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here many guys thinkin that shivsena and bjp are doing politics on regional and cast .
but congress (I) also helpin parties like MNS as their weapon against Shivsena .they have maintain their close relation on that issue .i dont know about politics in bihar but MNS is big factor in MH because of congress and their allies .they all help each other on many essue .many time because religion or because of region .
I do not doubt the ability of BJP led states like Gujarat to make economic progress. But i would point out that Gujarat had always been a relatively rich state in India since the past 100 years. This was before BJP came into power. This is not to say that people like Narendra Modi havn't done a good job on economic front. But still, i would prefer to live in a economically backward country than live in a rich one where 20% of the population fears for their lives.

As for article 370, the will of the people of J&K demands that the article stays. The article should stay as long as the Kashmiris wants it to stay.

I do agree that Uniform Civil Code should be adopted. But still, the decision should be taken after addressing the concerns of the all the stakeholders.

Care to explain the part about lying down on the feet of the Minority. If caring for Hindus mean killing Muslims and Christians, than i do not want to be 'cared for'.

The constitution has given me a fundamental right to practice the religion of my choice. No one has the authority to tell any citizen on weather i can worship Ram, Allah or Jesus. BJP is not above the constitution.

And wat do you mean by ' Muslims have the right to resources first '. Provide a valid link. This the typical BJP/RSS propaganda that increases passions for all the wrong reasons.

Elections are won because of the mandate of the public. Most of them illiterate and poor. Care to explain why BJP was 1st thrown out of power and lost the next election by even a larger margin the second time?! It is because a common man wants to live in peace without the fear of Riots that he has nothing to do with. As for the 16th Lok Sabha election-only time will tell.

I would like to add it is convenient trying to give an opinion about Article 370 and minorities when you are not at the receiving end of the stick. Try stepping in the shoes of a Kashmiri or a Christian or a Muslim once in a while.
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It is without any doubt that BJP-Shiv Sena are the most communal/divisive parties in India. Their ideology and politics plays with the deepest insecurities of the public. Their success lies in the ability to successfully convincing the hindus that they are being threatened by a minority that is 1/4th its size. It is hard to believe but illiteracy plays a big role in it. Their only success on a national level has been in the time frame succeeding the Babri-Masjid Demolition and the Hindu-Muslim riots that followed( which were orchestrated by them to start with). I thank my stars that barring a brief period in the history of contemporary India, common sense has prevailed in Indian electorate. It is typical hate politics which tries to divide Hindus against Muslims ( and lately Christians in the Kandamal incident ) and Maharashtrians against North Indians. They are not much unlike Taliban in Pakistan trying to appeal to the conservative mass of the pakistani people.
They will only win on national level during the times of heightened communal/regional tensions ( which are sparked by them to start with ).

I would go on to say that these parties actually challenge the very idea of India and wat it has stood for in the centuries past.

Im not here to defend the Shiv-sena not because of their Hindu politics but because of their Maharshtrian politics.

Now u have posted that BJP is the most communal party around...

May i ask u y..?

BJP does not ask for Amarnath subsidies for Hindus
BJP does not advocate special treatment for a single community
BJP does stand for Uniform Civil code (the name is self-explanatory)
BJP stands for a tough fight against separatism,terriorism and minorityism.

BTW if Congress,Left,SP,RJD who openly pander to the Muslim minority shamelessly for votes are considered secular then Y not BJP even though it doesnt explicitly pander for the Hindu votes..

And mind u Congress has alliance with MIM in Andhra which is a muslim organisation just like VHP..but they r secular.

Congress still keeps a convicted terrorist whose death sentence has been upheld by the SC citing some inane reasons..but they r secular.

Left has alliance with PDP in Kerala and that party was accused in the Coimbatore serial bomb blasts..but even then they r secular.

Hypocrisy huh...? :angry:

It was a huge relief for all progressive Indians when the BJP suffered a huge loss in the last election.

They were defeated because of their inability to stich an effective coalition..not because progessive Indians thought so....

FYI most of the progressive Indians were in their home watching TV rather than going out to vote that day.

The BJP came up on the national stage during the wave of Hindi nationalism in the 90's- they really had no core policies other than "The Hindus are threatened'. Once they were in power, their biggest achievement was the N-test, something that was actually achieved by previous congress governments- they just brought it out in the open.

