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History of Pashtuns-Updates And Discussions


Jul 3, 2016
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Notable figures

1- Abbas Khan Sarwani, an Afghan historian of 16th century

2- Daud Khan Rohilla, the founder of Indo-Afghan state of Rohilkhand

3- Diler Khan Daudzai

4- Safdar Khan Babi

5- Arzani Kheshgi

6- Pir Muhammad Khan Sherwani

7- Kalu Khan Yousafzai

8- Faqir of Ipi : Myth and Reality

9- Ajab Khan Afridi

10- Dattu Sarwani, a Pashtun soldier of early 16th century

11- Sultan Nasir-ud-din Ismail Shah (Malik Makh Afghan)

12- Ahmad Yadgar - 16th century historian of the Afghans in India

13- Princess Subhan, daughter of Sultan Bahlol Lodi

14- Shah Hussain Saddozai

15- Azad Khan Afghan - The Pashtun ruler of Azerbaijan

16- Sheikh Mali Yousafzai

17- Rashid Khan Ansari

18- Najib Khan Rohilla
19- Muhammad Khan Bangash
20- Mir Mast Afridi
21- Shaikh Isa Mashwani
22- Gaju Khan Mandanr

23- Fateh Khan Barech

24- Bibi Mubaraka Yousafzai
25- Alam Khan Lodi
26- Afzal Khan Khattak

27- Ahmad Khan Bangash

28- Khushal Khan Khattak


1- Mando Khel tribe

2- Afridi tribe

3- Kasi tribe

4- Sherani tribe

5- Wardak tribe

6- -The Farmulis
7- The Chamkanis
8- Raisani tribe

9- Babi tribe

10- Dilazak tribe

11- Dotani tribe

12- Jadoon tribe
13- Khalil tribe
14- Marwat tribe
15- Naghar tribe
16- Niazi tribe
17- Sarwani tribe
18- Turi tribe
19- Jzaji tribe

20- Tirahi people (a Dardic race)


1- Baloch proteges of Najib Khan Yousafzai

2- Panni - Mughal confrontations in 16th century

3- Sikandar Lodi as a founder

4- "Afghan" is non-Pashto, loanword from foreign language?

5- Afghan monuments in Bengal

6- Babur's relations with Pashtun tribes

7- Cannons of Sher Shah Suri

8- Hijrat movement, 1920 - What really happened

9- Justice of Sher Shah

10- Abundance and low prices during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi

11-The word Afghanistan existed before the reign of Ahmad Shah Abdali

12- Medieval Afghanistan extended up to Sukkur of Sindh

13- Elite ghulam corps of Ahmad Shah Abdali

14- Sher Shah Suri aimed at eradicating poverty from his empire

15- The earliest extant account of Sher Shah Sur ( Padmavat of Jaisi, 1540 A.

16- Pir Roshan was very fond of Music

17- History of Shabqadar, town and fort
18- Theory of Coptic origin of Pashtuns
19- Roads and Sarais (inns) of Sher Shah Suri
20- Roh (Medieval Afghanistan)

21- Pashtun - Baloch wars

22- Booming of Kashmir 's shawl industry during the Afghan rule (1752-1819)

23- Military organization of Lodis

24- Karrapa disaster, Aimal Khan defeats Mughals (1674)

25- Asp-i-Laila of Ranjeet Singh, the most expensive horse on Earth (originally owned by Yar Muhammad Khan Barakzai)

26 - Dresses of Afghanistan in early 19th century

27 - When Orakzais defeated the Mughal army in Tirah ( The battle of Sampagha pass , 1619 AD)

28- The role of Pashtuns in the war of succession of Mughals

29- Potohar and the Salt range under the sway of Pashtuns

30- Mughal - Yousafzai war (1667-1670)

31-History of Pashtun tribal settlements in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province

32- Mongol-Afghan conflict during the period of Delhi Sultanates

33- Pashtun - Mughal War (1672-1677)

