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Warnings: Riachard A Clarke Cassandra From Myth To Reality


Dec 26, 2005
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United States
@Sinopakfriend @Khafee @Indus Falcon @Mentee @Irfan Baloch


I could not find anyone better to direct this post at---. Those I missed---my apologies.

So---I got in my car today around 10 am and was driving around looking at some properties---the radio was set to 91.9 FM and the discussion was about threats---threat perception---people who can foresee threats---the " cassandras "---the speaker was Richard A Clarke.

I listened to him---and I cracked up laughing---laughing at someone higher up talking what I have been talking about for over 11 years over here---and tearful at not being able to push my analysis and thoughts to the highest level in pakistan for the welfare of pakistan.

Raichard talked about Cassandras---and searching for Cassandras for close to an hour---.

The great Pakistani tragedy is---that the powers that are---they don't listen to anyone---they firmly believe that unless they did not come up with it---it does not exist. Because there is no price tag attached to it---unless you cut their heads off for intentionally ignoring the obvious---they won't change.


Here is anexcert from his book and you can also click on the link to read a little more


Chapter 1
Cassandra: From Myth to Reality
here are people among us who can see the future.Often they clamor for our attention, and just as often theyare ignored. We are right to discount most soothsayers, but hor-rible things happen when accurate warnings of specific disasters gounheeded. People die because we fail to distinguish the prophet fromthe charlatan.This book tries to find those rare people who see the future, whohave accurate visions of looming disasters.Cassandra was a beautiful princess of Troy, cursed by the god Apollo. He gave her the ability to see impending doom, but the in-ability to persuade anyone to believe her. Her ability to pierce thebarriers of space and time to see the future showed her the fiery fallof her beloved city, but the people of Troy ridiculed and disregardedher. She descended into madness and ultimately became one of thevictims of the tragedy she foretold. Are there Cassandras among us today, warning of ticking disas-ters, whose predictions fall on deaf ears? Is it possible to figure outwho these seers are? Can we cut through the false warnings to tune in "
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@Sinopakfriend @Khafee @Inuds Falcon


I could not find anyone better to direct this post at---. Those I missed---my apologies.

So---I got in my car today around 10 am and was driving around looking at some properties---the radio was set to 91.9 FM and the discussion was about threats---threat perception---people who can foresee threats---the " cassandras "---the speaker was Richard A Clarke.

I listened to him---and I cracked up laughing---laughing at someone higher up talking what I have been talking about for over 11 years over here---and tearful at not being able to push my analysis and thoughts to the highest level in pakistan for the welfare of pakistan.

Raichard talked about Cassandras---and searching for Cassandras for close to an hour---.

The great Pakistani tragedy is---that the powers that are---they don't listen to anyone---they firmly believe that unless they did not come up with it---it does not exist. Because there is no price tag attached to it---unless you cut their heads off for intentionally ignoring the obvious---they won't change.


Here is anexcert from his book and you can also click on the link to read a little more


Chapter 1
Cassandra: From Myth to Reality
here are people among us who can see the future.Often they clamor for our attention, and just as often theyare ignored. We are right to discount most soothsayers, but hor-rible things happen when accurate warnings of specific disasters gounheeded. People die because we fail to distinguish the prophet fromthe charlatan.This book tries to find those rare people who see the future, whohave accurate visions of looming disasters.Cassandra was a beautiful princess of Troy, cursed by the god Apollo. He gave her the ability to see impending doom, but the in-ability to persuade anyone to believe her. Her ability to pierce thebarriers of space and time to see the future showed her the fiery fallof her beloved city, but the people of Troy ridiculed and disregardedher. She descended into madness and ultimately became one of thevictims of the tragedy she foretold. Are there Cassandras among us today, warning of ticking disas-ters, whose predictions fall on deaf ears? Is it possible to figure outwho these seers are? Can we cut through the false warnings to tune in "

MK, my very dear brother,

I joined PDF in 2008... financial crisis hit the proverbial... had more time at hand and something else... rest you can fill in...

For all these years I have read this forum... so I 'know' you and a few other Paks rather well... it is only in SCS crisis I started writing here on the forum... that distant sea has straategic security implications for Pak...

Nobody listened to the prophetess and rest is history...

I wanted to contribute positivity and stimulate inspirations for Young Paks... @Mentee wanted me to be more like you...

Sometimes, I just wanted to kick your back end for hanging the dirty laundry outside for indians to sniff...

