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French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

Idk why our resident Italian is such a hothead, perhaps because of roid rage? Ive stayed in both walled city Rome and Champs-Elysees area of Paris. Paris is much cleaner than Rome imo. There arent industrial size garbage bins on the street in Paris like there is in Rome. Tbh every city I've been to is much dirtier than Vancouver. It's like mud wrestlers fighting over who is covered in more dirty. Yea technically one of you is more so but that doesnt change the fact you both are covered in dirt.
Results so far:

france election results - Google Search.png

French election results 2017 - as they come in  World news  The Guardian.png

French election results 2017 - as they come in  World news  The Guardianx.png
Meanwhile in Frogistan they want secure Eiffel tower with security glass :D




In a way thats a good thing. The more this hell hole tumbles into chaos, the better for Italy.

After all we had zero terrorist attacks yet. I can advice anyone to avoid France. Its definitly not safe.

While his people get smashed by trucks, shot and maimed, he praised mass immigration


You cant make this up.
Yes,you can't make this up.A conchita wurtz/fag lover like you masquerading as a right wing voter and lecturing others about conservatorism

Marseille is beautiful... this guy is used to Naples garbage bags everywhere... and His peacefull Mafioso in every inch of South of Italy...
Marseille is a garbage dump
It was the safest choice of all. (It is my opnion) Has a pretty good project,is clean and is a good compromise between the extremes from the right and the left. Someone who will not destroy our country and the EU.

I can see why you voted for him....but my prediction is he will just be a hollande version 2.0.

You really think he is going to be reform and empower the French police for example (who will be voting for Le Pen it seems largely)? I mean some of the videos and accounts I have seen are truly shocking of the state of French police in their implementation of law and order in outright hostile areas. Is it even a priority for Macron?

There is enough check and balance within France to control Le Pen more "Extremist" agendas (esp given the parliament legislation will be stacked against her and she will need to make compromise). Thats why I feel France needs to give someone new a chance (so there is a positive tension in bureaucracy)...not same old statists/centrists (who bring nothing new, dont seek to try change course)....otherwise its just a slow decline overall. BTW, about 75% of French people want to remain in the EU, all Le Pen was promising was a referendum to gauge this sentiment....I doubt France will leave the EU any time soon. This kind of thing extends to many other of her positions too. If she is no good either, then at least you have conclusively proven so (at little real risk as I see it given French parliament)....rather than thinking later "maybe if we did back then etc..." in hindsight.

But hey maybe I'm wrong about it (its why I do not criticize your choice), lets see I guess. No excuses for France whatever happens...there were genuine change agents this time around. If the course you are on seems fine to enough French people, so be it. Either way impact of Le Pen is definitely felt this time more than ever before....I don't think that will die down in any big way after this election even if she loses. It may actually make her stronger for next time (esp if Macron allows the decline in internal security)....depending on how her support base is consolidated and how that would probably allow her to seek inroads into more places (like the cities etc.)

If Macron truly implements a full scale upgrading and empowerment of French Police (its really the main issue for me), I will be extremely happy in being proven wrong....and that he indeed could be what France needs. Please keep me updated on that should that be the result on may 7th.
Marseille is a garbage dump

No it's not. It is truly a beautiful city,of course the poor northern neighborhoods are not,because of crime,poverty,drug dealing etc. Some areas literally abandoned.

I can see why you voted for him....but my prediction is he will just be a hollande version 2.0.

You really think he is going to be reform and empower the French police for example (who will be voting for Le Pen it seems largely)? I mean some of the videos and accounts I have seen are truly shocking of the state of French police in their implementation of law and order in outright hostile areas. Is it even a priority for Macron?

There is enough check and balance within France to control Le Pen more "Extremist" agendas (esp given the parliament legislation will be stacked against her and she will need to make compromise). Thats why I feel France needs to give someone new a chance (so there is a positive tension in bureaucracy)...not same old statists/centrists (who bring nothing new, dont seek to try change course)....otherwise its just a slow decline overall. BTW, about 75% of French people want to remain in the EU, all Le Pen was promising was a referendum to gauge this sentiment....I doubt France will leave the EU any time soon. This kind of thing extends to many other of her positions too. If she is no good either, then at least you have conclusively proven so (at little real risk as I see it given French parliament)....rather than thinking later "maybe if we did back then etc..." in hindsight.

But hey maybe I'm wrong about it (its why I do not criticize your choice), lets see I guess. No excuses for France whatever happens...there were genuine change agents this time around. If the course you are on seems fine to enough French people, so be it. Either way impact of Le Pen is definitely felt this time more than ever before....I don't think that will die down in any big way after this election even if she loses. It may actually make her stronger for next time (esp if Macron allows the decline in internal security)....depending on how her support base is consolidated and how that would probably allow her to seek inroads into more places (like the cities etc.)

If Macron truly implements a full scale upgrading and empowerment of French Police (its really the main issue for me), I will be extremely happy in being proven wrong....and that he indeed could be what France needs. Please keep me updated on that should that be the result on may 7th.

We cannot judge someone who didn't even win this election yet,isn't in charge and didn't form a government yet.
We cannot really say that the National Front or the Le Pen factory are something new as this party is here since the 70s. Some people have enough of always seeing the same faces and that's why Macron and his movement gained so much momentum in about 1 year since its creation. Forgot to add that many of his ministers and half of his MPs will be from the civil society.

Of course if he disappoints people and the situation in the country doesn't improve,it will make the way for Marine Le Pen,or maybe her daughter next time.

