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Shut Down Laboratories And Overhaul The DRDO, Expert Committee Tells Defence Ministry


Jan 28, 2017
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017
By: Huffington Post

Source Link: CLICK HERE

India's premier defence research organisation, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), needs a major overhaul, some its research laboratories closed and the organisation needs to concentrate only on development of defence platforms, a high-level committee appointed by the Ministry of Defence has said in its report.

In the last five years, DRDO has been getting between ₹6,000-₹8,000 crore annually for defence research — roughly 6% of the defence budget.

The DRDO was set up in 1958 to achieve self-reliance in manufacturing weapon systems to equip the armed forces. It has over 33,000 personnel, which includes nearly 8,000 scientists, 13,000 technicians, and 52 laboratories. Its area of research is wide and encompasses everything, from juices to nuclear missiles.

Former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had constituted the committee led by Lieutenant General DB Shekatkar (Retired) in May 2016 to suggest ways to enhance the combat capabilities of India. The panel submitted its 550-page report to the government recently.

Top sources told HuffPost India the committee has said as many as 11 laboratories of the DRDO need to closed down or amalgamated and its "non-crore" research activities stopped. The committee also said that DRDO needs to work with "clearly defined" objectives to develop "weapon systems and platforms".

Instead of the DRDO deciding on areas and focus of research, the committee has recommended setting up of a "Technology Commission", headed by the defence minister, with representatives from the armed forces. The commission should formulate research and development policy and even set specific deadlines for research.

The committee feels that end-users — the three services — must be consulted on areas of research and development of weapon systems. To break the red-tape in the DRDO, the committee has suggested that DRDO scientists be given incentives for successful completion of projects.

Suggesting further reforms, the DB Shekatkar Committee has also said that Ordnance Factory Boards (OFB) — which produce bulk of the ammunition and weapons used by the forces — should consult the armed forces when inducting new technology or material. It has pointed to the fact that OFB, which produce rifles, wasn't aware of the exact weight of the guns it was producing.

Interestingly, the committee has said that OFB needs to include private companies and has suggested using private-public partnerships to speed up production, ensure better quality and cut down delays.

This isn't the first time an overhaul of the DRDO has been recommended. Questions have been frequently raised about the delays and cost over-runs in DRDO projects.

In a 2015 report, the Comptroller Auditor General (CAG) had pointed out that audit examination of 14 mission mode projects, carried out by DRDO laboratories, "revealed that all projects failed to achieve their timelines and the probable date of completion (PDC) was extended many a times".

These mission mode projects include the crucial S-band surveillance system 'Rohini' radars, secure video and fax communication between airborne platforms and ground station 'Meghdoot' and electronic warfare suit for the modified MIG-29 fighters.

The delays, the CAG pointed out, "were mainly due to inadequate monitoring".
True! Very true!!
It is long over due. Lets start Dharna We want Overhaul overhaul. Let's go for bhook Hartaal.


Bhaiyo, Sajjano and beautipool larkiyon :-)
Let's force GOI to overhaul DRDO.
its become ritual for every government now, talk about overhaul DRDO and OFB but files and plans are always in paper, In few years we will get another committee recommending the same.These are becoming national drama, Either get it done or stop these non-sense
Please, Please, Please......please hands off DRDO, do NOT sway them from the path they are proceeding on.
Please, Please, Please......please hands off DRDO, do NOT sway them from the path they are proceeding on.

See the path.... :D You cant even develop single one of them.

Its takes decades to develop AWACS, AESA, nuclear submarine and others and DRDO did this. The panel is talking about closing some of the labs like food processing, medical, psychology etc.
See the path.... :D You cant even develop single one of them.

Its takes decades to develop AWACS, AESA, nuclear submarine and others and DRDO did this. The panel is talking about closing some of the labs like food processing, medical, psychology etc.

Despite all those technological advancement and induction of cutting edge technology equipment in Indian arm forces still they lag behind PA. They have to two reply against all advancement of AI.

1. China
2. A plate of nuke and 2 roti's.

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just stop comparing DRDO to your neighbors, suddenly you will notice DRDO is doing all fine.
If you want me to filter, than obviously its Pakistan and China.

Well there is no comparison at all. It is widely accepted which is true India lag behind with both nations in all fields. A pair of super power and hyper power.


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