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Looking at Jallikattu protesters, a Kashmiri asks: Are pellets only for us?


Mar 6, 2011
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Looking at Jallikattu protesters, a Kashmiri asks: Are pellets only for us?
It isn't about making sure people should suffer in Chennai too, but one can't wish away the feeling of being treated with deep bias.

reports have been witness to it. Some have asked why the guns, primarily used for scaring away animals, should be used to control human protesters in the Valley - a question that remains unanswered.


The young boys and girls who lost their vision to pellet firing, their wailing parents and other devastating pictures from the time of the unrest in Kashmir are unforgettable. Photo: Reuters
Officials maintain that the pellet gun is a "non-lethal weapon", but doctors who regularly treat pellet victims have repeatedly and categorically stated that such firing can maim a person - and inflict permanent disability.

Pellet guns are loaded with lead pieces which scatter in every direction in large numbers upon firing.

The minute metal pieces penetrate the skin's soft tissue and the eye is the most vulnerable in the face of pellet guns because it is so delicate.

Doctors who operate upon pellet victims in Kashmir say that once the pellet pierces the eye, it shatters layers of the tissue and can cause irreparable damage.

The young boys and girls who lost their vision to pellet firing, their wailing parents and other devastating pictures from the time of the unrest in Kashmir are unforgettable.

The government has been widely criticised by every quarter. No less than the home minister of the country reached Kashmir and told the media the forces would replace the pellet guns with chilli-based PAVA shells, but their use continues to this day.

And that is exactly the point.

The ordinary Kashmiri is bound to ask today, are pellets are reserved for us?

It isn't about making sure that if people suffer here in the Valley, they should suffer in Chennai too, but one can't wish away the feeling of being treated with deep discrimination.

These questions are being posed by some outside the Valley too.

Senior journalist Shekhar Gupta recently tweeted:

To this, R Jagannathan, another journalist, tweeted in response:

Not backing down, Gupta responded to him pointing out that nothing warrants the use of the lethal weapons.

Yet another senior journalist, Harinder Baweja, supported Gupta's argument:

If there are people who share this sentiment outside the Valley, imagine what a Kashmiri would conclude from such treatment.

Why wouldn't the Kashmiri feel like the singled-out "other" in India?

Also read: Why Ajit Doval's doctrine for Kashmir fell flat

Jalikattu protests were not even 1% as violent as Kashmir protests. Less than 100 people were injured and out of that 30 were policemen. Otoh, 4000 policemen were injured in the protests in Kashmir. Ironically, most of the injured policemen were Kashmiris.

Jalikattu protests were genuine people led protests. But Kashmir protests were organized and financed by the separatists with support from militant outfits across the border.

99% of the Jalikattu protests were peaceful. 100% of the Kashmir protests were violent.
Kashmiris need more than just 'pellets'.

The day they made the Hindus run for their lives and ethnically cleansed the valley, that very day they decided how the rest of us will treat them.

did Muslim left Gujrat after Modi's genocide? Did Muslim left UP after Baburi and other roits all over bharat in which you killed thousands of Muslims.. Did Kashmiri left Kashmir where Hindu rulers before independent bharat used to hunt them? They are not even leaving Kashmir now despite 93000 of them being killed.

Now tell us How many Pandits Kashmiri killed? Are their number even higher then you just killed In last year's protests?

Blame your coward pandits for leaving Kashmir despite 1 million Hindu occupiers for their security... dont blame Kashmiris..
Genocide of 500,000 Hindus.

Where is proof of this non existent genocide? or its same as claim of surgical strike in Pakistan? anyways as i said your 1 million occupier pigs are there for their protection, why dont they protect them from stone palettes or rioters?

As i said pamper your coward hindus in gangaland, they are what we call bhagoray in Urdu..

Muslim faced atrocities from Bihar, UP, Maharashtra, Gujrat to Kashmir, non of them left bharat bcoz they are not pussies like Hindus.. They didnt left bharat despite social injustice against them.. Muslim make 14% of bharti population while they dont make even 3% of bureaucracy, Parliament, armed forces, education and other departmensts according to sachar report.
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Tell him what we did with LTTE , a tamil separatists organization.. that will be a good comparison.
I think bullet will cause more loss of life than pellet guns, but still it is violations of human rights, police/army should desperse crowd from water tanks.
thanks for confirming that you bhartis are pigs, you will pay for all your atrocities one day :)

btw we dont need to rape bharti naari, they like to spread their legs whenever they meet a Pakistani.. But guess what i being a Pakistani will never touch that shitty ugly stinky kind even with stick let alone my hand. Those uglies only belong to subhuman in gangaland..

