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Armageddon and World War 3 are same?

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Waqas Bin Adam


New Recruit

Sep 15, 2016
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I'm bit confused about Armageddon and WW3. Whether they are same or different? In which war Muslims and Christians will be on same page against the common enemy?

Has anyone idea or some research about it? Kindly explain if any. Thanks
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I'm bit confused about Armageddon and WW3. Whether they are same or different? In which war Muslims and Christians will be on one page against the common enemy?

Has anyone idea or some research about it? Kindly explain if any. Thanks
Depends on your definition of Armageddon and Christian. Armageddon can be spiritually or literally, it can also be either the End of the World or just a great tribulation. There's also two main types of Christians, those who believe in the Trinity and the non-Trinitarians.
look at greater israel expansion = new world order welcome to cashless slavery.
@Zarvan bhai.. please enlight us about armageddon and is it related to the return of Prophet jesus..

Armageddon is a Biblical concept. WW3 will be the next hot war fought amongst major world powers. Whether that war becomes an Armageddon is yet to be seen.

I think its necessary to know after all its all about survival of mankind.
I am pretty sure a substantial amount of the human race will survive WW3
Depends on your definition of Armageddon and Christian. Armageddon can be spiritually or literally, it can also be either the End of the World or just a great tribulation. There's also two main types of Christians, those who believe in the Trinity and the non-Trinitarians.

US president Reagan came with this ideology and publically said "this generation might see the fulfillment of Bible prophecies concerning Armageddon". But I want to know beliefs of Jews regarding Armageddon. As US current president is Donald Trump which is pro-Israel. Is WW3 will be the other name of Armageddon or it is a separate war. What Muslim scholars believe on that?

Armageddon is a Biblical concept. WW3 will be the next hot war fought amongst major world powers. Whether that war becomes an Armageddon is yet to be seen.

I think in WW3 Muslims and Christians ( non-Trinitarians) will fight against west and jews. After success they will fight each other and then Mehdi will come.
Welcome!! :usflag::pakistan:

Well, I think you don't understand that religious concepts, such as Armageddon, cannot be understood in any logical, factual manner. Armageddon is not a real event, it is a religious metaphor for something that no human will actually be able to explain to any other human in a dependable, meaningful way. So, don't bring it up here.
and Christians ( non-Trinitarians) will fight against
Which parts of the world are ruled by Christians who don't believe in Trinity? Or which one of those lands is or has the potential to become a major power?

Currently I don't see any reason for a Christian power Trinity believing or otherwise to seek an alliance with the Muslim world
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In WWI and WWII, there is no nuclear weapon. In modern era, we have minature hydrogen warhead that weights 400-500kgs but can yield 5-10 or more megatons explosion. How many such warhead exists? 10 over thousands. Enough to destroy 2-3 times the earth surface.
I think its necessary to know after all its all about survival of mankind.

RFID chip would be the greater trap ever human seen.

you can destroy rfid chip microwave it or emp it. however the chip might be in your body.
you can destroy rfid chip microwave it or emp it. however the chip might be in your body.

There is no escape from RFID because soon everything will be dependent on it. From Passport to NIC, Driving License to Credit card, From cloth shopping to fruit and Vege shopping even drinking water.
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in my interpretation, what's going on in world these days IS "armajadoon". And the Dajjal is same as bibilical "Beast of 666" and that is zionist aspect of US & allies.

Dajjal has reached Syria, after causing destruction in many other countries. And we know it's Dajjal's last stop before it dissolves away.

You can tell from desperation of israelis regarding Syrian conflict that they are more pi$$ed off than any other that syrian spring
is not going quite as per plan.

As per israelis world is going to end about 6000 years after it started. And it' year 5774 something already. Now they are desperate for their messiah and wish to expand its boundaries. Hence they want to weaken all the countries that could pose resistance to their expansion.
The future is unknown to man.
All is speculation, which is based on religious beliefs of people from various faiths.

Do not take anything for granted regarding the future.
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