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French government resigns in post-election formality


Feb 25, 2014
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PARIS, May 10 (Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande said on Wednesday the government had tendered its resignation following France's presidential election and that he had asked it to handle day-to-day business until it is replaced.

The government's resignation is a traditional formality after the results from a presidential election are validated by the Constitutional Court.

In a letter to Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, Hollande wrote: "I would like you to handle current affairs until a new government is formed."

Centrist Emmanuel Macron, who won France's presidential election in a runoff vote on Sunday against far right candidate Marine Le Pen, is due to take office on Sunday. He has not yet set a date for the nomination of a new government. (Reporting by Leigh Thomas; Editing by Alison Williams)

@Taygibay @Louiq XIV Don't know about you,but the only minister i'll miss is Jean-Yves Le Drian,who was,for me,by far the best member of this government and the best minister of defence we had recently.
The military,the industry etc. are all probably going to miss him....
@Taygibay @Louiq XIV Don't know about you,but the only minister i'll miss is Jean-Yves Le Drian,who was,for me,by far the best member of this government and the best minister of defence we had recently.
The military,the industry etc. are all probably going to miss him....
I still have hope that he'll keep him. Macron said that he wanted to follow the path of Le Drian so croisons les doigts.
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