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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

stupid humans wanna kaboom a tiny planet which is one and only know human' home
may I add some existing "stupidity" or more rightly the extreme lusts for greed :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: that have been occurring for ages...

Stupid human-being wanna dominate this globe for the very own interests of their small circles, and in that process are using violent forces to achieve or preserve such domination and its consequential blood sucking... and they even care free about the fate of the only known home to human-being supposed the earth goes kaboom. [Georgia Guidestones]

You mean this ... :cheesy:

British nuke-capable missile flies in wrong direction—toward the United States—in failed test

Trident nuclear missiles have history of failure, US documents show

Trident fiasco as Brit sub ‘fired dummy missile at the United States’ in first nuke test for four years
A "Historical Day" to be remembered, our 1st successful nuclear test with a atomic bomb equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT explosives on 10/16/1964 in Xinjiang
1964 年 10 月 16 日,中 国 在 新 疆 进 行 了 第 一 次 核 试 验,成 功 地 爆 炸 了 一 颗 当 量 相 当 于 2 万 吨 梯 恩 梯 炸 药 的 原 子 弹。:china::china::china::china::china:
A "Historical Day" to be remembered, our 1st successful nuclear test with a atomic bomb equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT explosives on 10/16/1964 in Xinjiang
1964 年 10 月 16 日,中 国 在 新 疆 进 行 了 第 一 次 核 试 验,成 功 地 爆 炸 了 一 颗 当 量 相 当 于 2 万 吨 梯 恩 梯 炸 药 的 原 子 弹。:china::china::china::china::china:
And the two key figures involved were: from military side, Marshall Nie Rongzhen 聂荣臻 who ran the entire nuke programs and from civilian member/scientist: Qian Xuesen 钱学森. I happened to watch the corresponding segment of the A-bomb testing in a TV series on the life and times of Marshall Nie Rongzhen 聂荣臻 aired by CCTV-4 two days ago.
A "Historical Day" to be remembered, our 1st successful nuclear test with a atomic bomb equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT explosives on 10/16/1964 in Xinjiang
1964 年 10 月 16 日,中 国 在 新 疆 进 行 了 第 一 次 核 试 验,成 功 地 爆 炸 了 一 颗 当 量 相 当 于 2 万 吨 梯 恩 梯 炸 药 的 原 子 弹。:china::china::china::china::china:
Yes October 16th 1964 is a historical moment. Then in 32 months, on 17th June 1967 China detonated its first thermonuclear device (Yu Min Configuration) with a yield of 3.31 megaton.


Until 1988, Yu Min's name remains the top state secret of China. He was openly awarded the national top science award - State Preeminent Science and Technology Award - in January 2015, almost 48 years after first denotation of his design.
5/18/1980 China successfully test fired the 1st DF-5 ICBM


Below is the news report from the People Daily news paper
China's nuclear weapons R&D attains hightest level
2017-06-19 08:57 Global Times

Country marks 50th anniversary of first H-bomb test

"China's first hydrogen bomb was tested in the desert of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on June 17, 1967. The successful test took only two years and eight months for China to develop a hydrogen bomb after China tested its first atomic bomb in October, 1964."

"China is still conducting nuclear tests, although it has turned from underground to computer simulation out of consideration for possible environmental pollution and the huge cost," Gui Liming, an expert on China's nuclear safety system at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times, adding that nuclear weapons also cost a lot to maintain.

Chinese media commemorated the 50th bomb test anniversary by interviewing former staff working on the project. Read the full article at http://www.ecns.cn/military/2017/06-19/261925.shtml
US Confirms China’s New Xian H-20 Stealth Bomber will Carry Nuclear Weapons
By Arthur Dominic Villasanta | Jun 12, 2017 10:36 PM EDT

The Pentagon has confirmed persistent reports that China's Xian H-20 stealth strategic bomber currently being developed will be able to launch thermonuclear missiles or drop thermonuclear bombs on targets as far away as the continental United States.

In its 2017 Report on Chinese Military Affairs, the Pentagon also noted the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) "does not currently have a nuclear mission." This omission will end with the development of the H-20, which will become China's first heavy and long-range strategic bomber.

China is now engaged in "developing a strategic bomber that officials expect to have a nuclear mission," said the Pentagon report. This bomber will fulfill China's aspiration to develop a next generation, long-range strike bomber to replace its ageing Xian H-6 strategic bombers that first flew in 1959.

Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, Director of the People Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN) Expert Consultation Committee said having the H-20 will become one of the symbols of the PLAAF as a strategic service.

Adm. Yin pointed out that China has never developed such a heavy and long-range strategic bomber before. He said China's current heavy bomber, the Xian H-6, isn't a true strategic bomber because it lacks the necessary long-range. He praised the H-20, saying this stealth bomber will certainly be on par with the United States' Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit. He confirmed the H-20 will be a stealth strategic bomber and that it might take 10 years to develop.

He noted China has gained some experience in stealth technology from the development of Chengdu J-20 and the Shenyang J-31 stealth fighters, so the materials and designs for the H-20 aren't big problems. Adm. Yin revealed the cruise missiles, nuclear bombs and other weapons that will arm the H-20 are all in place. This means now is the time for China to develop strategic bombers.

