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Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan on the run?


Apr 4, 2009
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The Pakistan Army is said to have conveyed to Washington its willingness to go into North Waziristan but in the trade off wants immediate end to drone attacks in the region.

In the first place Pakistan Army, it is said, is not willing to be caught in the drone crossfire and suffer unnecessary casualties by way of collateral damage. And secondly the army does not want to move in without first conducting thorough scouting of the area which it is further said, it does not believe was possible with drone sorties continuing their deadly attacks on a daily basis.

Most unofficial strategic analysts, therefore, consider as totally uncalled for the US demand that Pakistan Army should launch an offensive in North Waziristan against Taliban “as soon as possible” while Washington continued its drone missions. ”The decision whether or not to launch the offensive against the outlawed Tehreeki- Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in North Waziristan and if at all when, should be left entirely to the Pakistan Army,” said these analysts.

In their opinion the army has so far done an excellent job of uprooting the TTP from its strong holds in most of the areas it has moved into and if at all it felt the need to go into NW it would certainly do so but would pick its own time for launching such a campaign. Meanwhile, according to these analysts signals emanating lately from the TTP camp indicate a willingness on the part of the Tehreek to put an end to its militant activities and resolve all issues through negotiations with the government in Islamabad.

Those who believe such to be the case point to what they said tapering off of suicide attacks and bombings in major cities in recent weeks. The elements who keep a close watch on the activities of militants inside Pakistan and Afghanistan also acknowledge having observed an all round weakness in the rank and file of TTP, especially among its leadership.

“This could be because the army has successfully defanged the TTP and now the latter is left with no option but to seek a ceasefire perhaps in order to regroup and recoup” observed one of the analysts on condition of anonymity. However, he thought in view of the past experience the army was hardly likely to ease off its military campaign against the militants and was also not likely, in his opinion, to agree to negotiations until the TTP agrees to dismantle its camps, give up its arms caches and stop its militant activities completely.

In the past, the TTP has used peace agreements only to regroup and rearm and then resume their terrorist attacks with redoubled ferocity and viciousness. In his opinion Pakistan should not negotiate with the TTP until its fire power is totally decimated. He further claimed that the signs were very clear that the Tehreek was in total disarray and on the run.

He said those who refer to the so-called offers of peace by Washington to Afghan Taliban and Hizb-i-Islami of Afghan warlord Gubuddin Hekmatyar to advance their argument in favour of starting dialogue with the TTP by Pakistan government ignore the fact that all these US offers of negotiations are conditional to total surrender by Afghan Taliban. Maulana Fazalur Rehman has repeatedly offered his services for brokering a peace deal between the government and the TTP. And two former army generals, Aslam Baig and Hameed Gul have also been advocating a dialogue between government and the TTP.

Published in Express
. Source: Pakistan Ideology

The Pakistan army doesn't need to broker a deal on its own sovereignty or look for trade offs. If it wants it can blow these drones out the sky.[Yes, i know before anyone points it out that these drone strikes are done under the complicity of the state]

Instead what the Pakistan Army has realized as well as what strategic analysts have been shouting from the rooftops is that all the statistical data shows that when drone attacks occur they are followed up by retaliatory attacks on government installations and the army but when the army is on the ground pushing forward, this sort of boomerang tit-for-tat revenge attack do not activate sleeper cells in Pakistan's cities. Therefore this correlation has been noticed and is being put forward to the US through various channels.

