When it comes down to it, most people marry within their faith. Tunisia is about 98% Muslim anyway.

why is Muslim woman marrying a man of other religion or no religion considered Un-Islamic? As far as I know Islam is renowned for its tolerance and room for free expression...Is this again a case of Mullah's misinterpreting Islam and giving a bad name to Muslims?
Is that sarcasm I detect? :)
In defense of the ban on non-Muslim men marrying Muslim women, Shoman said that while Muslim men were likely to respect the beliefs of their non-Muslim spouses and freedom to worship, Muslim men were unlikely to do the same for their non-Muslim wives.

This is one of the most ironic statements I have seen today and for sometime. The first thing an Muslim man wants is conversion of his would be wives. Lots of other religion man go out of the way to accomodate the religious wishes of their muslim wives.

Ontopic: More power to Tunisia :tup:
You are wrong.

Only Christians and Jews are people of the book.

In Islam, a muslim woman cannot marry a non-muslim.

A muslim man can marry non-muslim woman, but not the other way around ?

That is discriminatory. Also state & religion are different, every one need not follow this strict
form of REGRESSIVE thinking. Women are equal to men, both in marriage as well as a inheritance.
Modern world will not suffer any more discrimination, laws like these belong to dustbin and stone age.

If the above true in Islam, time for Islam to come out of this stone age and be modern.
Their country, their rules.

According to Islam, Muslim women can only marry Muslim men, the people of book are only allowed for men and it too have conditions and limitations. it want practicing people of book, not those women who call themselves Christians and Jews but indulge in all kind of polytheism/agnostic/atheist stuff.
You answered it :)
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