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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

What losers? :lol::lol: Instead of playing the victim card it will be better if these people reform their respective religions to make them more 'secular'

But they don't get rice bags to do that.

Its not like they do these things for the right reasons. :disagree:

can't possibly be doppelganger, no way.

@Robinhood Pandey

some are speculating he's Spectre, which seems more plausible.

I remember well the dalit>christian angle but never paid too much attention to the posts.

thank the lord for PDF and it's many dramas and drameybazzes ! :omghaha:

@padamchen nothing against you, man, I'm just a random fly on the wall/fly on shite. :enjoy:

sorry man....I am unable to reply to you. Probably those privileges have not kicked in.

Interesting video BTW. I don't have any opinion on them.
can't possibly be doppelganger, no way.

@Robinhood Pandey

some are speculating he's Spectre, which seems more plausible.

I remember well the dalit>christian angle but never paid too much attention to the posts.

thank the lord for PDF and it's many dramas and drameybazzes ! :omghaha:

@padamchen nothing against you, man, I'm just a random fly on the wall/fly on shite. :enjoy:

No offense taken bro.

I'm here to participate. Not play mind games ...
My friend,

First, appology for rather long response. The subject matter is grave and demands avoidance of shallowness. Hope you understand.

I also came to the same obvious conclusion of animist / naturist/ shamanic native religion of the natives of the south asia. There might have been different tribes with varrying ethos. However, overall framework of beliefs appears to be 'Nature Worship'.

As you call yourself Black Indian to highlight certain Truth.... it is obvious where these thousands of gods come from in this brahmanism.

Looks like these brahmins superimposed their own beliefs on the native population and thus colonised not only the bodies but the souls as well.

This brahmin class must be quite cunning to keep their mental hold on the natives.

Apart from some symoblic positions, is there proportional share of power by the native people or is it in actual control of the ruling elite?

Why don't these NRIs bring this issue to fore...haven't they been in the West for long and enjoyed the equality and individual freedom?

Apathy breeds injustice.

Why do these NRIs support R-SS and its affliates?

True democracy has not yet come to pass in any place on this Earth. Plato is still valid in his analysis.

So, 20 years. No.

Just look at the narrative of these hinduvta people...from history, genetics to science and mythology....their inventions of these untruths are truly beyond absurd. Yet they will keep claiming and propogating thesse even harder than before.

System Dynamics in india dictate that anyone, from clerk to officer/manager, will have to toe the hindutva nationalistic party lines. Otherwise, advancement in careers won't be possible. At least in government sector. Are you seeing this supercharged brovados coming from your media/celebs?

Who is the biggest jobs provider in india?

It is in the vested interests of ruling elites and their supporting structure to not only keep the System going but also consolidate power. Education, empowerment and social development is antimatter to these people. Dangerous even. Hence, religious chauvnism, communal conflict.

Quo bono?

So you will keep seeing more than 70% indians living in the same way as they have before. Only difference is mobile phone and some cheap TV. Poverty breeds poverty. So the indian rulers will always have free labour in abundance. Development.

Desired to be accepted as White is indeed there. Deep rooted disgust/hate of the natives?

What is the colour of brahmin gods? What facial features they depict?

As I said earlier the world is going through geo-economic, hence geo-political, flux. The countries which matter are engaged in different things to shape their future.

india is at best an asset in these dynamics...not a shaper or a player in the Great Game.
Therefore, none is going to come and save the enslaved.

Frankly, nobody ever does. If they ever do then its because of self interest not because of some morality. Humans are amoral. That is why you see in every religion this constant focus on doing good and being pious.

Is it the same in indian religion?

State is coldest of all monsters. And looking at this hindutva state I guess india is beyond comparison.

State = brahmin+oligarchs

What is really possible is hurbis of this hindutva elite overestimating itself and believing in its own invented narrative.

I do seriously fear that the indian elite wants war. How else can it expand or be taken seriously by the Real Great Powers.

All this development talk is smoke screen for your masses. I also fear great internal violence.

This coming tragedy is difficult to comprehend and even more difficult to stop.

Last thing China wants is war with anyone. PRC has a 100 years planning that the PRC wants to finish. It is all about revival of the Middle Kingdom.

China has a positive and restraining influence on Pak. Hence you see Pak focusing more on economy and change in foreign policy.

No. The 70%+ indians are on their own. No one is coming to save them.

Tragedy. Truth.

Do you have a thesis on how the 70% oppressed and wretched can save themselves from this inhuman indian System?



Brahmans dominate in every field. But they like to stay in background. So people cant really point fingers at them. For instance Indian PM is not a Brahman. He acts like he is his own boss. But he is a puppet of RSS brahmans.
The oppressed people dont revolt because they are being conditioned to beleive that everything is fair.

NRIs are mostly Brahmans and Banias. The lower class does not migrate to the west. These NRIs are Brahmanized not westernized.