34- Afghan principality of Kasur
35- Mughal force disaster in Khyber, 1672

36- Kakars in Medieval India

37-Ancestral home of Sher Shah Suri in medieval Afghanistan

38-Afghan nobility under Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb

39- Bettani Afghans in medieval India
Grave of Queen Bibi Abhai, wife of Sultan Owais of Swat, in Manglor. She was sister of Malik Ahmad Khan, the chief of the great Khashi confederation of tribes (Yousafzais and their kin) and was married to the Sultan of Swat. When Yousafzai settlements extended towards Swat, the Jehangiri Sultan of Swat, who had once friendly disposition towards the former, began to fear their growing power in his proximity. He summoned his counsel and on their advise, he brutally killed his wife , Bibi Abhai, with knife on the pretext that she might leak the details about ongoing affairs in Swat to her brother and her tribe. He buried her in Manglor (Swat). This triggered the Yousafzai invasion of Swat .

Source: Tawarikh-i-Hafiz Rahmat Khani

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Depiction of Sher Shah Suri and Babur in an Indian Tv Series (Babur warns his men about Sher Khan)

In this particluar show "Akbar the great" , Mughals are protagonists and Sher Shah is portrayed as villianous character for drama purposes, thats why he is shown to be eating chicken while making villianous expression.

Tarikh-i-Sher Shahi describes the incident as;

".....After some time, Sher Khan waited upon the Emperor one day at an entertainment, when it happened that they placed before him a solid dish, which he did not know the customary mode of eating. So he cut it into small pieces with his dagger, and putting them into his spoon easily disposed of them. The Emperor Babar remarked this, and wondered at Sher Khan’s ingenuity, and said to Khalifa, his minister, who was at his elbow, “Keep an eye on Sher Khan; he is a clever man, and the marks of royalty are visible on his forehead. I have seen many Afghan nobles, greater men than he, but they never made any impression on me; but as soon as I saw this man, it entered into my mind that he ought to be arrested, for I find in him the qualities of greatness and the marks of mightiness.”

Babur ordered Sher Khan to be the arrested but the latter successfully escaped from the Mughal camp.

Illustration from late 16th century manuscript (1590-1593) of Baburnama depicting foray to Kohat

During First World War........
Hey thanks mate for that. Please can you cite me the source for that. I would give you a + rating but can't for some reason. Some members of my family were in this effort and thus began the long association with Britain that lasts to this day.

If you know any about Mir Dast VC or his brother who changed sides and went with German's let me know please.
Hey thanks mate for that. Please can you cite me the source for that. I would give you a + rating but can't for some reason. Some members of my family were in this effort and thus began the long association with Britain that lasts to this day.

If you know any about Mir Dast VC or his brother who changed sides and went with German's let me know please.
"Trans-Frontier Pathan Soldiers and the First World War," by Lal Baha (article).

The link about Mir Mast Afridi is given in the original post
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Mir Dast Khan from Qambarkhel Afridi tribe was given a Voctoria Cross in WW2. Photo from Khyber Mail newspaper 1944.

Ruins of old Kandahar Citadel, 1881

Photograph of the ruins of old Kandahar citadel from the 'Bellew Collection: Photograph album of Surgeon-General Henry Walter Bellew' taken by Sir Benjamin Simpson c.1881. Although the old citadel was destroyed by Nadir Shah Afshar of Persia in 1738, the Battle of Maiwand was fought in its ruins in 1880. This conflict secured the rule of Abdur Rahman as the Amir of Afghanistan (1844-1901). At the top of this fortified citadel there are the ruins of a royal residence.

Should we really be proud of being used as cannon fodders in both World Wars?
I did not do any commentary about taking or not taking any pride in it. Treat the snippet and the entire thread as source of general knowledge, and the information i have shared with you, might become useful to you for some discussion.
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19th century illustration of Attan (national dance of Pashtuns) in Afghanistan

Mian Tansen (c1493-1585), a prominent musician with legendary musical prowess and one of the nauratan (nine jewels) of Akbar, was disciple of the Afghan emperor Muhammad Adil Shah Sur. Adil Shah was one of the noted musicians of the time, and Baz Bahadur and Mian Tansen received their training from him.

Adil, popularly called Adali (means foolish) , was accustomed to life of singing and drinking and created great disorder by murdering his 12 year old nephew Feroz Shah Suri who had succeeded his father Islam Shah Suri (Adil's sister was married to Islam Shah and he himself was son of Nizam Khan, the brother of.Sher Shah).


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