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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella

I bet our keyboard warrior friend who has started this thread either has no idea about interstate relations and diplomacy or is a teenager under the age of 18 !!!
This forum should be one where rational logical discussions are held not fantasies !!!

Threads like these are bound to become a troll fest !!!

There isn't a palestenian who ever gave a shit about pakistan. EVER !

so, unless you like to mention uncle's name in your father hood column, because uncle is so good looking

I suggest you forget about others and concentrate on our own country and our own people.

Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.
You cannot match India economically ,Mahrastra produces GDP output greater than our Combined.You're going to combat Indian Economy??Its 5th in the world In terms of GDP(If I'm not mistaken)
The best we can do in a outstanding scenario would be with complete democratic stability a GDP of around 800 billion,There are limits to where that can go.
Pakistan has other advantages of Geo-strategy and you play that like a Game of chess to your advantage,By using your Identity and connections.
Going by your logic Pakistan should've given up long ago because India is a 3 trillion economy.
I'm sorry to say this but Kashmir is just a Distant dream and your children's won't even come to see it,Unless you create leverage.
Pakistan is the card which can Unite the arab world,Think big and we need to stop crying about Kashmir.

india's economy is much bigger than Pakistan's because their population is at least 7x bigger than that of Pakistan's. We cannot unite the Arab world as we are not Arabs ourselves. They have their problems to solve we have ours.
Once done with jews , move nukes to Bangladesh, ask Myanmar to give a separate land for rohingyas. After that move it to Azerbaijan and ask Russia to compensate Chechens for the genocide. then move back to Pakistan and ask PM to provide proper food and water supply to Tharparkar, create emploment in FATA and Balochistan, or else PM's palace would be nuked. kia mian , baithay baithay khiali palao paqatain kia.
Ahahahahah..that cracked me up:rofl:
You are hilarious. I like your humour.:enjoy:
Saudi does not need our "help" The arab states are very much united under one umbrella and they can and hopefully will fight their wars themselves without wanting or expecting any support from Pakistan.
@MadDog lol what a bunch of interstate relations and diplomacy Winner,Crying about Kashmir in the UN since 1948 Can't do anything about it except crying.
ISIS is taking noble folks and selling em off to Markets for prostitution,All hail the Pakistani diplomacy Because its such a Win that It can't do Shit about ISIS.
At least I'm brave enough to suggest some-sort of Foreign policy for middle-east
At-least I'm brave enough to open a post and suggest a Alternate approach.

@Sinnerman108 Try to make sense ,What the Fu** you saying?
Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.

Absolutely NOT! I refuse to have any Nukes near Palestine. It's like you want to give Israel a reason to make Nukes themselves! :angry:

Arabs can fight our own wars. The sooner people stop meddling in the middle east the better things will turn out.

Did you bother to think through the negative consequences of such an action at all?

If Arabs have any needs of nukes then we will make them ourselves. We are not beggars wishing for the nearest protector.
I know what you did in Arab Isreali war and after that, your army massacred the Palestinians on behalf of Jordan. You are actually strengthening my point here. Fighting other's war for religious and monetary cause is not something new to you. You did that for them in the past and they paid you heavily which however you could not properly utilized against India.
We did what is was in our interests at that time. Like US and Pak supported taliban against USSR, it was in our national interests to fight afghan war. And we dont fight religious wars, we just helped muslims countries against isreal, and this has nothing to do with religion.
I read in pdf itself from respected professionals and analysts that saudi had a huge role to play in your nuclear program, It also did it's best to help you during Indo pak wars, but you have to consider that Arab's of 60's and 70's were not as rich as they are today, allow me some time, I will surely post links.
So you think now they are rich, and they will support us against India over Kashmir? LOL. Let me tell you one of UAE ministers warned Pakistan for just not to take part in Yemen adventure. And yet you say they will support us.
With relation with India at it's all time low you need them now more than ever.
Or its opposite of what you said. May be they wanted us to send boots on ground in Yemen and Syria. Did you hear a single statement from any muslim country (except Turkey: OIC is dead) on LoC voilations and Kashmir during recent voilations? So why do we provide them nuclear shelter?
About India, our relation with Arab countries is purely business centric, considering the size of our economy and labor force it is simple mathematics that our trades with them exceeds Pakistan by a large margin,
All i wanted to say they can do the same investment in Pakistan rather than funding religious entities. Just check the stats of their FDI in India vs Pakistan. plus they prefer to recruit indian employees over Pakistanis.
It would have been absolutely ridiculous on their part if they had asked us to fight their war. We neither have the past experience of fighting other's war nor do we have any intentions to do so now.
And if we do so, they start black mailing by awarding Modi highest civil award, decreasing investment and fuckin' warnings. As you say they pay us for that, why dont you fight for them and earn.
No, you will not go hungry even if you discard all the relation with GCC and other Arab countries, but then you would have to pay a huge price both internally and externally, diplomatically, socially, economically and geopolitically that you would rather choose to be hungry than to deal with that kind of a situation.
No! We are well aware of our arab foes those are against CPEC. Your last para is nothing other than your burn. and for your info, a couple of days ago, we discussed to increase bilateral trade and defence production with a few GCC countries. Finally your plans to isolate Pakistan are failed. The more you chant isolation, the more countries are willing to join CPEC. We will do what is in our interest.
You cannot match India economically ,Mahrastra produces GDP output greater than our Combined.You're going to combat Indian Economy??Its 5th in the world In terms of GDP(If I'm not mistaken)
The best we can do in a outstanding scenario would be with complete democratic stability a GDP of around 800 billion,There are limits to where that can go.
Pakistan has other advantages of Geo-strategy and you play that like a Game of chess to your advantage,By using your Identity and connections.
Going by your logic Pakistan should've given up long ago because India is a 3 trillion economy.
I'm sorry to say this but Kashmir is just a Distant dream and your children's won't even come to see it,Unless you create leverage.
Pakistan is the card which can Unite the arab world,Think big and we need to stop crying about Kashmir.

