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India - National Integration: The Way Forward


Nov 17, 2009
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National Integration Council (NIC) is the apex body deliberating on the issues pertaining to overcoming the divisive tendencies in the nation. The divisive tendencies prevail on the basis of language, region and religion. NIC has recently been in the news as one of its members, Shabnam Hashmi resigned from the council. Hashmi is one of the foremost activists engaged in fighting the evil of communalism; she also is the secretary of ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy). This NGO has been active from last several years undertaking campaigns to fight divisive politics, it also organizes cultural programs and political training camps for promoting the values of secularism and diversity.

Hashmi resigned in the aftermath of appointment of Shiv Sena Executive President Uddhav Thackeray on the council. Thackeray has been appointed as the leader of a regional party. Hashmi states that, “The news of Mr. Uddhav Thakre being included in the National Integration Council today has left me quite shocked. Mr. Udhav Thakre's whole political life is based on divisive and hate politics. His entry into NIC is a cruel oxymoron. His brand of communal politics is against the secular and plural value system that the Council upholds. It was bad enough to have highly communal people on the NIC by virtue of being Chief Ministers. Udhav Thakre's entry into the Council will further derogate the high credentials and stature of the body forever.”

There are multiple issues involved in this. To begin with the NIC was formed in 1961, in the aftermath of Jabalpur violence. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of the country was very shaken by the communal violence in Jabalpur and decided to form this council to combat the evils of Communalism, casteism and regionalism. It was meant to be a broad forum with representation from political parties, Chief Ministers, Central Cabinet ministers and representatives from the civil society. It was not much in news most of the times. Two major points one remembers regarding the council are, one when Kalyan Singh the UP Chief Minister, then belonging to BJP, promised to the Council that the Babri Masjid will be protected at all the cost. Same Kalyan Singh later took pride in being part of the process of demolition of the mosque.

Later, when BJP led NDA came to power and ruled the country for six years the NIC was not constituted at all. The signal was that the BJP does not care for national integration as it believes in the Hindu Rashtra. That apart even in the present scheme of things NIC has a very limited advisory role to play. During the previous UPA I regime, the NIC met only twice. The UPA II is in power from last one year but not a single meeting of the body has taken place. All said and done it is a national forum which can give vent to the voice of those who are victims of communalism in one form or the other.

By its very nature the council has to have all the Chief ministers as the member of NIC. So naturally, Narendra Modi, the one who presided over Gujarat carnage, is also the member of the same. One recalls that during UPA I, in the first meeting of NIC, he was probably the only one who managed to make his presence felt in the media, with his claim that minorities are safe in Gujarat! One is sure that members of NIC like Shabnam Hashmi, Swami Agnivesh and Asghar Ali Engineer, amongst others, have been articulating the pain and anguish of the victims of communal violence and communal politics in this forum. One also guesses that they must have been countering the falsities propagated by the likes of Modi.

The questions Hashmi’s resignation raises are what should be the composition and functioning of such bodies. The question is being asked that while people like Narendra Modi and many of his ilk are already the members of this august body, in what way will Uddhav Thackeray being there make it worse?

One recalls that Shiv Sena has been the major party accused by Srikrishna Commission report for its role in Mumbai violence. It is precisely because of this that Shiv Sena first discontinued the commission when it came to power, then it sat on the report on the ground that it will reopen the wounds of Mumbai violence. Lately Shiv Sena has been playing the divisive politics in the name of language and region. In the competitive divisiveness with MNS, it is devising new ways to put the wedge between Marathi speaking and non Marathi speaking people. So surely people like Thackeray will add to the communal elements in the council.

BJP-Shiv Sena are communal by their very goals and agenda. While theoretically Hashmi has raised very important question, what a sorry state of things we have come to, that people like Thackeray, and Narendra Modi, who are blatantly communal are the members of this council meant to combat communalism! The other point is, can things be better by keeping these communal elements out from the Council?

