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Face Veil removal request in Western Countries

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totally logical for Muslims Islam was and is and will always remain most important thing and either west needs to accept it or stop hypocrisy and declare Islam as enemy.

Brother I am booking your seat and deporting you, but it's cool I don't take you seriously anyway. We've encountered this before :P
I cheated on her. And in restrospect i see that as bad but it happened. It was when i lived in Germany like 2 years ago. Now back here i have italian girl. ^^

You know what amuse me? When you lose your argument you always get personal.
where I lost arguments? You lost argument when you said that Italians take laws in their hand even though there is no veil ban in entire Italy and there is no fixed penalty
Brother I am booking your seat and deporting you, but it's cool I don't take you seriously anyway. We've encountered this before :P
I give a dam what you think of me what matters is covering face is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Muslim women started wearing it after its order came in Quran in time of RASOOL SAW his 4 caliphs and continue to do so from that day and will continue to do same no one stop it those who will try will be defeated
Its an abomination which needs to be banned.

You can't control women with mental issues who think its normal to wear this out in public but you can control supply. Ban production.

Sorry but people here talk of freedom.....well if a woman chooses to wear it, its her right just like some women choose a bikini (clearly not an abomination). I also think that in the current climate its better to show your face and there are laws that allow police to check the persons identity. so its not a big deal except with the people who make it a big issue.
mate i too was the supporter of freedom to wear what ever you want but things slightly change after mullah burka's escaping attempt and few terror attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan by burka clad suicide bombers.now think security comes first we can practice our freedom once this terror mess is over.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are lawless society with no checks and balances but burka was never used as tool for terrorism in western countries where you have strict laws and their implementations

what you can hide behind face that its security threat?

more explosive stuff can be hidden under jacket and coats
Pakistan needs a balance. Not secular and chill out with hating on liberals. But an in betweenness.

But it is better for Muslim Women to only reveal faces due to security.

Not hating on anyone. Have been talking of Western Liberal Secular societies, and not any liberal minded person!

Btw, that 'inbetween' model hasn't existed in the world so must be something new being proposed. Let us know when you've figured out what exactly it is.
I give a dam what you think of me what matters is covering face is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Muslim women started wearing it after its order came in Quran in time of RASOOL SAW his 4 caliphs and continue to do so from that day and will continue to do same no one stop it those who will try will be defeated

Zarwan this debate isn't about is Niqaab compulsory or not (though it isn't). It's about how women in the West should remove them for safety reasons, though it shouldn't be enforced but is better.

Sorry, but no mercy for this racist. He's written disgusting things in the past here. Plus I don't actually debate with trolls. Innit?

I like how you put that 'angel eyes, desi hero121' :P
Zarwan this debate isn't about is Niqaab compulsory or not (though it isn't). It's about how women in the West should remove them for safety reasons, though it shouldn't be enforced but is better.

I like how you put that 'angel eyes, desi hero121' :P
Can't remove it order of ALLAH and no where Islam says it would be easy HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW didn't faced all the troubles despite being a prophet so you can choose a cowards way out. RASOOL SAW faced all the troubles and his family and his companions so you have crystal clear message to stay firm on your thoughts and never back down.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are lawless society with no checks and balances but burka was never used as tool for terrorism in western countries where you have strict laws and their implementations
btw mate i was advocating for bringing this law to pakistan
your real identity.who know who is under the veil.
they disclose their identity at places where its needed for security clearance but its not my right to watch the face of every girl out there....police or border force can do it when needed
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