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China-Pakistan economic corridor violates our sovereignty, India tells Beijing

Sovereignity who cares did you cared our sovereignty in Bangladesh what goes it comes around in same way we know you can't handle pressure but cry always
Thanks God, He completed his sentence. Otherwise we would have thought that Pakistan and China are violating India.
A real Muslim Kashmiri Warrior.

He looks like a Pakistan sponsored kabaili jihadi.
Here is the real Kashmiri Muslim Warrior General Mohammad Amin Naik.

Pakistan was forced created for Muslims of Indian Subcontinent. It was artificial construct as more muslims decided to stay on India. Bangladesh decided to separate away from Pakistan. So any claim that Kashmir or Baluchistan should be part of Pakistan because they are Muslim is bull shit now. Indians don't buy the Muslim Crap any more. Indian Muslim have more right of Kashmir than Pakistan Muslim. As far as Kasgmir Muslim are concerned, they have to learn to live with this reality the way Tibetan Buddhist are living in China.

Allow me to remove your ignorance. Pakistan is an idea. We Muslims on British raj didn't want tonne ruled by Hindus so an idea needed existence, pakistan came into being. Then Bangladesh came. At the end of the day. Both countries that departed from British raaj are not under Hindu rule period.

Secondly, if high class Muslims like amir khan are afraid then I can imagine what localmindian Muslims live in pitful condition. Muslim majority states have pathetic HDI as compared to other Indian states this alone shows their bright condition. They choose to remain there and hence are hefty price

Pakistan was forced created for Muslims of Indian Subcontinent. It was artificial construct as more muslims decided to stay on India. Bangladesh decided to separate away from Pakistan. So any claim that Kashmir or Baluchistan should be part of Pakistan because they are Muslim is bull shit now. Indians don't buy the Muslim Crap any more. Indian Muslim have more right of Kashmir than Pakistan Muslim. As far as Kasgmir Muslim are concerned, they have to learn to live with this reality the way Tibetan Buddhist are living in China.
Secondly are you even muslim? If you're not! Don't speak like you're their spokesperson
Bugger off now
This is a legit issue that India has raised given that Kashmir is still a disputed territory. It just muddies the water even more.
This is a legit issue that India has raised given that Kashmir is still a disputed territory. It just muddies the water even more.
You say Kashmir is disputed territory but your Govt says violates our sovereignty so why dont you ask your govt first that what is its stance before you go criticising Pakistan and Chania
1) You got really pissed off when your shaky foundation was highlighted....its's natural and I understand.
2) The Idea of Pakistan was the idea of British Intelligence and they used GADDARS for this purpose. It was not the idea of 70% Muslims of that period which was reflected in their choice of staying in India. if 70% choose to stay in India with Hindus, the Idea of Pakistan got busted than and there..in 1947 and in 1971 it got ripped apart.
3) Majority of Muslims in South Asia are dalits who converted due to fear and oppression of the Muslim rulers of that time. That did not improve their financial situation. They are behind now because they were worse before. India is a democracy that gives equal right to all and we do not think from the perspective of religion.

I am sorry to hurt you. Ancient land of India is the land of Hindus. You may try to distort the facts the way you want, but we will end all artificial constructs. 50% job is done and balance ins WIP.

Our stance is very clear. The whole of Kashmir is an integral part of India. The area being occupied by Pakistan and China is the only area that is disputable as per us.
ok, no one is listening your shit.
India desperate. CPEC showing its magic.
India not desperate ,In-fact China / PAK is. china want to sell its good to India though CPEC road , which India said NO Thanks, We are also not interested in Silk route either.
India not desperate ,In-fact China / PAK is. china want to sell its good to India though CPEC road , which India said NO Thanks, We are also not interested in Silk route either.

India is Bright in Presents for decade
Pakistan is bright in future for always

let`s See which country is visionary. let`s see which country join Pakistan or India
Once CPEC steams ahead, do the Indians think that they will be able to influence the outcome of the plebiscite, if held!?

By all means, go to UN and moan about CPEC going through GB. The answer will be "hold the plebiscite as per the resolution and that'll resolve this dispute".

China and Russia hold the permanent seats, Hallucinating Hindu will be knocked back to his senses in UN.