One concedes the point that some political streams have communal agenda deep in their core, and one cannot expect non-sectarian policies from them. Still there are some questions and dilemmas associated with this too. One is that if the likes of Modi-Thackeray are part of the ‘formal’ democratic process, how can you keep them out? And secondly by leaving such platform, NIC, one is loosing the little, whatever limited opportunity it gives, to intervene for plural ethos, against the divisive politics. Boycott versus dialogue is the question. Her move as a protest is worth registering and appreciating but the need of the hour is to use every available millimeter of space to propagate democratic views, to seize every single opportunity to strive for the goals of plural India, as already the democratic space has shrunk very badly.

It is a message to the authorities that they should keep Thackeray type elements to the minimum obligatory level. At the same time they can make this council more active and dynamic and ensure that the voice of victims of divisive politics is heard more often than at present and that remedial measures are implemented in all seriousness.

Ram Puniyani is a Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Powai. Apart from his teaching and research activities, he pursues a parallel track concerned with issues related to social problems, particularly the ones related to preservation of democratic and secular ethos in Indian Society.

National Integration: The Way Forward
i also got shocked when udhav was selected,shiv sena is the party of mha,they dont have any scope outside.congress allowed raj thackeray,so to save its existence shiv sena also used the basic issues in mha.like hate towards north indians...

regarding to narender modi as per the riots.firstly train was burnt,and majority worked watever they could do and remember this issue was the black spot on the indian democracy.we dont make pride on it.
and regarding to bjp govt .vajpayee also decided to remove modi as the cm,but advani didnt accept it..

after all he is still the cm of indias fastest growing state....

this is all politics,it does that which u cant think and when comes to national level security no one can divide india.
take example of mumbai attacks,99% of indians wanted retaliation.i never saw this kind of unity ever in my whole life.
thanks you contributed. Let's hope that more indian friends will popup and will contribute without thinking that we are from two enemy countries. :cheers:
To be quite honest, I shall prefer to see contributions ONLY FROM INDIANS AND NOT FROM PAKISTANIS. This helps us to understand Indian social issues from an Indian eye!:pakistan:
Shiv Sena is a political party .. So its job to do politics.. nothing else... but wrong part is that they are doing regional politics. And for usp their leaders give wrong statements like Bal Thakre and Raj Thakre.

Indian politics is totally based on regional politics and religion politics.
In present condition all parties working on that concept. Modi and Thakre are highlighted nothing else. Every party in India do this dirty politics so we cant blame only one or two.
I would like to hope that the old style of politics will not fly in India any more.

Public opinion harder to control with more Indian's watching TV and keeping check.
It is without any doubt that BJP-Shiv Sena are the most communal/divisive parties in India. Their ideology and politics plays with the deepest insecurities of the public. Their success lies in the ability to successfully convincing the hindus that they are being threatened by a minority that is 1/4th its size. It is hard to believe but illiteracy plays a big role in it. Their only success on a national level has been in the time frame succeeding the Babri-Masjid Demolition and the Hindu-Muslim riots that followed( which were orchestrated by them to start with). I thank my stars that barring a brief period in the history of contemporary India, common sense has prevailed in Indian electorate. It is typical hate politics which tries to divide Hindus against Muslims ( and lately Christians in the Kandamal incident ) and Maharashtrians against North Indians. They are not much unlike Taliban in Pakistan trying to appeal to the conservative mass of the pakistani people.
They will only win on national level during the times of heightened communal/regional tensions ( which are sparked by them to start with ).

I would go on to say that these parties actually challenge the very idea of India and wat it has stood for in the centuries past.
It was a huge relief for all progressive Indians when the BJP suffered a huge loss in the last election.

The BJP came up on the national stage during the wave of Hindi nationalism in the 90's- they really had no core policies other than "The Hindus are threatened'. Once they were in power, their biggest achievement was the N-test, something that was actually achieved by previous congress governments- they just brought it out in the open.
Then came the Kandahar hijacking fiasco, it was the lowest hour of the BJP.