thar coal reserves : 25000 billion $
reqo diq gold reserves : 1000 billion $

that alone has 26 trillion $

Absolutely NOT! I refuse to have any Nukes near Palestine. It's like you want to give Israel a reason to make Nukes themselves! :angry:

Arabs can fight our own wars. The sooner people stop meddling in the middle east the better things will turn out.

Did you bother to think through the negative consequences of such an action at all?

Dude Israel will expand into Syria and there's nothing the arab's can do to stop it
In-case of a Conflict between India/Pakistan Israel has always extended support to India.
Think about it.... The only thing that stops Pakistan and India from going to war is Nuclear weapons.
The consequences won't be any because you negotiate it with American's and Israel in the process.

Moving nukes into Middle-east will grant Pakistan strategic depth read Post #1,It will also further strengthen Pakistan's cause for Kashmir giving some weight into its Words at the United nations if it strikes peace for Palestine.
Dude Israel will expand into Syria and there's nothing the arab's can do to stop it

If Israel is as stupid as to attack Syria and attempt to annex Syria would lead to all sympathies leaving their side. It is the stupidest thing you can do. Attacking a Nation that has gone through a civil war for over 3 years and over half of it's population being displaced is not a good reason to state that you are "defending" yourself.

Also there is a lot of things Arabs can do, I suggest you stop-underestimating us.

Moving nukes into Middle-east will grant Pakistan strategic depth read Post #1,It will also further strengthen Pakistan's cause for Kashmir giving some weight into its Words at the United nations if it strikes peace for Palestine.

No it won't, it will drag you into a protracted conflict with Israel. Trust me they will checkmate you instantly.

Also no it won't all it will do is get you enemies and an even more powerful India.

If You nuke Gaza, things would be simplified, but is it not a bit harsh?

Please leave
If You nuke Gaza, things would be simplified, but is it not a bit harsh?
Exactly ,We ain't gonna nuke anybody because we would tell Israel Honestly about it.
If we nuke Israel then we Nuke Gaza so you be assured we ain't use Nukes,Its just a Political move if you must say.
We tell hamas you don't have to fight just give up,Go to your jobs lead happy lives lay down the guns
If Israel moves in we'll nuke em and hamas will surely listen.
It'll just be like how Pakistan played its role of Mediator in opening up Maoist China to US.
Exactly ,We ain't gonna nuke anybody because we would tell Israel Honestly about it.
If we nuke Israel then we Nuke Gaza so you be assured we ain't use Nukes,Its just a Political move if you must say.
We tell hamas you don't have to fight just give up,Go to your jobs lead happy lives
If Israel moves in we'll nuke em and hamas will surely listen.

Nukes are pretty useless for black mailing.
Pakistan is not going to do it because it is too risky.

Anyway, Hamas is not going to obey Pakistan, and neither is Israel.

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