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Bhensa has been controlled.

He was pro noon actually all of the so called liberal pages were anti pti and pro
Noon they called every single protest againt govt as conspiracy by isi

Glad to know baboon league attracts such a patriotic crowd that mocks dead civilians at loc and justify and mock bombing of palestenians by Israelis

Name and shame all bitches who suppprt bhensa goons
@django @The Sandman @PaklovesTurkiye

i hope you also feel same on the views of Fouzia Qasori about Guy life style?

my Prophet SAWW respect is bigger then all, and for that i will not tolerate any one if that was NS or Zardari and Ik.

and Brother, please don't gave me the lessons, and try to tell your own leader to accept his third daughter Terrian in Media as his daughter.
i hope you also feel same on the views of Fouzia Qasori about Guy life style?
Whats a guy lifestyle?
my Prophet SAWW respect is bigger then all, and for that i will not tolerate any one if that was NS or Zardari and Ik.
Why is that all these pages are pro noon and mqm?
kuch to garbar hay :D
and Brother, please don't gave me the lessons, and try to tell your own leader to accept his third daughter Terrian in Media as his daughter.
Sure after your leader accept responsibility for killing people in Model Town :D
Whats a guy lifestyle?

Why is that all these pages are pro noon and mqm?
kuch to garbar hay :D

Sure after your leader accept responsibility for killing people in Model Town :D

my leader is My prophet SAWW, and his companions, and my parents do teach me not to follow blindly, NS , Zardari and IK all are corrupts, few are financially corrupt, and few are morally.but i know you will never say that.
He is and was wrong person but never disrespect Prophet PBUH like Bhensa group..and I have gut feeling you are one of them ain't you?

Are you a AGENT or something like that? I myself hate Bhensa, I am absolutely a Pakistani and will be that even if you put a knife on my neck! But it's wrong when you start to insult everyone here, expect of your own! How about clear yourself first and get first a respected position in this forum before insulting senior Members?
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my leader is My prophet SAWW, and his companions, and my parents do teach me not to follow blindly, NS , Zardari and IK all are corrupts, few are financially corrupt, and few are morally.but i know you will never say that.
Killer of one man is killer of humanity no?

my leader is My prophet SAWW, and his companions, and my parents do teach me not to follow blindly
I root for the lesser evil
Killer of one man is killer of humanity no?

I root for the lesser evil

then ask your leader to came to media and ask forgiveness on supporting Taliban who killed thousand of thousand Civilians, Armed forces Personal.

I hope this time ziada zor ki aag nai lagi hogi
then ask your leader to came to media and ask forgiveness on supporting Taliban who killed thousand of thousand Civilians, Armed forces Personal.

PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad and if the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab
@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @The Eagle @Hell hound
The accused terror kingpin belonging to banned Sunni outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), nominated in 44 cases in which 70 people were killed, allegedly received a monthly stipend, during imprisonment, from the Punjab government.
Are you a AGENT or something like that? I myself hate Bensa, I am absolutely a Pakistani and will be that even if you put a knife on my neck! But it's wrong when you start to insult everyone here, expect of your own! How about clear yourself first and get first a respected position in this forum before insulting senior Members?
Same applies to you and yes I am agent 007
I request to PDF admins that Kindly create a Permanent thread on this forum for reporting Blasphemous contents from Pakistan by so called liberal Atheists.
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Dont lie please fbi does sting operation on social media holders of isis then arrests them

Being arrested for criminal activity (like attempted murder) is a different thing. Those sanctions were not made for expressing differring views, that is for sure.



The myth of two extremes

AT the time of writing, liberal activists Salman Haider, Waqas Goraya, Aasim Saeed, Ahmed Naseer, and Samar Abbas were still missing. There is little to suggest that they will be recovered by the time this piece goes into print. No organisation has claimed their abduction, while whatever limited investigation that has taken place so far has yielded nothing conclusive.

One can only look at the past and make historically informed conjectures about who is capable of picking up people from different parts of the country with great precision. However, one may think twice about airing such (highly plausible) suspicions for fear of being picked up as well.

The incident has revealed something supremely rotten in Pakistan’s state and society. Instead of provoking unequivocal condemnation, the abduction of several activists has spawned mass indifference, or much worse, victim-blaming. Some days ago, I was informed by a gentleman in Lahore that those missing were prominent ‘anti-state’ and ‘anti-Islam’ agents thus implying they deserved their fate.

What lies on the other end of the social spectrum is a minuscule liberal population numbering no more than a few thousand households.

For those unaware, the abducted individuals allegedly ran a rationalist Facebook page, which carried jokes and memes challenging dominant Islamist and statist narratives in Pakistan. No other allegation against them has surfaced yet. Let’s just take stock of this assertion: we now live and breathe in an intellectual cesspool where Facebook posts are widely considered a serious threat to both the ‘fastest-growing religion in the world’ and a country designated as the ‘fortress of Islam’.