The way they came to power was not important....wat they stood for wen coming to power was important.

Then came the Kandahar hijacking fiasco, it was the lowest hour of the BJP.

Duh again the same stupid mention of Kandahar.BTW did u know that ur beloved congress had done the same thing 10 years before BJP..? Read this Link - Click

It has been clarified umpteen times that EVERY PARTY was taken into confidence/consensus wen the 3 terrorists were released by BJP.
If the Congress had a problem they should have reacted then..not now.

A much better example is Rahul Gandhi.
Offered the throne on a platter, he chooses to strengthen the Congress from within. He covets no power, just the progress of his fellow countryman.

Is it some feudal dynasty that he was offered the throne on a platter.?
BJP is a much more democratic party where even a common worker who was pasting posters(Gadkari) could become a national president.
Ever heard of something like that in Congress..?

The BJP has been trying to change it's image, as it now know for sure that the Indian people will not stand by communal policies.

Yeah indian people dont stand for communal politics...but communal stands not only for hindu politics but also minority politics.

EVERY Indian should be taught from the day they are born-

Humanity First,
Nation Second,
Religion Third.

Small change......Nation first....Humanity second.
here many guys thinkin that shivsena and bjp are doing politics on regional and cast .
but congress (I) also helpin parties like MNS as their weapon against Shivsena .they have maintain their close relation on that issue .i dont know about politics in bihar but MNS is big factor in MH because of congress and their allies .they all help each other on many essue .many time because religion or because of region .

economical progress should be for all Indians it should not be acheived by suppressing a group of people...

i dont support congress fully. but still they are far better than BJP. if BJP weren't religion based party i would have fully supported it.. BJP and RSS started a communal problem by advocating in favor of hindus. Untill then Hindus and Christian were like brothers now they cant face eachother.. if there were no political parties there the situation would hav been completely diferent..
Sikhs getting slaughered in thousands = A MISTAKE.
hind us getting killed in Kashmir = Political problem.
muslims getting killed by a few hundred = Holocaust.
Poor protestors getting shot in WB under Left Govt = Misunderstanding.

Banning Parzania in Gujarat = Communal.
Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal = Secular.

Kargil Attack = Government failure.
Chinese invasion in 1962 = Unfortunate betrayal.

Reservations in every school and college on caste lines = Secular. Reservations in Minority institutions = Communal.

Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] = BJP Communalism.
Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] = Police atrocity.

Talking about hindus and hinduism appeasment = Communal. Talking about mu slims and Islam = Secular.

BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save 100 Indian hostages = Shameful
Congress freeing 4 militants to save just a life of one daughter of I Home minister in Kashmir [Rubina Sayed] = Natural Political dilemma.

Attack on Parliament = BJP ineptitude. Not hanging Afzal Guru the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders = Humanity and Political dilemma.

BJP questioning Islam = Communal. Congress questioning Lord Ramas existance = Clerical Error.

In 1984 4000 people were killed police cud not hurt even single rioter let alone kill them

In 2002 riot 1000 people get killed and police ended up killing 300 rioters.

In 1984 even after 25 years none have bene convicted
In 2002 riots withitin 6 years 30 odd people have been convicted.

In 1984 Army was never called despite it being parked next door in Delhi cantt.

In 2002 police aid was asked from neighbouring congress ruled states and they denined and then army was called immediately.

Conclusion: BJP is communal congress secular :hitwall:
It was a huge relief for all progressive Indians when the BJP suffered a huge loss in the last election.

Indians suffered the most. The Impotent Congress Government came to power in which poverty, hunger and Prices are increasing day by day. BJP had efficient Economic policies.

The BJP came up on the national stage during the wave of Hindi nationalism in the 90's- they really had no core policies other than "The Hindus are threatened'. Once they were in power, their biggest achievement was the N-test, something that was actually achieved by previous congress governments- they just brought it out in the open.

That is the need of the hour Today in the days of Islamic Terrorism threathing our country.

Then came the Kandahar hijacking fiasco, it was the lowest hour of the BJP.

