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DF-41 got on camera in the Far-East province of Heilongjiang!!


Jun 19, 2016
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What do you mean 'Far-east' that word is mostly used in Russian media , in reference to Siberia
We Will We Will Nuke You!! ))))))))))))))

What do you mean 'Far-east' that word is mostly used in Russian media , in reference to Siberia
We tend to call our three Northeast provinces(aka Liaoning,Jilin,Heilongjiang) the Far-east region,and the outter Far-east region currently annexed by russia will be wrenched off of them by us someday,I guarantee you that!
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the entire china is far east

That mobile ICBM is also a copy of the Russian topol - M
the entire china is far east

That mobile ICBM is also a copy of the Russian topol - M

the entire china is far east

That mobile ICBM is also a copy of the Russian topol - M
You wish))))))) Everyone nowadays knows irainians are copying Chinese weapons like crazy,admit it)))
We Will We Will Nuke You!! ))))))))))))))

We tend to call our three Northeast provinces(aka Liaoning,Jilin,Heilongjiang) the Far-east region,and the outter Far-east region currently annexed by russia will be wrenched off of them by us someday,I guarantee you that!
what is russia doing there?
the entire china is far east

That mobile ICBM is also a copy of the Russian topol - M

Guess what, this ICBM has a range of 15,000 km, let along others.

And just everyone know every single iranian missles are copied from China and the any modification they made will have negative impact on it performance.
Why the TEL in Heilongjiang ? ( I don't know it's bringing what )
1. It's shortest distance from that to North America continent.
2. It's close to North Korea
The only thing real about this korea missile is the truck carrying it and the truck is imported from China.

We could apply the same to the picture in the first post.
Take it easy boys these is just a dildo order by USA omg
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