My Turning came when our brother soldier @Irfan Baloch does a great service to people of Pak and leaks critical information about the high treason...

And you know, MK, that thread died...instead of on flames of outrage and call for Mr. Sharif's good head... that thread died!

Our Young Paks................why are they so asleep...

You were asking what have been the cause of our @Oscar Turning? His warnings are real...his anguish is real...He loves His Pak very much...just like you in your own crazy way...

What Oscar is say...is.. that... the Wizard of the World has corssed the threshold and overturned the Order of Soul...

Economic hitmen are now locals at the behest of their frienly masters...hit is REAL!!!!!!!

Accept this Truth... Your Pak is an Orphan Nation...

I don't know whether prayers help...but Actions do...even on PDF.

I told you last year... write the bloody book... put up in PDF format and let it flow...

Miracles? Hopefully, they do occur...

Critical times these... rest you crack the code yourself...

It felt like a spike in chest when our soldier @Irfan Baloch brought the Truth out...before that time I never commented on Pak's internal affairs...since, I am not part of Pak Society...but that spike left some mark..

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!
MK, my very dear brother,

I joined PDF in 2008... financial crisis hit the proverbial... had more time at hand and something else... rest you can fill in...

For all these years I have read this forum... so I 'know' you and a few other Paks rather well... it is only in SCS crisis I started writing here on the forum... that distant sea has straategic security implications for Pak...

Nobody listened to the prophetess and rest is history...

I wanted to contribute positivity and stimulate inspirations for Young Paks... @Mentee wanted me to be more like you...

Sometimes, I just wanted to kick your back end for hanging the dirty laundry outside for indians to sniff...

My Turning came when our brother soldier @Irfan Baloch does a great service to people of Pak and leaks critical information about the high treason...

And you know, MK, that thread died...instead of on flames of outrage and call for Mr. Sharif's good head... that thread died!

Our Young Paks................why are they so asleep...

You were asking what have been the cause of our @Oscar Turning? His warnings are real...his anguish is real...He loves His Pak very much...just like you in your own crazy way...

What Oscar is say...is.. that... the Wizard of the World has corssed the threshold and overturned the Order of Soul...

Economic hitmen are now locals at the behest of their frienly masters...hit is REAL!!!!!!!

Accept this Truth... Your Pak is an Orphan Nation...

I don't know whether prayers help...but Actions do...even on PDF.

I told you last year... write the bloody book... put up in PDF format and let it flow...

Miracles? Hopefully, they do occur...

Critical times these... rest you crack the code yourself...

It felt like a spike in chest when our soldier @Irfan Baloch brought the Truth out...before that time I never commented on Pak's internal affairs...since, I am not part of Pak Society...but that spike left some mark..

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!


Indeed corruption is the worst crime against humanity---. It is the worst crime against the nation and its citizens---.

I learnt a longtime ago from the americans---you have to ' hang the dirty laundry ' ourside in public---you have to put to shame and disgrace those who are corrupt and have stolen from the nation---and that is just the begining---it is the first step to confront them.

For that reason Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told Imran Khan 3 years ago at the time of sit down---" it is time for blood---it is time for sacrifice---it is time to lay down the lives of the young ones for the future of the nation "---oh that stupid fool Imran Khan---he had no clue what he was doing---.

By not following in the footsteps of how to build up the momentum into a revolution--he failed.

he could not comprehend that for change to come into the society---for a revolution to succeed---there has to be the blood of those young men who sacrifice themselves for the nation and of those criminals and their families who have looted and plundered.

As for a book---maybe @Mentee can help.


It is not enough to be HONEST---you have to have the strength to stick in the knife at the right time in the right place and rip it apart.

Indeed corruption is the worst crime against humanity---. It is the worst crime against the nation and its citizens---.

I learnt a longtime ago from the americans---you have to ' hang the dirty laundry ' ourside in public---you have to put to shame and disgrace those who are corrupt and have stolen from the nation---and that is just the begining---it is the first step to confront them.

For that reason Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told Imran Khan 3 years ago at the time of sit down---" it is time for blood---it is time for sacrifice---it is time to lay down the lives of the young ones for the future of the nation "---oh that stupid fool Imran Khan---he had no clue what he was doing---.

By not following in the footsteps of how to build up the momentum into a revolution--he failed.

he could not comprehend that for change to come into the society---for a revolution to succeed---there has to be the blood of those young men who sacrifice themselves for the nation and of those criminals and their families who have looted and plundered.

