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Houthi spokesman admitting that the Houthis have lost 40.000 men against KSA and the Arab Coalition

Saif al-Arab

Mar 26, 2015
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Saudi Arabia
The Houthi's spokesman revealed 2 weeks ago that 40.000 of their fighters have been killed since the start of the conflict. The majority during border battles.


ناطق الحوثيين يعلن عن عدد قتلى المليشيات منذ الانقلاب ومحللون يصفوه بـ"اعلان الهزيمة"
2017/05/02 - الساعة 02:54 مساءاً
متابعة خاصة

أكد قيادي حوثي مصرع أكثر من 40 ألف من عناصرهم خلال المواجهات مع الجيش الوطني، وقوات التحالف العربي بقيادة المملكة العربية السعودية منذ عامين.

وفي أحدث ظهور تلفزيوني له قبل أقل من اسبوع، على قناة المسيرة التابعة للانقلابيين ، كشف المتحدث والناطق باسم الميليشيا الانقلابية محمد عبدالسلام، عن مصرع 40 ألفا من عناصرهم في المعارك الدائرة مع الجيش الوطني والتحالف العربي بقيادة المملكة بمختلف الجبهات.

وعلق ناشطون ومحللون سياسيون على اعتراف ناطق المليشيات ، بأنه اعلان للهزيمة، ومحاولة لاستعطاف المجتمع الدولي للضغط على دول التحالف والحكومة الشرعية بوقف الحرب.


This number, albeit high, is not that unrealistic given the daily documented casualties of Houthis/Saleh (that they often publish themselves as "martyrs") that twitter users such as this one below try to keep a track of on daily basis. On a average day it is not rare to see between 50-75 of such "martyrs" being displayed.

Warning, graphic material:


40.000 casualties in almost 800 days of fighting equals 50 on a daily basis on average which is very much realistic and something that correspondents to the reported casualties and events on the ground.

Recent map of the situation on the ground in Yemen:

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He is as much a problem as the Houthis. King Abdullah made a catastrophic mistake when he welcomed him to KSA after the Yemeni people had removed him during the Yemeni revolution in 2011-2012. Not only that KSA should have dealt with him differently when he was in power for almost 3 decades.

You learn from your mistakes and all that. Hopefully.

The Houthi/Saleh "love story" was always an alliance of inconvenience. After all we are talking about two former enemies that have went to war on a few occasions!

Anyway there have been reports of Saleh/Houthi infighting in Sana'a.

What matters here is for this civil war to end for the sake of Yemen and Yemenis. The Houthis/Saleh will be defeated militarily eventually (if they have not already de facto lost) but it would be wiser for them to give up. Not because I personally care about their well-being but due to the fact that less Yemenis will suffer. I mean the Yemenis under their control/rule are sitting ducks and used as human shields all the time. No different to Daesh and their tactics in Iraq and Syria. Similarly the Houthis, just like Daesh, use child soldiers in great numbers.


This is what makes the conflict extremely difficult. The complexity of the many parties involved, the tribal element (that dominates Yemeni society) and their various changing loyalties and alliances, internal Yemeni political struggles and differences (North-South divide, the many political differences), Saleh-Houthi alliance (many differences there as well), large element of Southerners wanting independence again, the geography of Yemen (mountain, lowland, desert, access to a several 1000 km long coastline that is almost impossible to monitor 24/7, size of Yemen, population, number of weapons per capita, AQAP being present as well, Yemenis being some of the most battle-hardened people in the world etc. Not easy, not easy.

I quite frankly expected much more troubles for KSA and the Arab Coalition. This conflict has been a valuable learning experience that money cannot buy.
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KSA/Yemen/Arab coalition are obviously waiting for the green light to liberate Hudaydah (last Houthi/Saleh lifeline to the outside world) but due to the current humanitarian situation in Yemen (very much caused by Houthis/Saleh as such problems are not found in the Yemeni/KSA/Arab coalition controlled parts of Yemen) such a green light is yet to be given. I think that this should be discussed in a few days when Trump makes his first foreign trip outside of the US and visits King Salman in Riyadh and other Arab and Muslim leaders.
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Considering the high birthrate in the ME, Yemen was already far too high populated. They are running out of water. Yemen's population should be a few million at most, not more than 20 million.
Doubt that there is an accurate estimate of dead Hauthis. Even the Saudis don't reveal how many soldiers they lost.

Last time I checked there were close to 500 Saudi coalition vehicles photographed as destroyed. Not to mention dozens of Saudi outposts have been attacked, so Saudi themselves have lost thousands of soldiers. The conflict is a war of attrition.
Doubt that there is an accurate estimate of dead Hauthis. Even the Saudis don't reveal how many soldiers they lost.

Last time I checked there were close to 500 Saudi coalition vehicles photographed as destroyed. Not to mention dozens of Saudi outposts have been attacked, so Saudi themselves have lost thousands of soldiers. The conflict is a war of attrition.

North Yemen is Shia. Unless Saudis massacre every single Shia. No way to occupy Sanaa.
Doubt that there is an accurate estimate of dead Hauthis. Even the Saudis don't reveal how many soldiers they lost.

