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India - National Integration: The Way Forward

To achieve this, multiple steps are required to be taken and only people of india can do that. I am listing few important steps.

(DISCLAIMER: I am a person with average intelligence, ample conscience, and abundant patriotism. Please add/delete any or all part of this list according to your intelligence and conscience.:what:)

To be Continued........ (I am typing....)

Well let me put in my two cents and predict how things will/can improve.

I think things will largely get better because -

a) There is an upcoming young breed of politicians - the Abdullahs/the Gandhis/the Pilots who are educated, well traveled and hopefully understand the impact of 60 years of misgovernance and will work towards ways to redess the situation. Plus these guys are already ****** rich so they dont need to fill their coffers with the govt.s money. :D

b) There is an increased social and political awakening in the general public. The fact that we are discussing these things in thousands in online forums and in groups means that we are concerned and will help anyway which we can. May be none of us will go join a political party of prepare for IAS but we will hopefully have the sense to support the "right" candidate and agent for change when someone like that appears.

May be I am a bit naive to think the way I do, but there's no harm in being an optimist.
Well let me put in my two cents and predict how things will/can improve.

I think things will largely get better because -

a) There is an upcoming young breed of politicians - the Abdullahs/the Gandhis/the Pilots who are educated, well traveled and hopefully understand the impact of 60 years of misgovernance and will work towards ways to redess the situation. Plus these guys are already ****** rich so they dont need to fill their coffers with the govt.s money. :D

b) There is an increased social and political awakening in the general public. The fact that we are discussing these things in thousands in online forums and in groups means that we are concerned and will help anyway which we can. May be none of us will go join a political party of prepare for IAS but we will hopefully have the sense to support the "right" candidate and agent for change when someone like that appears.

May be I am a bit naive to think the way I do, but there's no harm in being an optimist.

I agree on the 2nd part that there is a political awakening among the general population in India and with time they will have more undertsanding of the power they have in form of votes..thus selecting the best candidate...

1st part I am not sure, even an educated individual can have a corrupted mind when it comes to politics...and the fact that they are already rich makes does not mean thy will refrain from fillingtheir personal accounts.
I don't think Shabnam Hasmi should have resigned. This was a perfect platform to put forward views to counter communal politics at a national stage.

What remains to be seen is WHAT the NIC does. Is it just gonna be one of the statuary bodies that passes resolutions or are they going to get some teeth and do something?

Well, both options have justifications attached with them. If Shabnum Sahiba would had not resigned, then she would have a chance to interact directly with Thakery on the issues related to his hardline politics.

But, on the other hand, thakre has totally different agenda and he knows that and we also know that very well and it could be easily estimated, the goals and objectives of thakery to join such forums. I meant to say that he just looking for cheap popularity and possible screw up NIC. While NIC has been formed to create brotherhood in different regions, religions and speakers of different languages. Its only audience is common people. Therefore, the presense of thakere like people in such a forum will only and only screw it up. So she resigned.

regional politics in India, I believe, has very little importance. The main issues are languages and religions and on the top of these the caste system within Hindu society. Which needs to liberalised to create more tolerance in overall indian society.

By the way, someone send me an email containing population contribution of different religion. Which said that Brahmanistic Hindus has only 14% population in India while 60% are Dalits. Don't know whether its true or not. But may be someone out of you could provide such statistics.
Indian Idol: and above all i strongly condemn calling people minority and majority... India is not a religion based country and from where this majority minority $hit comes

This perfectly fits in the case of India. If you say you have no riligion in constitution, then the terms of majority and minority should not be used. But we still need to mention, if certain groups of any religion gain power and use that power for their personal interests and not even in the interest of the religious group they belong.
Jungle says: As for article 370, the will of the people of J&K demands that the article stays. The article should stay as long as the Kashmiris wants it to stay.

But, dear, the people of Kashmir does not want to be there in Indian Constitution from the very first day.

If this is not the case in your opinion then would you like to illustrate how the people of Kashmir will express their changed opinions?
When India was on the verge of Bankrutcy, there was no option but to Liberalize the economy.