What a Crap Post!
It was done by the countrymen of the threadstarter:D

What can BJP do in that where the plane was hijacked in a foriegn Land? Mr. Jaswant Singh got safe back all the passengers.
What about Congress?
Recent Bomb found in Banglore Plane.
Kanishka bombings?

Uddhav Thackeray is a spoil brat that knows his true political value as a leader-zero. He has shot up in the public eye on the backs of narrow-minded local zealots and a bored media.

He was the same guy who saved the Hindus in 1992 riots of Mumbai.

A much better example is Rahul Gandhi.
Offered the throne on a platter, he chooses to strengthen the Congress from within. He covets no power, just the progress of his fellow countryman.

Height of Jackassism:D:D

Remove the surname Gandhi Who is this dumbass?
What he has done for the country?
Taking the *** licker media and satying in the house of Dalits for a night and eating with them did not solve any of their problem. It has only created more trouble for those 2 days.

Why is the crap silent on Naxal issues, Price rise?

When the BJP raises such issues, The Congress with the media tries to divert the attention of the country like IPL Scandal, shashi Tharoor, placing Babri Masjid report in the Parlaiment.

The BJP has been trying to change it's image, as it now know for sure that the Indian people will not stand by communal policies.

Why aren't 1984 Riots, Bhaglapur riots communal?
Because they are done by Congress.

EVERY Indian should be taught from the day they are born-

Humanity First,
Nation Second,
Religion Third.

And a Separate Law for the mulims?

Religion First,
Religion Second,
Religion Third.
Bull's eye dear Karthic. Right on target.

I would like to add something,

Rajiv Gandhi and Arjun Singh helping Warren Anderson escape India after Bhopal tragedy (25,000 killed): Why dig up the past? Let us look at the future.

BJP loses court case in Malaysia to extradite Quattrochi: Ineffecient ministry.

I think this is an Internal Issue of India. The OP is a Pakistani and I doubt his intentions to just have a fight and Enjoy the show.

Lets discuss Sunnis v/s Shia.
Sikhs getting slaughered in thousands = A MISTAKE.
hind us getting killed in Kashmir = Political problem.
muslims getting killed by a few hundred = Holocaust.
Poor protestors getting shot in WB under Left Govt = Misunderstanding.

Banning Parzania in Gujarat = Communal.
Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal = Secular.

Kargil Attack = Government failure.
Chinese invasion in 1962 = Unfortunate betrayal.

Reservations in every school and college on caste lines = Secular. Reservations in Minority institutions = Communal.

Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] = BJP Communalism.
Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] = Police atrocity.

Talking about hindus and hinduism appeasment = Communal. Talking about mu slims and Islam = Secular.

BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save 100 Indian hostages = Shameful
Congress freeing 4 militants to save just a life of one daughter of I Home minister in Kashmir [Rubina Sayed] = Natural Political dilemma.

Attack on Parliament = BJP ineptitude. Not hanging Afzal Guru the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders = Humanity and Political dilemma.

BJP questioning Islam = Communal. Congress questioning Lord Ramas existance = Clerical Error.

In 1984 4000 people were killed police cud not hurt even single rioter let alone kill them

In 2002 riot 1000 people get killed and police ended up killing 300 rioters.

In 1984 even after 25 years none have bene convicted
In 2002 riots withitin 6 years 30 odd people have been convicted.

In 1984 Army was never called despite it being parked next door in Delhi cantt.

In 2002 police aid was asked from neighbouring congress ruled states and they denined and then army was called immediately.

Conclusion: BJP is communal congress secular :hitwall:

So This thread is becoming a BJP Vs Congress thing, eh?

All right.

Think of a company, an organization, a person.
All are created/born, and grow and evolve.

They formulate policies, implement then, see the results.
**** happens- it always does. I don' think there is a single political party, entity or organization in the world that has not f***** up big time at least once.

The Congress has been around for 125 years. BJP, 30 years. The Congress had their ups (Independence) and downs (The Emergency, among others). Until a few years ago, they were in big trouble. Arguably, the modern Indian economy was born in the early 90's liberalization. The good thing about them is that they have (recently) started learning from their mistakes. They know that 1984 was a huge mistake, as the BJP now knows that the Gujarat riots and Ram Janmabhoomi episode was an error.