India would never hold the plebiscite. That'll also mean loosing the rivers! All this protest over CPEC will die off soon. It's for public consumption. India has no legal leg to stand on in this matter.
China-Pakistan economic corridor violates our sovereignty, India tells Beijing :drag:
India: your project with Pakistan violates our sovereignty
China: no it does not
India: yes it does
China: what do you expect us to do?
India: cease the project immediately
China: what if i don't?
India: you see our Agni V and Brahmos?
China: you see our HUNDREDS of MEGATONS?
India: :(
China: next subject :rofl:

Indians are very shortsighted here, this project will do tremendous good for local Kashmir , prosperity in the end will reduce tension and terrorism indians daily complain about

PAK and China have to understand. it is indian tactics for delaying the project and meanwhile they will have surely a plan to sabotage CPEC and OBOR too. what Pak and china is doing in this regards? only Indian occupied Kashmir was declared a disputed territory in UN resolutions. in which they build dams, roads, infrastructure in Indian occupied kashmir and Pakistan never claimed that it violates Pakistan sovereignty. USA fully Support with india becuase they dont want Chinese influence in the region instead they want Indian influence in the Region. Therefore US allowed Indian Aganceis in Afghanistan rather then neighboring country Pakistan therefore you can see Indian and US Naval Forces in south china Sea. this not a rocket since to understand.
You Know what india want to take a Special Status in OBOR on the behalf of US. for example they want a Status that india should be as a shelter country of the Region. and because of the Indian presences in iran (chabahar port), Myanmar (Kaladan project) and Afghanistan (RAW involvement) they are blackmailing China for Chines Dream OBOR. also Russian (Weapons Deal with india), USA (Agreement of deploying US forces in india) they are really playing a dirty role against China and Pakistan. and still we are living in the heaven of fools. it is not about GB or occupied territory it is about indian influence and latter US influence in the region rather then Chinese and Pak influence. so The Question is how to counter indian and US agenda

only solution
1. Pakistan and China both have to start Proxy war in india for the separatist movement

You Can not directly target the powerful enemy you have to counter the weak Allie of your enemy and US and india exactly are doing it. what we are doing ?? We are doing Nothing, Pakistan alone cant do anything without the massive help of China and Russia. and if there will be more delay in OBOR and CPEC they would successfully achieve their target. and if they achieve their target china and Pakistan will surely in hands of US and india and for this they want to disturb china and Pak friendship. why cant we disturb India and US friendship?
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PAK and China have to understand. it is indian tactics for delaying the project and meanwhile they will have surely a plan to sabotage CPEC and OBOR too. what Pak and china is doing in this regards? only Indian occupied Kashmir was declared a disputed territory in UN resolutions. in which they build dams, roads, infrastructure in Indian occupied kashmir and Pakistan never claimed that it violates Pakistan sovereignty. USA fully Support with india becuase they dont want Chinese influence in the region instead they want Indian influence in the Region. Therefore US allowed Indian Aganceis in Afghanistan rather then neighboring country Pakistan therefore you can see Indian and US Naval Forces in south china Sea. this not a rocket since to understand.
You Know what india want to take a Special Status in OBOR on the behalf of US. for example they want a Status that india should be as a shelter country of the Region. and because of the Indian presences in iran (chabahar port), Myanmar (Kaladan project) and Afghanistan (RAW involvement) they are blackmailing China for Chines Dream OBOR. also Russian (Weapons Deal with india), USA (Agreement of deploying US forces in india) they are really playing a dirty role against China and Pakistan. and still we are living in the heaven of fools. it is not about GB or occupied territory it is about indian influence and latter US influence in the region rather then Chinese and Pak influence. so The Question is how to counter indian and US agenda

only solution
1. Pakistan and China both have to start Proxy war in india for the separatist movement

You Can not directly target the powerful enemy you have to counter the weak Allie of your enemy and US and india exactly are doing it. what we are doing ?? We are doing Nothing, Pakistan alone cant do anything without the massive help of China and Russia. and if there will be more delay in OBOR and CPEC they would successfully achieve their target. and if they achieve their target china and Pakistan will surely in hands of US and india and for this they want to disturb china and Pak friendship. why cant we disturb India and US friendship?

China actually has a good relationship with India, our trade is 5 times more than it is between China and Pakistan.

India and China trade will continue to grow and create jobs for both nations
india can't afford an open fight over CPEC anymore because of UN rules over Kashmir. complaining to Chinese counterpart doesn't have any potentiality, Beijing knows it better.
if CPEC run in full swing soon, india will loose its gains in afgaynistan. and Pakistan will gain an economic upperhand over its regional counterparts like afgaynistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan etc... that's india fears
Any development and investment in IOK belongs to India and same goes to Pakistan till the dispute is not resolved……..how can a disputed land be sovereign to one adversary…….because by this logic, all the dam constructions in IOK is violation of our sovereignty……what India has is our and what we have is theirs is the dispute and cause of fighting for so many decades hence a disputed territory.
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