As for a book---maybe @Mentee can help.

You and I are older ones...blood letting is a bloody affair...

Mr. IK is no politician neither he is an intellectual to develop a cohesive dialectic framework to save the Young Paks and Old Paks... Slogans and protestations... Occupy Wallstreet type of things...all groovy and feelgood yet nothing ever comes out.

One of your threads was about revolutions I told you that revolutions are bloody affair...but most important thing is to know EXACTLY what happens the day after...

So, sorry... Mr. IK is out for good. He can only recycle religious slogans and wonderland promises of Scandanvian Welfare state in Pak within 5 years of his rule... So..out! Sorry.

I, however, SEE that your wish for blood is granted.

What happens the day after? I can not SEE.

Lives lost..families broken... indian terror killed 90000 Paks and same number of families...Yet Pak is still standing... who knows how the blood of the corrupt will benefit Pak...and Pak will finally become a self-respecting nation of People of Indus!!!!

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!
You and I are older ones...blood letting is a bloody affair...

Mr. IK is no politician neither he is an intellectual to develop a cohesive dialectic framework to save the Young Paks and Old Paks... Slogans and protestations... Occupy Wallstreet type of things...all groovy and feelgood yet nothing ever comes out.

One of your threads was about revolutions I told you that revolutions are bloody affair...but most important thing is to know EXACTLY what happens the day after...

So, sorry... Mr. IK is out for good. He can only recycle religious slogans and wonderland promises of Scandanvian Welfare state in Pak within 5 years of his rule... So..out! Sorry.

I, however, SEE that your wish for blood is granted.

What happens the day after? I can not SEE.

Lives lost..families broken... indian terror killed 90000 Paks and same number of families...Yet Pak is still standing... who knows how the blood of the corrupt will benefit Pak...and Pak will finally become a self-respecting nation of People of Indus!!!!

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!


If it ever starts---the day that it starts---that day by itself would be a very long and an extremely monumental day.

There is simply no other way left---the corruption is so deep rooted and ingrained in the society---that the revolution needs to be quick---it needs to be brutal---it needs to be bloody---that is the only way that this cancer can be removed---.

If it ever starts---the day that it starts---that day by itself would be a very long and an extremely monumental day.

There is simply no other way left---the corruption is so deep rooted and ingrained in the society---that the revolution needs to be quick---it needs to be brutal---it needs to be bloody---that is the only way that this cancer can be removed---.

MK, this corruption...it is so wide spread...so pervasive..it is beyond comprehension..

But all revolutions need leaders...organisations...and at the end when all is done and dusted..a Plan.

Have you ever wondered about how only a few revolutions in history ever succeeded...

Plan = detail planning, crystal clear objectives/outcomes, professional execution...

Please, don't forget fat mullahs are waiting in the wings to expand their business empire all in the name of your religion... your religion which is basically hijacked by those who care NOTHING for spirituality or the same religion they preach... all about collection busiess....

I am just dejected at the level of apathy and corruption... apathy from the Pak peoples and corruption by every organ of the state...

Have you ever wondered why there is no dedicated sub-forum on corruption?

Young Paks are wasting there energies on indians...indians who are here to sap the Vitality from the Spirit of Youg Paks...are here to demoralising.... go figure.

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!

Incompetence is even Worse!

Just a tip of the iceberg...the writer is pointblank in telling the truth...
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@Sinopakfriend @MastanKhan I am calling the two of you out for spreading BS and trying to mislead people. Corruption is absolutely EVERYWHERE. Even, here in Australia. And yes, to the detriment of national interest. You aren't eliminating corruption any time soon. The reality is:

For evil to succeed, it is enough for good men to do nothing.

And good men here would be the likes of Raheel Sharif and Qamar Bajwa who should kick the government that has turned us into laughing stock on the international stage and hold elections, and keep doing this until someone of assumes power.

Or, in the case of Raheel Sharif, going to lead this 'Muslim army', whereas his own country needs him to form a political party and come into government.

@Oscar @WebMaster @Horus @The Eagle @Arsalan
this corruption...it is so wide spread...so pervasive..it is beyond comprehension..

revolution ... it needs to be bloody

Blood will flow and fill the streams but not from the revolution. Only blood thirsty wrath of 'Nature' will eradicate corruption and other sicknesses in the nation ... and that time is nearing.
Blood will flow and fill the streams but not from the revolution. Only blood thirsty wrath of 'Nature' will eradicate corruption and other sicknesses in the nation ... and that time is nearing.