There is no development in India. Only Brahmans and Banias are being favored. Demonetisation has been harsh on the already impoverished lower class .

India is the only country where you can find every type of know discrimination.

Revenues of western and southern India are being diverted to fund North India.

The oppressed in here are unfortunately ignorant.
Hindutva proponents got nothing to be proud of like the Jews. Jews, Arabs are proud peoples. What do the Hindutvas have on them?
.. and I believe you happen to be the Arab descendants that we find in India :rofl::rofl:
Our ancestors discarded Aryo-Dravidian mishmash religion which you follow and adopted Semitic religion which are far advanced

Also explains why our women are so much more beautiful :azn: Thank God they left this subcontinental pagan whatever tiki tiki too
Our ancestors discarded Aryo-Dravidian mishmash religion which you follow and adopted Semitic religion which are far advanced

Also explains why our women are so much more beautiful :azn: Thank God they left this subcontinental pagan whatever tiki tiki too

Good for you, aren't you the luckiest, congratulations! :partay::partay:
sorry man....I am unable to reply to you. Probably those privileges have not kicked in.

Interesting video BTW. I don't have any opinion on them.
I'll make dua that this account of yours stays. :P

just been watching/following the political situation there for a while now, because I'm a bit of a political junkie myself, go a little deeper and explore that rabbit hole and, amongst many other things, Vishnu ! wtf :woot:

I'm nastik/agyavadi and just plain not interested in tradition etc but that "Hinduism" is not about proselytizing, nobody's interested in converting others to "our" ways, it's not predatory or expansionist like the Abrahamanical ones, is a good thing.
Where you looking to pick a fight with them when you met them ? :lol:

Mighty brave of you to call names on an anonymous internet forum :lol: ......... how old are you really ?
No !!! i rarely pick a fight , i dont have to , i am probally the only guy these kids have met who has killed people whit his bare hands.
Sorry bro. Not with you on this at all.

Being dalit is a Hindu thing. Don't lump its social responsibility on non Hindus.

Either you give them reservation from whatever the Hindus earn via fair and equal competition


Keep reservation on economic basis regardless of religion or Hindu centric divisions.

Look at it this way. The vast majority of non Hindus are converts from Hinduism. They left Hinduism for a reason.

Is it fair to now ask them to pay for exactly the same thing they left because?

That's what people in the West call a double whammy!

well just do lil research on Dalits... nothing else to say.

:lol: Somebody opens an anti-Hindu thread, abusing and ranting on the first 10-15 pages, then some members state some ugly facts, boy does the victim card come out fast or what?

I don't think thread got anything to do with Hinduism... but some persons who implying thwir own ideology... there is huge difference..
These rss vhp walas constantly whine about some so-called "love jihad" :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Don't know where they got it from :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Believe me when I say, Muslim boys first preference for marriage would be Muslim girls, they are so much more beautiful :kiss3: Why would we even look towards other women for marriage, we got no interest in them :crazy:

As for greater fertility rate of Muslim women, now you know why :partay::partay::partay:

Don't blame us :chilli::chilli::chilli:
No !!! i rarely pick a fight , i dont have to , i am probally the only guy these kids have met who has killed people whit his bare hands.

Let me guess, rahul gandhi calls you Bahubali :angel:

Was this on one of your crusades ?
I'll make dua that this account of yours stays. :P

just been watching/following the political situation there for a while now, because I'm a bit of a political junkie myself, go a little deeper and explore that rabbit hole and, amongst many other things, Vishnu ! wtf :woot:

I'm nastik/agyavadi and just plain not interested in tradition etc but that "Hinduism" is not about proselytizing, nobody's interested in converting others to "our" ways, it's not predatory or expansionist like the Abrahamanical ones, is a good thing.

A Hindu is not required to proselytize, but he is required to protect Dharma.

Read up on John Monroe if you are really interested in Kerala history and how he corrupted the Dharmic way of life and used Hindu temples land and gifted it to churches and used the state money to promote proselytization.

Its not the kind of stuff they teach you in Kerala communist syllabus. In kerala one is taught to write a critique on Valmiki and his opinion of women, thus establishing that Ramayana was a fantasy "story" and not a real account of the past.

Hinduism in Kerala has been reduced to torturing elephants and holding loud cacophony temple festivals, while ignoring the real values and meaning of Dharma. Its become a parody of Hinduism while the average hindu goes around blissfully unaware of the perversion.
Now Kashmiris are asked to leave UP, the "tolerant" Sanghparivar at work again.

Translation to Hinglish: Bhartiya sena par pathar maarne vaale kashmiriyon ka bahishkar (boycott)
"Kashmiriyon Uttar Pradesh Chorho...Varnaa..." by Uttar Pradesh Navnirman Sena (A Sanghparivar affiliate)

RSS is against the Bahuswaratha(diversity) of this country. Your enemy is in the home. Ban RSS, Ban Islamist groups and embrace Liberalism, English education and lesser religiousness for a progressive society unlike what India currently is.

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