Did you forget the Partition?
They could not control the activites of the Muslim League.
What we got?
Our country into 3 Pieces.
I strongly believe that our indian brothers would intelligent enough and educated enough to know that it was not Muslims but the Hindu leadership ( not the common hindus, who are suffering in the hands of ills like bjp, congress, VHP, RSS etc) who are primarily responsible of the partition. Mr. Jinnah was considered as symbol of unity between Muslims and Hindus. Then, was forced to give the 14 points and Two Nation Theory and the exprecience Muslims gained during Congress rule in 1937 is a black spot on the face of Hindu leadership of that time.

We in Pakistan, believe that the same mantality among Indian leaders, mainly constituted from within Brahman Hindu group is the main cause of all sufferings of Indian people.

Therefore, we recommend you to get rid of that.
And in addition to what I said in my last post. The spiritual leader of Ismaili community in Hind asked Mr. Gandhi in London that you are "Bapu" of hindus only. Why don't you become "Bapu" of Muslims too. He refused :sniper:
I strongly believe that our indian brothers would intelligent enough and educated enough to know that it was not Muslims but the Hindu leadership ( not the common hindus, who are suffering in the hands of ills like bjp, congress, VHP, RSS etc) who are primarily responsible of the partition. Mr. Jinnah was considered as symbol of unity between Muslims and Hindus. Then, was forced to give the 14 points and Two Nation Theory and the exprecience Muslims gained during Congress rule in 1937 is a black spot on the face of Hindu leadership of that time.

We in Pakistan, believe that the same mantality among Indian leaders, mainly constituted from within Brahman Hindu group is the main cause of all sufferings of Indian people.

Therefore, we recommend you to get rid of that.

Please dont peddle ur dogpoop here..our educational system is much more advanced than wat u think.
I can give innumerable sources,links etc to prove u otherwise...but judging from the level of hate in ur posting..its not worth it...:wave:
Indian Idol: and above all i strongly condemn calling people minority and majority... India is not a religion based country and from where this majority minority $hit comes

This perfectly fits in the case of India. If you say you have no riligion in constitution, then the terms of majority and minority should not be used. But we still need to mention, if certain groups of any religion gain power and use that power for their personal interests and not even in the interest of the religious group they belong.

you know what bro, the bolded things were in India not in the religion name but in the name of caste. Now the scenario has completely changed. No group can do suppress others these days.. we've changed a lot than u think.
there are some religion based parties which try to take advantage from Hindus, but you have the result in front of your face(Congress selected for the second consecutive time relatively secular party). BJP came into power only because of Shri.Atal Bihari Vajpayee(one of the best PM no one in his party can match him). after his time no one is ready to vote them for non-secular policy.
the parties like VHP,RSS,etc have supporters most were illiterate and whoever can be brainwashed easily( like you guys have LeT,etc but the fact is we dont export also they dont use weapons.). an literate, self thinking, patriotic guy will never fall for their trap. also you should have seen from various threads what kind of support those parties are getting..

the final thing is we have many differences and those differences are reducing day by day as literacy rate grows.. i'm sure after 2020 there will no communal violence in INDIA.
during 26-11 i sat before tv for three days untill the seige was over why would i sit if i'm not a marati? we all are bonded by one and only thing INDIANS and others are just political issues..
Jungle says: As for article 370, the will of the people of J&K demands that the article stays. The article should stay as long as the Kashmiris wants it to stay.

But, dear, the people of Kashmir does not want to be there in Indian Constitution from the very first day.

If this is not the case in your opinion then would you like to illustrate how the people of Kashmir will express their changed opinions?

mate dont tell you are the savior of kashmiris.. your govt want kashmir just for the water security. when you have 150million muslims living in India why you want to care only for those 30million(which is way too much but i dont know the statistics) living in kashmir??
what your govt have done for the Kashmir under your rule? how many Billions $ pumped in??? J&K has more incentives than anyother state in India. Dont say IA is killing innocents. What does your army doing in the name of WOT. innocents get killed when there arises an army operation.. its common in the whole wide world...
The Congress is not secular. Shamelessly pandering to extremist minority organizations is anything but secular. The Congress's problem is that they believe they have been given the god given right to rule India, that is why they pander to these organizations because they mistakenly believe it will strengthen their minority base.