System Dynamcis do dictate that all systems seek stability...and when destablising factors gain more weight than the system can handle.. system collapses...

Nature is System and extremely rational one at that.

Within a state, as system, rule of law is a stablising factor... the degree to which the application and consistency of rule of law happens...is directly proportional to system/state stablitiy.

Corruption is most dangerous, human factor, destablising factor..

Yes, corruption is everywhere even here in the West..but the rule of law is much, much, much stronger stablising factor... hence the system stability.

Wishing Pak Peoples, especially Young Paks all the very best!
@Sinopakfriend @MastanKhan I am calling the two of you out for spreading BS and trying to mislead people. Corruption is absolutely EVERYWHERE. Even, here in Australia. And yes, to the detriment of national interest. You aren't eliminating corruption any time soon. The reality is:

For evil to succeed, it is enough for good men to do nothing.

And good men here would be the likes of Raheel Sharif and Qamar Bajwa who should kick the government that has turned us into laughing stock on the international stage and hold elections, and keep doing this until someone of assumes power.

Or, in the case of Raheel Sharif, going to lead this 'Muslim army', whereas his own country needs him to form a political party and come into government.

@Oscar @WebMaster @Horus @The Eagle @Arsalan
like always! Mere reiteration of facts wrt to the national n global situation time n again doesn't back any of your b.s! Either come up with a plan or shut up
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The great Pakistani tragedy is---that the powers that are---they don't listen to anyone---they firmly believe that unless they did not come up with it---it does not exist. Because there is no price tag attached to it---unless you cut their heads off for intentionally ignoring the obvious---they won't change.

@Signalian @Northern @fitpOsitive @The Sandman @Dawood Ibrahim @Maxpane @Max @Hell hound @RealNapster @B+ Dracula @Ulla and everyone else.

guys I urge to plz give a chance to this Audio . I firmly believe that this audio should be made a part of the course being offered at the national school of Public policy and national defense university as well ,baring the staff college quetta .

Moreover , enjoy this summer by swimming into the local canal if there's any nearby or a pool for that matter . And have all the good cold n sweet things available out there .:toast_sign:

As the modi govt is hell bent on proving that they also have something equivalent to that Hollywood seals team 6-------- and taking into account the fast eroding effects of the Indian Human and financial investments from Baluchistan and tribal areas to deep inside the power corridors of -------Islamabad --------- j.i.t-------up coming Indian elections------- and so n so--------

So, Who knows we might soon be witnessing a nuclear winter initiated by a miscalculated real Indian surgical strike? peace out :enjoy:
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And good men here would be the likes of Raheel Sharif and Qamar Bajwa who should kick the government that has turned us into laughing stock on the international stage and hold elections, and keep doing this until someone of assumes power.
Why don't you guys think about Army before passing statements like these? do you know how much it's gonna damage Army's repo if they do coup now internationally too? let's vote for a change in 2018? and don't vote for this corrupt tola again? army's rule isn't a solution to our problems understand this people.
@Arsalan @Hell hound @Zibago
Why don't you guys think about Army before passing statements like these? do you know how much it's gonna damage Army's repo if they do coup now internationally too? let's vote for a change in 2018? and don't vote for this corrupt tola again? army's rule isn't a solution to our problems understand this people.
@Arsalan @Hell hound @Zibago

All Pak needs is leaders who Love Pakistan.

That is it. Nothing more than this...

You are intelligent, beautiful people.

Just look at your history of past 10000 years... look into your DNA...

All that is needed is Love for Pak and Pak People.

An NO...army is there to serve the State and People of Pak who have the birthright to have an honest and upright government of the Pak People, By the Pak People and for the Pak People!

Let us never loose HOPE.
@Sinopakfriend @MastanKhan
Nations Crave Leaders who can guide them
till now Pakistan after the lost of Quaid e azam and Liqt Ali Khan Pakistan still hasn't able to
Recover itself
As nelson Mandela , Ata turk who were able to guide the nation in the early stages
On the other hand Pakistan fallen to abyss
Pakistan Society for now in simple words too rotten to be brought back simple is wait for next few generation thats the simplest option you cant have change unless you wanna work for it
People are facing many problems that they have just lost hope and think music is about stop
Lets just wait and watch what happens

Em one the believes side Pakistan will take up its place and will face its problems just need some postive push for past 60 years there were only taught negative sides

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