Google trends says otherwise.

https://www.google.co.in/trends/explore?q=Indian girls

You guys can't find good looking girls in your country , that's why keep running after indian girls . But an indian girl won't even piss on your ugly pigface that belongs to the stinky lhandaland.:wave:
Whatever makes you sleep buddy:rofl:.
There is difference between stupidity and bravery ; clearly you don't understand it. We exploited your weakness whereas you couldn't , simple as that .Pakistan is the only nation to lose land consistently since 1947 , first kashmir , then east pakistan , then kargil heights , turtok and siachin.You guys are the most inferior people of south asia:lol: . Live with it . You should compare yourselves with somalia or afghanistan.

no its called cowardic, you use intelligence or exploit against bigger enemy, but when you have 3 times more force (or as manekshaw said in bengal war they outnumberd Pakistan 1:15) you supress small forces with brutal force for which you subhuman are incompetent, hence you used terrorism..

lol, now ugly stinky subhuman gangalander will call us inferior :rofl:

btw last i heard bhartis have more poor then sub saharan aftica, never heard anything like this about Pakistan.. So you you should compare your toiletless shithole with more poverty then Pakistan to Malwai or Burnndi..:lol: Dont open your stinky mouth on Pakistan.

Google trends says otherwise.

https://www.google.co.in/trends/explore?q=Indian girls

You guys can't find good looking girls in your country , that's why keep running after indian girls . But an indian girl won't even piss on your ugly pigface that belongs to the stinky lhandaland.:wave:

much to do with proxies, i dont know who want to fvck ugly marathi or Tamil girls.. i will not touch those ugliest creature with stick let alone my hand :pop:
no its called cowardic, you use intelligence or exploit against bigger enemy, but when you have 3 times more force (or as manekshaw said in bengal war they outnumberd Pakistan 1:15) you supress small forces with brutal force for which you subhuman are incompetent, hence you used terrorism..

lol, now ugly stinky subhuman gangalander will call us inferior :rofl:

btw last i heard bhartis have more poor then sub saharan aftica, never heard anything like this about Pakistan.. So you you should compare your toiletless shithole with more poverty then Pakistan to Malwai or Burnndi.. Dont open your stinky mouth on Pakistan.
Keep farting from your mouth creating fairytales about how superior you are when in reality you guys are the most cowardly nation on earth. :lol:
Fugly neanderthal monkeys like yourself should be the last ones to call others ugly:rofl:.
Last I heard more than 70℅ of pakistan survives on less than a dollar a day . Don't open your stinky mouth about India . You guys are used to eating indian excrements that we dump in the punjabi rivers . Perhaps thats messing with your brains:lol:

much to do with proxies, i dont know who want to fvck ugly marathi or Tamil girls.. i will not touch those ugliest creature with stick let alone my hand :pop:
Google doesn't lie my inferior pal . Fugly pakistanis like yourself don't have a chance with Indian girls anyway whether tamil , marathi or from anywhere . Best you can do is search indian girls on google and jerk off with your katlulli :lol:
Fugly neanderthal monkeys like yourself should be the last ones to call others ugly:rofl:.

it seems i really have hit raw nerve of stinky subhuman, look what your subhuman stinky despo have to say..


Keep farting from your mouth creating fairytales about how superior you are when in reality you guys are the most cowardly nation on earth. :lol:

its call farting from mouth actually, a nation which tell whole world who she is sacred from Pakistan calling us coward ::rofl:

Last I heard more than 70℅ of pakistan survives on less than a dollar a day .

again speaking from arse which you probably think is your mouth,, you heard wrong, poverty was always lower here then your shithole.. Pakistan have better income equality bigger middle class then your shithole.

You guys are used to eating indian excrements that we dump in the punjabi rivers . Perhaps thats messing with your brains:lol:

more shit comming out from ur arse aka mouth :rofl: it seems your rectum start bleeding from my replies..
If the protests would have continued, the pellet guns might have been used. Police use pellet guns to disperse crowd and not to punish people.
it seems i really have hit raw nerve of stinky subhuman, look what your subhuman stinky despo have to say..


its call farting from mouth actually, a nation which tell whole world who she is sacred from Pakistan calling us coward ::rofl:

again speaking from arse which you probably think is your mouth,, you heard wrong, poverty was always lower here then your shithole.. Pakistan have better income equality bigger middle class then your shithole.

more shit comming out from ur arse aka mouth :rofl: it seems your rectum start bleeding from my replies..

You fuglies are a funny lot . Be grateful that we provide you nutrition in the form of our excrements or you would never be able to support your population in the desert called pakistan . :lol:
You lhanda lullis are the fugliest lot in south asia . Even you know that . Punjabi muslims calling themselves beautiful is the most hilarious $hit I ever heard .There is a reason why hindu punjabis discriminated aginst you before partition . Rega Jha is a biharan . Perhaps she thinks biharis are ugly ; she should speak for herself .
This is what an average punjabi muslim looks like

Don't ever compare your ugly , stinky and povertystricken lhandaland with India .

Whole world knows how brave you guys are . Yours is thw only effing nation that surrenders at the drop of a hat , lol .
Just a few indian soldiers made you poop in your pants in 71 .:cheesy:
Haha that reminds of Veena Malik who used to wash Ashmit Patel's Underwear on National TV in Big Boss :lol:

And what can be say about the fangirl of Virat Kohli. RIP though

Can't even spell her name

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