Uddhav Thackeray is a spoil brat that knows his true political value as a leader-zero. He has shot up in the public eye on the backs of narrow-minded local zealots and a bored media.

Indian society as a whole takes time to reject such morons, but it does happen. He will be remembered by history as such.

A much better example is Rahul Gandhi.
Offered the throne on a platter, he chooses to strengthen the Congress from within. He covets no power, just the progress of his fellow countryman.

The BJP has been trying to change it's image, as it now know for sure that the Indian people will not stand by communal policies.
EVERY Indian should be taught from the day they are born-

Humanity First,
Nation Second,
Religion Third.
Humanity 1st, Nation 2nd and Religion 3rd.
Loved the phrase.
To be quite honest, I shall prefer to see contributions ONLY FROM INDIANS AND NOT FROM PAKISTANIS. This helps us to understand Indian social issues from an Indian eye!:pakistan:

First of all What it has to do with India defence section???????

This is not a social forum, you should not spam this section with non defense threads.

And on topic this is a BS and wet dream.
I don't think Shabnam Hasmi should have resigned. This was a perfect platform to put forward views to counter communal politics at a national stage.

What remains to be seen is WHAT the NIC does. Is it just gonna be one of the statuary bodies that passes resolutions or are they going to get some teeth and do something?
It is without any doubt that BJP-Shiv Sena are the most communal/divisive parties in India. Their ideology and politics plays with the deepest

insecurities of the public. Their success lies in the ability to successfully convincing the hindus that they are being threatened by a minority that is 1/4th its size.

Yes, BJP-Shiv Sena are the most communal/divisive parties in India because...

1. Majority of States rules by BJP are highly progressive.
2. They want to remove article 370.
3. They want Uniform Civil Code for all Indians
4. Because they care for the majority instead of lying down into the feet of so called minority.
5. Because they want to foil the attempts made by missionaries/clerics to convert Hindus' religion.
6. They want to through out Bangladesis from India

What is your point of view on our PM belief that Muslims have first right on all resourse?

I do know that BJP did failed to fulfill thier major promises; that is the reason they are out of power...

It is hard to believe but illiteracy plays a big role in it. Their only success on a national level has been in the time frame succeeding the

Babri-Masjid Demolition and the Hindu-Muslim riots that followed( which were orchestrated by them to start with). I thank my stars that barring a brief period in the

history of contemporary India, common sense has prevailed in Indian electorate. It is typical hate politics which tries to divide Hindus against Muslims ( and lately

Christians in the Kandamal incident ) and Maharashtrians against North Indians. They are not much unlike Taliban in Pakistan trying to appeal to the conservative mass of

the pakistani people.
They will only win on national level during the times of heightened communal/regional tensions ( which are sparked by them to start with ).

I would go on to say that these parties actually challenge the very idea of India and wat it has stood for in the centuries past.

For bold part:
You will eat your words in 16th Lok Sabha elections.

It was a huge relief for all progressive Indians when the BJP suffered a huge loss in the last election.

I seriously belive that you are Congress' AAM AADMI who is living a lavish life because of inflation... hehehe

EVERY Indian should be taught from the day they are born-

Humanity First,
Nation Second,
Religion Third.

Really like your thought... but for me
1. Nation
2. Religion

If you really know your religion, you will never harm humanity...

Jai Hind
IMO religion, region and caste based parties like BJP,RSS,VHP,DMK,ADMK,etc are the first factor for the divisive nature of Our country.. and the second one is the illiteracy. the above mentioned political parties use the illiteracy of the people to gain their political advantage...

Election commission should have some monitoring mechanism to check this...

and above all i strongly condemn calling people minority and majority... India is not a religion based country and from where this majority minority $hit comes.
everyone is an INDIAN and why the hell should i be called as minority(i'm Christian)?? Religion is my own belief and what it has to do with my Country's growth??
also the reservation things for religion and caste based should be stopped. this thing is another factor for this nature... if reservation has to be done it should be for the people who were financially backward irrespective of religion,region and caste...
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