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Will Raheel Sharif quit Muslim NATO? Brilliant piece by Ahmed Quraishi

It is the price to pay for democracy, since there is a diversity of opinions and analysis, and the main ones get published..I am just glad that there are the likes of Ahmed Qureshi who come out with rational analysis based on facts and clarify the subjective opinions, so people can judge based on facts and not mere opinions or speculations....
IMAFT this, IMAFT that, Sharif this, Sharif that, Political Pussyfooting B.S. Meanwhile, DAESH is terrorizing your people and slaughtering them like animals.
May be some or may be not...And then anchor persons come, which can also be influenced/bought.

One thing is for sure. Capital TV always take sides of Iran, ridiculously. Check this video....Note the bloody anchor

You are absolutely correct. It looks as if she is paid by Iran. Here the role of ISI comes in to take care of these mo;es and traitors like Mahrukh, Aamir Liyaqat etc. and eliminate them through legal means.
Yea...Guest rauf hasan. He was high on something that day.

Rauf hasan on Saudi Arabia

"capital of decidedly the world’s most repressive, regressive and degenerate regime"

I wonder about his opinion of mullahcracy Irani regime :lol: As far as freedom of expression is concerned both Iran and Saudi arabia rank similarly. Iran democracy is a joke where mullahs in actual power pick up which candidate can run for president.
You are absolutely correct. It looks as if she is paid by Iran. Here the role of ISI comes in to take care of these mo;es and traitors like Mahrukh, Aamir Liyaqat etc. and eliminate them through legal means.

bro...Amir Liaquat is not a traitor...He criticized Iran when Iran threatened to destroy KSA and attack Pakistan
This forum is pretty %*$&£ up when most "majority" sect members here continue to sprout sectarian nonsense against other sects etc. Good thing the military has sane people at their helm for now, otherwise this country would be another Syria, but with what us now being dragged over to favour one sectarian peddlers, it is likely the hard won peace from the 90s sectarian civil war is going to explode again.

Let the people have what they want I guess. Maybe they still haven't learnt their lessons yet.
What Pakistani Armed Forces & Intelligence is doing? As Naved Ahmed pointed out that IRGC has established training camp or Cantonment in Para Chinar and even recruiting Shia youths from Karachi and Gilgit etc.? Its a very grave situation and by this way Pakistan will become next Syria and will be totally on mercy of Iran and India and no one can save it from division and total destruction not even the 140 Nuclear bombs. Its time that all Islam/Pakistan loving masses and institutions come together to tackle the situation before its too late. Also do something of this Prime Minister. Is he safeguarding interests of Pakistan or he is there to safeguard his family interests. This useless gay is a total failure on foriegn policy and can't prove Pakistan positions with all terrorism proofs available. Why has he kept the foriegn policy department with him. He looks totally unconcerned. It's time the armed forces leadership call a meeting with current government for emergency actions. Also need to form civilian militias on the lines of East Pakistan Al-Badr & Al-Shams and Iranian militias working in Iraq, Syria etc. to assist the army, paramilitary forces and FC, Rangers etc. in effectively controlling borders with all 3 adversaries. Also need elimination squads to eliminate the internal traitors whether in media, government, armed forces or any other departments who will be found secretly working against Pakistani interests and for the enemy countries. May Allah protect Pakistan from internal traitors and external enemies, Ameen and keep all Muslims steadfast on Imaan, Tawheed and Jihaad, Ameen.
Let's see how he plays his cards. There is no need for him to get sucked in a sectarian battle. But at the same time he can't just pack his bags and quit. It'll affect his reputation. Being a Punjabi, I wish him success.
This forum is pretty %*$&£ up when most "majority" sect members here continue to sprout sectarian nonsense against other sects etc. Good thing the military has sane people at their helm for now, otherwise this country would be another Syria, but with what us now being dragged over to favour one sectarian peddlers, it is likely the hard won peace from the 90s sectarian civil war is going to explode again.

Let the people have what they want I guess. Maybe they still haven't learnt their lessons yet.

Sir, for how long you will threaten us of civil war or sectarian war? Is having an eye on Iran and her moles brings us sectarian war? Should Pakistan not pursue her own interests instead of jerking Iran Iran Iran all the time? When was the last time Iranians have been friendly to us?

Its amazing whenever we discuss Iran, threats of sectarianism/war starts erupting.

It may be the wish of Iranian mullahs to make Pakistan next Syria....but do you know what? Pakistanis keep nukes and powerful military/LEAs for a reason. Here, whoever threatens country by picking up arms, on mullah's directions, will be swiftly dealt with.

Time to abolish apologetic attitude and have a straight talk with Iran regarding Baba ladla, Kulbhushan Jadhav, Uzair Baloch and other issues.

Pakistan favors KSA over Iran because we our people over there who sends remittances...What does North Korea (Iran) have for us? What do we get from them? except shame and threats.

As the author of article notes, Pakistan will pursue her own interests and won't care if it collides with Iran the same way Iran didn't care when signed Chabahar with India.
What else to be expected from a pimp like Ahmed Quraishi. The proclaimed Professional Analyzer who came out of nowhere. How beautifully he justified the shameful summit under a Satan's umbrella while all of our Muslim Leaders were looking Slave.
Fantastic parallels between Pakistan and the early the Prussian empire.

Prussia was played around too by the Protestants on one side and the Holy Roman Empire on the other side. It allowed itself to be played by these two forces and also had a population that was easily influenced by these external forces.....just like Pakistan.

Prussia had leaders like Frederick William and Frederick the Great to pull it through the mess...sadly for Pakistan this isn't the case hence the future is very bleak.

This forum is pretty %*$&£ up when most "majority" sect members here continue to sprout sectarian nonsense against other sects etc. Good thing the military has sane people at their helm for now, otherwise this country would be another Syria, but with what us now being dragged over to favour one sectarian peddlers, it is likely the hard won peace from the 90s sectarian civil war is going to explode again.

Let the people have what they want I guess. Maybe they still haven't learnt their lessons yet.

Look at post#24(thanked by the OP) about creating elimination squads to target "traitors" inside the media and even the armed forces....these guys are just gunning for a mass scale Shia genocide.

Every single enthusiastic supporter of us joining the alliance on this forum is a sectarian nutjob whether they would like to admit it or not.
Look at post#24(thanked by the OP) about creating elimination squads to target "traitors" inside the media and even the armed forces....these guys are just gunning for a mass scale Shia genocide.

Every single enthusiastic supporter of us joining the alliance on this forum is a sectarian nutjob whether they would like to admit it or not.

Excuse me..??? I never ever rant Shia Genocide...Members here can testimony for that.

Keeping an eye on moles is job of intelligence agencies and I don't think discussing that is equivalent to Shia genocide.

I am just saying that Iran always had a narrow escape. Unlike India and Afghanistan, we may don't exactly know how many guys are on payroll of Iran as we always consider Iran a friendly country, which was a mistake from the beginning.

I hate it that you can't discuss Iran without being labelled of propagator of Shia genocide/massacre.

For how long you guys will continue saving skin of Iran under Shia card?
Ahmad Qureshi's bootlicking of the American puppet Saudi Royal Family comes as no surprise. This guy has been spreading sectarianism in Pakistan for many years. PEMRA has issued notices to him over spreading sectarian hatred in the past but no action was taken.

RIP National Action Plan


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