OMG ... the Pentagon CONFIRMS anything an a secret Chinese system ?!!! :usflag:

... with the sole aim to spread fear among the US citizens in order to get a bigger defence budget. :laugh:
OMG ... the Pentagon CONFIRMS anything an a secret Chinese system ?!!! :usflag:

... with the sole aim to spread fear among the US citizens in order to get a bigger defence budget. :laugh:

Fear is a "justifying" mean for the public to digest in order to convince these sheep to see the "urgent" need to keep on increasing the defence budget which is already more than what the next couple of countries are spending combined. As long US tax payers are happy to oblige to that demand, crumbling infrastructure and social needs are small price to pay
H-Bomb Could Be Next Addition to North Korean Nuke Arsenal
Military & Intelligence 22:08 27.06.2017(updated 03:41 28.06.2017)


Pyongyang has demonstrated its ability to produce hydrogen-3, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen also known as tritium that’s “necessary for a hydrogen bomb to create fusion,” a Stanford University professor said Tuesday.

“The evidence is quite clear,” professor Siegfried Hecker told Yonhap News Agency on June 27, “that North Korea is able to produce tritium,” based on their experience making lithium-6, a central component for creating hydrogen-3. Since the North Korean military can create tritium, they have the “basic element” needed for thermonuclear weapons like the H-Bomb, Hecker said.​

However, “it takes much more than that to weaponize hydrogen bombs,” the nuclear scientist said. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has long made clear, however, his intention to develop a nuclear weapon regardless of pressures or sanctions from the international community.​

Fusion combines hydrogen isotopes in a reaction that produces more energy, which causes other hydrogen atoms to merge; the process escalates by orders of magnitude. The earth’s sun is a natural fusion reactor, for example.

When Pyongyang was beating the war drums in March 2016, DPRK Today reported that Pyongyang had an H-Bomb “much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union.” If the warhead were attached to an intercontinental ballistic missile, North Korean officials threatened, it would “fall on Manhattan in New York City, [and] all the people would be killed there instantly.”

Hecker has estimated the DPRK’s nuclear warhead stockpile to stand at about 25, according to Yonhap, and he thinks the North Koreans can likely churn out about six to seven more each year.

Days after Moon Jae-in replaced South Korean President Park Geun-hye, Pyongyang tested a medium-range ballistic missile that US analysts said showed unprecedented progress in North Korea’s ballistic missile development.

“North Korea’s latest successful missile test represents a level of performance never seen before from a North Korean missile,” aerospace specialist John Schilling wrote for 38 North, a website maintained by the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.​

Pyongyang isn’t naïve, Schilling noted, and thus might not test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) publicly even if it were capable of carrying out such a test. Medium-range ballistic missile tests can be useful for developing the components that go into ICBM technology, the analyst said, noting “the possible testing of ICBM subsystems in this low-key manner may be a North Korean hedge.”

Sixteen DF-31AG ICBMs at Chinese military parade | Popular Science

Popular Science counted 16 new DF-31AG ICBMs at the Chinese PLA 90th anniversary celebration in Inner Mongolia province. Popular Science also said China is likely to have many more DF-31AG ICBMs than those on display at the parade. (See citation at bottom)

"The DF-31AG is believed to be capable of carrying up to five warheads that can be independently aimed, the South China Morning Post reported, adding that the missile can reach most of the continental United States as well as Europe." (Source: China's weapons of war on display: From ballistic missiles and stealth fighters to anti-radar drone | IBTimes)

16 new DF-31AG ICBMs x 5 MIRVed thermonuclear warheads = 80 thermonuclear warheads

Since Popular Science said there are more Chinese DF-31AG ICBMs due to China's military build-up (such as pictures of new DF-41 ICBMs leaving its manufacturing plant), there is an unknown number of ADDITIONAL DF-31AG ICBMs.

Let's review China's ICBM inventory.

DF-5A ICBM: single five-megaton warhead
DF-5B ICBM: 10 MIRV warheads with each warhead at half-a-megaton
DF-31 ICBM: single warhead that can hit Alaska or Hawaii only
DF-31A ICBM: 3 MIRV warheads that can hit continental US
DF-31AG ICBM: 5 MIRV warheads
DF-41 ICBM: 10 MIRV warheads
JL-2 SLBM: 8 MIRV warheads
JL-3 SLBM: navalized version of DF-41 ICBM in development, should carry 10 MIRV warheads

The thermonuclear warheads from the DF-31AG ICBMs at the Chinese military parade amount to 80. If Popular Science is right and there are more DF-31AG ICBMs elsewhere in China, the total number of DF-31AG warheads could easily reach 200.

Now, the Pentagon estimates that China's total thermonuclear warhead inventory is 200. Just the DF-31AG ICBMs alone could fulfill the Pentagon estimate. However, the DF-31AG ICBM has only been produced in recent years.

What about the DF-5 ICBM series? Those have been in service for 37 years.
The DF-31 ICBM series has been in service for 10 years. The DF-31AG ICBM is only a recent variant.
DF-41 ICBMs have been in production for years longer than the DF-31AG ICBM.
JL-2 SLBM has existed for many years as well.

In conclusion, the DF-31AG ICBMs alone are enough to meet the Pentagon's estimate of 200 Chinese thermonuclear warheads. When you consider the Chinese DF-5 ICBM series, earlier DF-31 ICBM series, DF-41 ICBMs, and JL-2 SLBMs, it should be clear that China's thermonuclear arsenal is a lot larger than just the Pentagon estimate of 200 Chinese thermonuclear warheads.

China's army is showing off its new tanks, stealth fighters, and missiles | Popular Science

"Sixteen DF-31AG ICBMs marched in the parade. China likely has more DF-31AGs in addition to those, thanks to a recent, rapid build-up of Chinese nuclear forces."

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