Last time I checked there were close to 500 Saudi coalition vehicles photographed as destroyed. Not to mention dozens of Saudi outposts have been attacked, so Saudi themselves have lost thousands of soldiers. The conflict is a war of attrition.

Expect for the fact that the Houthi spokesman openly admitted 2 weeks ago to having lost 40.000 Houthi fighters since the conflict began 26 months ago.

KSA does not hide casualties. Less than 450 Saudi Arabian soldiers have been killed.

500 Saudi Arabian coalition vehicles destroyed is obviously complete and utter nonsense that no sane person beliefs in.

Most of the Houthi terrorist cult propaganda is what it is propaganda and shows them attacking the Yemeni army and not Saudi Arabian forces.

North Yemen is Shia. Unless Saudis massacre every single Shia. No way to occupy Sanaa.

No it is not. It is mixed Sunni (Shafi'i) and Zaydi. Zaydis are closer to Sunni Muslims than they are to Shias.

Secondly they have already lost most of the North. Try taking a look at the maps posted not to embarrass yourself.

They won't last for much longer and Saleh and Houthis are at odds currently so Saleh (a former enemy of the Houthis - both those two fought a few wars against each other) might switch sides. He has already been trying to do that by contacting KSA/Arab coalition but to no avail.

Considering the high birthrate in the ME, Yemen was already far too high populated. They are running out of water. Yemen's population should be a few million at most, not more than 20 million.

Nonsense. A country the size of Yemen can easily support 30 million people which is what the current population is.
Expect for the fact that the Houthi spokesman openly admitted 2 weeks ago to having lost 40.000 Houthi fighters since the conflict began 26 months ago.

KSA does not hide casualties. Less than 400 Saudi Arabian soldiers have been killed.

500 Saudi Arabian coalition vehicles destroyed is obviously complete and utter nonsense that no sane person beliefs in.

Most of the Houthi terrorist cult propaganda is what it is propaganda and shows them attacking the Yemeni army and not Saudi Arabian forces.

Less then 400 Saudi soldiers killed? You are delusional. There is a data base with pictures of destroyed Saudi coalition vehicles. There is zero debate as to believing or not believing or authenticity, the evidence is there. There is days worth of videos on line that shows Saudi vehicles being destroyed, Saudi outposts being overrun and Saudi soldiers being hit by snipers.

We have your word, and we have verifiable evidence. I wonder which to believe?
Less then 400 Saudi soldiers killed? You are delusional. There is a data base with pictures of destroyed Saudi coalition vehicles. There is zero debate as to believing or not believing or authenticity, the evidence is there. There is days worth of videos on line that shows Saudi vehicles being destroyed, Saudi outposts being overrun and Saudi soldiers being hit by snipers.

We have your word, and we have verifiable evidence. I wonder which to believe?

Expect for the fact that most of those videos are showing Yemeni soldiers and not Saudi Arabian soldiers. Expect for the fact that many of those videos being altered and often showing zero casualties.

I rather believe almost every source out there (official and non-official) than desperate terrorist cult propaganda.

If what you are saying (1000's of Saudi Arabian casualties) was even remotely true it would be all over the news in KSA. You cannot remotely hide such news in a country like KSA with the highest social media penetration in the world and a country home to generally very big families. You are saying that 100's of relatives of those supposed 1000's of Saudi Arabian casualties have not said even a single word once? No confirmation of any funerals or even photos in this day and age. Ok.

Anyway your opinion is completely irrelevant and does not correspondent to the ground realities.

441 (precisely) Saudi Arabian soldiers have died in 26 months of fighting and all of their names have been published.

Houthis have lost 40.000 men in total in comparison as was publicly admitted by their spokesman 2 weeks ago. End of discussion.

Houthis/Saleh are also losing on all fronts in Yemen (their home turf). Another fact. This will continue until they will be defeated.
We Turks should not forget that PKK and other commies are supporting the Houthis and celebrating the death of Saudi soldiers.

Those are not Saudi Arabian soldiers but Yemeni soldiers.

A similar propaganda video was posted not that long ago.

I mean for fucks sakes only Yemenis wear combat footahs (the piece of cloth wrapped around ones waist that the Yemeni army soldiers are often wearing).

Some Saudi Arabian outposts were ambushed at the beginning of the conflict but nowadays this almost never happens.

BTW this clown filming and talking is high on qat and has qat in his mouth while talking!
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Look at this propaganda video.

Two Yemeni tribals wearing a footah (this is not warn in Saudi Arabia let alone by the goddamn military).

Houthi terrorist cultist claiming that they are Saudi Arabian soldiers and this being in KSA.:lol:

So no wonder that ignorant (about this conflict and KSA and Yemen) users like @ptldM3 will believe their nonsense.

To this very day (26 months into the war) they are yet to capture a single Saudi Arabian soldier.

And have in mind that this is official Houthi propaganda that they are posting themselves. So one can make their own minds up about their credibility.

Okay, but it doesn't change the substance of my statement.

It does not surprise me that a communist terrorist cult like PKK are against KSA and almost every single Muslim/Islamic state and people. PKK are a tiny minority within Kurds just like Houthis are a tiny minority (overall) within the Zaydi Yemeni community.

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