You can either choose to hang on to the injustices of history, or move on with a lesson learnt. There IS NO middle ground.

The Congress needs a sensible, powerful counterweight. All democracies do. The core of the BJP was founded by strong and wise men- they need to consolidate that and move beyond religion. Feed people, give them jobs.


The Congress is secular and the BJP communal. Anyone who thinks otherwise is..................:what:
Sikhs getting slaughered in thousands = A MISTAKE.
hind us getting killed in Kashmir = Political problem.
muslims getting killed by a few hundred = Holocaust.
Poor protestors getting shot in WB under Left Govt = Misunderstanding.

Banning Parzania in Gujarat = Communal.
Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal = Secular.

Kargil Attack = Government failure.
Chinese invasion in 1962 = Unfortunate betrayal.

Reservations in every school and college on caste lines = Secular. Reservations in Minority institutions = Communal.

Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] = BJP Communalism.
Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] = Police atrocity.

Talking about hindus and hinduism appeasment = Communal. Talking about mu slims and Islam = Secular.

BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save 100 Indian hostages = Shameful
Congress freeing 4 militants to save just a life of one daughter of I Home minister in Kashmir [Rubina Sayed] = Natural Political dilemma.

Attack on Parliament = BJP ineptitude. Not hanging Afzal Guru the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders = Humanity and Political dilemma.

BJP questioning Islam = Communal. Congress questioning Lord Ramas existance = Clerical Error.

In 1984 4000 people were killed police cud not hurt even single rioter let alone kill them

In 2002 riot 1000 people get killed and police ended up killing 300 rioters.

In 1984 even after 25 years none have bene convicted
In 2002 riots withitin 6 years 30 odd people have been convicted.

In 1984 Army was never called despite it being parked next door in Delhi cantt.

In 2002 police aid was asked from neighbouring congress ruled states and they denined and then army was called immediately.

Conclusion: BJP is communal congress secular :hitwall:

India: A young country ruled by old people

giving preference to a religion or caste is not acceptable in India. the resource in India is equal for all.

we south asians have the mentality to divide each and every one to an individual.. thats our genetic problem..
The Congress has been around for 125 years. BJP, 30 years. The Congress had their ups (Independence) and downs (The Emergency, among others). Until a few years ago, they were in big trouble. Arguably, the modern Indian economy was born in the early 90's liberalization. The good thing about them is that they have (recently) started learning from their mistakes. They know that 1984 was a huge mistake, as the BJP now knows that the Gujarat riots and Ram Janmabhoomi episode was an error.

When India was on the verge of Bankrutcy, there was no option but to Liberalize the economy.

Did you forget the Partition?
They could not control the activites of the Muslim League.
What we got?
Our country into 3 Pieces.
economical progress should be for all Indians it should not be acheived by suppressing a group of people...

i dont support congress fully. but still they are far better than BJP. if BJP weren't religion based party i would have fully supported it.. BJP and RSS started a communal problem by advocating in favor of hindus. Untill then Hindus and Christian were like brothers now they cant face eachother.. if there were no political parties there the situation would hav been completely diferent..

Hindus do not have any problems with Christians except Vatican actively supporting conversions by all means.

Look at the religions of indian origin i.e.


They are so intertwined. They do not preach hate against each other. The religious leaders from each of these religions give examples from gods/gurus of other religions.

For example, Hindu religious leaders always mention sacrifice and noble work done by Sikh Gurus.

Jain preachers give examples of Lord Rama and Shri Krishna in their sermons.

Highest buddist leader His Holiness Dalai Lama takes pride in addressing the devotees during Kumbh mela and talks about the vitues of Hinduism.

Sikh Gurus take pride in telling how Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna was inspiration to their Gurus also.

My point is if religions co-exist, then peace prevails automatically. However, when one starts to tell others that your god is not true god and only our god is true god, the problem starts.
When India was on the verge of Bankrutcy, there was no option but to Liberalize the economy.

Did you forget the Partition?
They could not control the activites of the Muslim League.
What we got?
Our country into 3 Pieces.

I do apologize.
You are a great statesman who would have stood shoulder to shoulder with Nehru and Jinnah and found an awesome solution.

And BTW, there already were three pieces.:agree:

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