As for security,this will mean the end of the massive bureaucracy,a Police more integrated in the field,including the "hot suburbs",a better trained Police with also the opening of new Police schools,a better equipped force (equipments,vehicles) and of course the recruitment of 10K Police officers and Gendarmes in the first three years. (7.500 Police and 2.500 Gendarmes.)

If you want to read more : --------------------> https://en-marche.fr/emmanuel-macron/le-programme/securite

For the first time,the candidates representing the parties that ruled France during the past 30-40 years are not present in the second round.

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I was hoping Fillon would make it to round 2 somehow.....without his scandals he probably would have :(

But the guy who likes older women seemed more appealing to people...I blame French Aunties for this :mad:

my prediction is he will just be a hollande version 2.0.
Don't say this boldly :astagh:
This is my prediction too
Projected vote flow between the 1rst and the second round.


It seems more of Fillon's supporters are going to vote for Macron than Le Pen.

French election results 2017 - as they come in  World news  The Guardian2.png

For the first time,the candidates representing the parties that ruled France during the past 30-40 years are not present in the second round.

It's interesting to see Le Pen and Mélenchon finishing first and second, respectively, in Southern France and along the Belgian border. These areas have high concentrations of working-class voters, I'm guessing. And to a lesser extent, it's interesting to see Macron finish ahead of Fillon in most of eastern France.

You really think he is going to be reform and empower the French police for example (who will be voting for Le Pen it seems largely)?

Well, the police officer that responded to the Guardian isn't voting for Le Pen. You could be right, but I wouldn't generalize too much.

"René, 48, Versailles, police officer: “It’s more a default choice. I don’t want an extremist in charge, nor a corrupt Fillon. I hope that Macron will take some measures to make the country go forward instead of living in fear.”

We dont have trucks plowing through people like you have.

Who'd want to attack a target of such little importance?
Even terrorists compute the cost to result ratio of an op.

Grow a pair, act boldly, change the world then be attacked?

And here's to the well-being of all Italians, even you, Tay.
Who'd want to attack a target of such little importance?
Even terrorists compute the cost to result ratio of an op.

Grow a pair, act boldly, change the world then be attacked?

And here's to the well-being of all Italians, even you, Tay.

Roma is a more important target than paris. We were able to prevent all attack. I doubt macron has the ability and is hard enough to do what must be done. He is the candidate of the banks.
Roma is a more important target than paris. We were able to prevent all attack. I doubt macron has the ability and is hard enough to do what must be done. He is the candidate of the banks.

Italy is not a High important targets for Terro... In the End ... Useless.
Every foreign terro who striked EU passed by ITALY and directly went to France/Germany...

And one of them even CAME BACK TO ITALY... to hide :)
In a way.. You are right.. Italy is ... SAFE... for them...
Italy is not a High important targets for Terro... In the End ... Useless.
Every foreign terro who striked EU passed by ITALY and directly went to France/Germany...

And one of them even CAME BACK TO ITALY... to hide :)
In a way.. You are right.. Italy is ... SAFE... for them...

He got killed 2 h after he entered italy. France and Germany unable to get. In italy we have strict laws. The slightest islamist comment gets them deported plus their family. In france and germany they have a free hand.

But its not tbe matter. Macron is a slimy weakling. The candidate of the banks. Installed by goldmann sachs. He will end worse than hollande.
He got killed 2 h after he entered italy. France and Germany unable to get. In italy we have strict laws. The slightest islamist comment gets them deported plus their family. In france and germany they have a free hand.

But its not tbe matter. Macron is a slimy weakling. The candidate of the banks. Installed by goldmann sachs. He will end worse than hollande.

He was found thanks to France footage of the train... :)

And as I said before there is no Goldman sachs here... it's Rothschild...
As for your Conclusion... THe Vote is not Over..your Beloved LePen "could" (mostly not) but still with a slighty chance may "Win"... So stop your childish attacks...

AND most importantly!!!!


So try to clean in front of your door first and then come back to us with your Opinion about our decisions... :)

BEst regards.

ps: LAst Time I answer to your post on this Subject.
He was found thanks to France footage of the train... :)

And as I said before there is no Goldman sachs here... it's Rothschild...
As for your Conclusion... THe Vote is not Over..your Beloved LePen "could" (mostly not) but still with a slighty chance may "Win"... So stop your childish attacks...

AND most importantly!!!!


So try to clean in front of your door first and then come back to us with your Opinion about our decisions... :)

BEst regards.

ps: LAst Time I answer to your post on this Subject.

Its all the same. The banking clan. He was introduced by the banking system as their neo liberal canditate. In that way its positive. He will put alot more pressure on the people to exploit even the last money from them. The press in europe says it pretty much, the election is a desaster. It shows how destroyed the social tissue is.

Macron pretty much burries the workers finally. The corrupt system is over.

France might get a neoliberal president who wants squeeze out the workers and has zero security concept. Meanwhile the FN got the best result ever. If Macron fucks up, which he will, they dont even need an election next time.

Also there were no images from france. Anus Amri was send to hell when he entered Italy. He was stopped by police (both were btw facists and members of Forza Italia) and destroyed. He chocked for minutes on his own blood. It was amusing.

Its a matter of fact that no other nation has such an efficient system against islamists than Italy. 24/7 surveillance. The smallest facebook comment leads to instant imprisonment and deportation. Something MAcron is unable to do because he is patheticly weak.

While we storm houses of islamists because a FB post, put them and their families in prison and then deportation within days, france allows cop killers to walk free and behead priests in a church.

Difference between Italy and France:


We make terrorist scum cry:


Meanwhile in France:

Oh lala ma poor baby. Did the evil police hurt you when you did crime and violance?


Meanwhile in Berlin:

What is the bidding...my master

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