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Online Jobs in pakistan

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May 11, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
Is their any body who knows about online jobs ( such as online data entry projects , click and earn etc) i m willing to work online as part time, if some body knows any trust worthy web sites plz share here for me and 4 those whom wana earn Money , thanks
I doubt so, but try e-bay Canada locally to sell some stuff with-in Canadian cities.
I am not into these online such sites or stuff they are fake fraud.
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Try elance,Odesk,RentaCoder,freelancer etc ;)

The best job is Article Writing if u can write or re-write niche article then u can find a good part-time job. Try AssociatedContent they pay 1.5$ for 1k views and if u can get a verified US account 5-10$ is the minimum but u'll need PayPal to get paid, there are dozens of other sites.
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The problem with freelance sites is that if you are expecting immediate large payments then don't bother.

There is tooo much competition now a days so initially you will have to work almost free to gain reputation.Once you have developed reputation and good reviews then you can start real earning.
can u tell any such good freelance site!
u can write in newspapers as well..if they like your work they may offer good deal!
Navkhan, when u r living in pakistan, why dont u display your one location flag as pakistan???
Bro My job is in Afghanistan , so why should i lie to people of defence.pk
There is no such thing as quick earn. You have to work hard to earn. The best I have found so far is writing articles. The site I am using is expertscolumn.com.

Here is my link:

ejaz007's Profile | Expertscolumn.com
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