Having said that, the BJP is a fascist organization that has no place in any civilized nation. In the BJP we have a party, whose founding ideologue, a certain coward called "Veer" Savarkar, openly idolized Mussolini, based his khaki based RSS morons on Mussolini's goons, openly supported the butcher of Muslims.

A party, many of whose leaders have risen the ranks on the blood of minorities - Advani, Uma Bharati, MM Joshi with their rath yatra in the 80s which had the slogan "Ek Dhakha Aur Do, Babri Masjid Tod Do", Narendra Modi with his overseeing the slaughter of minorities in Gujarat. etc etc.

This is also a party whose lunatic religious fringe, also known as the Sangh Parivar - which includes such brilliant organizations like the Bajrang Dal, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad - do not believe in other people having opinions and like to beat up anyone who thinks otherwise. Their extra curricular activities include bombing a mosque here, trying to incite a riot there. All in the name of "defending the Hindu faith"

A party whose student wing - ABVP - consists of nothing more than criminals (In fairness, the Congress student wing also consists of criminals).

A party who goes on and on about "Muslim" terrorists, but when these terrorists are of the Hindu variety, they suddenly become victims who are acting in self defence. Whose leaders openly ask for the release of people accused of killing Indians in bombings.

It will a great day for humanity when the RSS is banned again, when all BJP leaders responsible for killing minorities are arrested and the BJP as a party ceases to exist.
1. Majority of States rules by BJP are highly progressive.
2. They want to remove article 370.
3. They want Uniform Civil Code for all Indians
4. Because they care for the majority instead of lying down into the feet of so called minority.
5. Because they want to foil the attempts made by missionaries/clerics to convert Hindus' religion.
6. They want to through out Bangladesis from India

I used to support BJP at one time because of some of the above mentioned points. However since they came into power and then their time in the opposition, my opinion about them have changed by 180 degrees.

The biggest eye opener for me was the events right after Godhra. Modi was openly promoting hate based politics and faced no great opposition from his own party members. He was infact shielded by the central government. Whatever the provocation, two wrongs don't make a right. Both the train burning incident and the events following that were criminal events. Both events are criminal in nature and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Why was ABV and Advani silent at that time?

I saw the worst form of sycophancy shown by the BJP members in Rajasthan. The CM was regularly depicted as a goddess. It seems to have actually been encouraged by the CM herself. Was this the party with a difference?

Events like the opposition to the Civil Nuclear pact with the US while actively following it while in power just for the sake of opposition. There was no real discussion about the merits and demerits of the pact. Most of the points raised by them appeared just plain silly. Was this a sign of a mature opposition?

Their partners in Mumbai, my hometown was actually a group of goondas who enforce their will using violence.

The internal squabbling in the form of Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharati, etc. Nitin Gadkare, the BJP president recently spoke of his pain at all the internal squabbling they have within the party.

The excessive use of religious symbols in their electioneering. I guess as I grew up, I grew wary of the hypocrisy in religion. This actually repels me now.

Apart from ABV and Advani, can you name me a few BJP politicians who actually command any respect?

All that bravado about teaching the terrorists a lesson came to a nought when reality hit them. A minister from the BJP accompanied terrorists to Kandahar so that they could be swapped for the airline passengers.

Inspite of all the nationalistic propaganda they spout, they actually practice a brand of divisive politics where people are labelled on the basis of their religion, caste, language, etc.

Nope. I am never going to support the BJP ever again.

My order of preference

1) Humanity - This is supreme.
2) Nation
3) My family
4) Me
400000000000000000000000000) Religion
I think the BJP wins so many elections not because anyone cares for their fascist policies but because everyone gets tired of the stupidity espoused by the congress. However, no matter how much i despise our dear home minister and the Congress sycophancy and double speak, i would gladly vote for Congress if it means keeping fascists out of power.
Remember, these leftist seculars are silent on plight of individuals like Taslima Nasreen.

The communists in India are the biggest bunch of hypocrites. These guys openly pander to communal elements(see bengal and kerela) and then have the cheek to brand others as communal.
We in Pakistan, believe that the same mantality among Indian leaders, mainly constituted from within Brahman Hindu group is the main cause of all sufferings of Indian people.

What a load of crock. All castes and religions are equally well represented in this group.

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