In addition the Pakistan Army has noticed that the TTP is multi-faceted and that when BM had been taken out by a drone strike, it didn't slow down the TTP in hitting back. If anything, things got worse therefore their effectiveness has somewhat been limited. It's leaders are plentiful and you can bet there's a long order. For e.g. you can bet if HM is no longer around Wali-Ur-Rehman will be next in command so on and so forth.
Who is funding, training and arming TTP?
Who supply their commanders with porno films and vodka?
Let me quote my essay which published in Daily Post 6 or 7 month back
Like Al Qaeda by just killing its main leadership or capturing its one or two stronghold cannot destroy it. Fighting networks is a time taking and one has to cut each and every knot of net to get full success. In other words a network has multiple centers of gravity and each needs to be destroyed to get full success.
In Pakistan TTP have multiple power areas. Aurak Zai is very important agency in this regard. After SWA, Aurak Zai is the place where TTP has training infrastructure. Hakeem ullah Mahsud himself has a strong base in Aurak Zai. About 50 % suicide bombers were trained in Aurak zai who committed terrorist attacks in all over Pakistan.
Then there is Mohmand agency where forces are carrying successful operation against Harkat tul Mujahideen Omer Khalid Group.
Mangal Bagh has emerged as ally of TTP in Khyber. Forces are engaging him in Khyber agency with success.
In Bajor in 2007 ,operation Sher Dil broke backbone of TTP Bajor. This is the Place where Molvi Faqir Muhammad, deputy chief of TTP is based. At present an operation is being carried out against his forces that recently started regrouping.
In Punjab, especially Southern Punjab areas like DG khan, Bhakkar and Rojhan have emerged as areas where there is strong presence of extremists. In recent attacks in Lahore and Pindi, Punjabi Taliban from south were involve. A police operation is likely underway.
Similarly there are strong militant networks in Mianwali, Sargodha, Fasilabad and other important cities and districts of Pakistan. Recently Security forces have arrested TTP Karachi Chief Akhtar Zaman from Karachi. Which means that each city has its own extremist network and leadership, which needs to be found and neutralized. .

The reaction of SWA operation has started coming out. Twin blasts at Islamic University in Islamabad in which 2 students of Sharia faculty have died demands swift and scientific action against local networks in different cities.
Militants have proven that they have no religion and have reached the extremes where rationality is not what they under stand.
Karl Von Clausewitz defined war as “extension of Political Policy by other means”. Pakistani government and Army have defined the political policy, which is to eliminate the terrorism from Pakistan. Pakistan has lost more then 2000 soldiers along with thousands of civilians and other security personals.
Pakistan has failed in its efforts to engage extremists in polite and peace full way. Enemy has time and again taught us that it cannot not understand peaceful language. Now Pakistan is at war. Its time government starts building minds of people. Pakistan has to fight this war on two battlefields
· Information / Propaganda field: Pakistan can only win this war by winning hearts and minds of Public. This is a war in which victory is only possible when whole nation stands by the government. At one side Pakistan have to win hearts of IDP’s coming from effected areas and on other bring consensus amongst people by exposing the faces of people who support the extremists.
· On ground Pakistan have to engage extremists physically to cut their political, material and ideological support. Its time to have no soft corner for whom so ever supports extremist’s weather they are internal enemies or are external forces. Its Pakistan’s battle for existence, which we cannot afford to lose.

Summing up through out Pakistani cities different extremist organizations have their networks. TTP has multiple centres of Gravity. This war cannot be won and Pakistan unless we break these terror networks and their sleeper cells. It’s a long war. Pakistan has to break this network thread-by-thread and knot by knot.
don't be so naive..you know it,don't you??

Yes, we know.....Read the last lines of todays paper.......


And dont forget sooner or later, those who are supporting terrorists will pay for that.
don't be so naive..you know it,don't you??

but Pak Army has different concept about who is behind all this and may be they are right as they are fighting against taliban in those areas and have much clear idea about weapons, currency and other equipments used by so called taliban.

oo you can also see G3 with sniper scope....lolz
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Its good that they are running but they have already done their job by crumbling the economy of pakistan and ruining the image. Hope Pakistan recovers soon from it and grow as a prosperous nation
Its good that they are running but they have already done their job by crumbling the economy of pakistan and ruining the image. Hope Pakistan recovers soon from it and grow as a prosperous nation

Its not that bad.............
So far people are not direclty effected......
Miltary financials are stable......

N all that its rising gradually..........

---------- Post added at 06:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ----------

One thing, I agree that Punjab Government is failed in securing Lahore.
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