In the aftermath of these disappearances, one conservative ideologue stated that ‘liberal extremists’, such as the four in question, were actually worse than militants. The rationale underpinning this assertion was that the hurt caused by words lasts for far longer than the physical violence of actual terrorists. This is not an isolated viewpoint. It is one shared by many others populating our airwaves and writing in mainstream media outlets.

The actual goal of such viewpoints is to show that somehow the average Pakistani is caught between two extremes. On the one hand, you have those who wish to turn Pakistan into a theocratic state, and are willing to deploy gruesome violence to achieve those ends. On the other, you have foreign-funded liberals, who want to turn Pakistan, its law books, and all who reside within its boundaries into a godless, amoral mass.

Caught between the two extremes, we are told, are moderate, centrist Pakistanis who wish to live moderate lives. All that this middle Pakistan wants to do is follow their traditional practices in peace without the imposition of violence or foreign-funded secularism.

In the past decade, there has been no bigger myth than the one of two equal extremes. In reality, we don’t live in a bipolar country. We live in a country with thousands of Islamist militants, many far-right fascists, a large swathe of very conservative people, and a small (though growing) mass of people who are increasingly okay with the idea that religious minorities may have equal rights.

What actually lies on the other end of the social spectrum is a minuscule liberal population numbering no more than a few thousand households spread across the country. This population is politically fragmented, internally incoherent, and limited in its outreach. In short, as far as political or social movements go, it is largely non-existent outside of the internet.

To date, the number of people killed by these designated liberal extremists who run rationalist web pages and protest against religious discrimination and persecution is zero. The number of people abducted or threatened by what is pejoratively called the candlestick mafia is also zero. However, the number of men, women, and children killed by Islamist extremists in just the last decade is estimated at more than 40,000.

No political party in Pakistan is running on a platform of vocal secularism. Only a couple of leaders have ever been willing to speak out against the blasphemy law, and one of them was killed. Instead of mass shame and condemnation, his killing resulted in an unceasing wave of whataboutery and victim-blaming from university educated, white-collar middle-class people. His killer, on the other hand, will have his first annual commemoration at Liaquat Bagh on March 1; and like his funeral last year, it will be attended by thousands.

The myth of liberal extremism is a useful intellectual prop for those who share a great deal of moral and political affinity with far-right conservatives and organised Islamists, but are now wary of associating directly with their violent ways. In essence, by blaming people like Salmaan Taseer for his own murder, or by jumping through hoops to defend the abduction of liberal activists on grounds of national security and religious sensitivities, they create fertile ground for more obscurantism and extremism.

By now, it is clear that Pakistan is not a particularly democratic state. Individuals go missing and the first thing that comes to mind is that the state is somehow complicit in this. In essence, we reside in a security state with some superficial democratic pretensions. Nevertheless, as big a problem as this seems, it is one progressives have been familiar with for a very long time.

What is far more disconcerting now, and what will certainly pose a far bigger challenge in the long run, is the mainstream societal support offered to ideas from a fascist playbook. The belief that voicing support for religious minorities and their equal treatment is worthy of punishment is scary. Similarly, the belief that certain state institutions are in their right to pick up liberal activists merely for running a webpage is not the start of a slippery slope, it is quite some way down it. Worryingly, it is now apparent that we have no clear way of preventing our slide.

The writer is a freelance columnist.


Twitter: @umairjav

Published in Dawn, January 16th, 2017
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PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad and if the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab

Well, the ruling/political class in Pakistan always had an excuse for everything. In Punjab, same people are actually utilized for political gain and power. In Sindh, many gangs are covered and provided shelter for the same job as well as like in Karachi. Sardars in Baluchistan used to do the same thing that gangs were widely used against the opposition so the thing is, they have to support such cults as being cowards sometimes. These type of people are actually afraid of results hence expect support from them and be safe and who knows, how many political leaders are hired guns by powers abroad for a specific cause.

On topic: We can see a special set of people and group of Media is like bonkers. Those badmouths are missing and they would have many threats as well like from TTP etc due to provocation and TTP availing a chance to prove itself a Muslim defender though from both end, the purpose is to serve the master either TTP did it for sympathy among people or the gang did it to cause harm and anger in society and malign Pakistan. Picture is still unclear so soon we will hear about.

Someone tried to take the game to next level but crying now desperately and having the taste of own medicine so let it be.
umair's article is the usual claptrap of desi liberals. red-herring. void of any logic, reason, or evidence pertaining to the particular situation of absent online personalities. same script different writer.

bhensa and his ilk (innocent liberals) are guilty of aiding, abetting, and propagating for terrorism in balochistan, karachi, and sindh. they are not being accused of simple, innocent activism in support of secularism. and there's more out there - supporters of other shenanigans like balochdesh and pashtunisthan should (and will) also face the music. these characters are a disservice to the cause of true liberalism and secularism and are at best apologists and sympathizers for foreign-funded ethno-linguistic terrorism in pakistan.

wonder if dabiq is part of free speech?
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