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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella

Never! There is nothing as a free lunch. How can they help us to achieve our goals?

KSA want us to be their slaves, and fight for their interests. They aid religious schools creating sect. voilence. They finance terrorists fighting Pak forces. They prefer India over Pak for doing businesses. Btw now they have a powerful airfoce, which can defend their sovereignity.
All in all, we need to balance Iran and KSA, rather than puting our all balls in one basket.
Let's invite KSA for a joint OP in Kashmir first and see their reaction to it ? I mean if KSA is willing to fight a war for us, only then should we be willing to fight their wars. Fair?
KSA may not directly join the war as they can barely fight their own wars, but me thinks they might help you with money and fuel
Never! There is nothing as a free lunch. How can they help us to achieve our goals?

KSA want us to be their slaves, and fight for their interests. They aid religious schools creating sect. voilence. They finance terrorists fighting Pak forces. They prefer India over Pak for doing businesses. Btw now they have a powerful airfoce, which can defend their sovereignity.
All in all, we need to balance Iran and KSA, rather than puting our all balls in one basket.
Yaar we need to start taking the big boys decisions.Otherwise these Pakistani members here talking about Kashmir similarly our Government.
Internationally when you talk about Kashmir,India say's you support people like Hafiz saeed and do terrorism.
That is about where everything ends.
You need some Geo-political power to take kashmir politically,Otherwise I've been listening to Pakistanis crying about Kashmir since 1998 ever since i grew up.
Probably the first word I heard on TV was kashmir :P
So we can either try and expand our countries Military and political projection and do it Cohesively with Israel.
Let's invite KSA for a joint OP in Kashmir first and see their reaction to it ? I mean if KSA is willing to fight a war for us, only then should we be willing to fight their wars. Fair?

You don't need any Arab army soldiers in your soil to fight India. Pakistan army is enough to deter any Indian aggression .What you need fiancial help to buys develop maintain high quality weapons and diplomatic support from Arab countries.
Never! There is nothing as a free lunch. How can they help us to achieve our goals?

KSA want us to be their slaves, and fight for their interests. They aid religious schools creating sect. voilence. They finance terrorists fighting Pak forces. They prefer India over Pak for doing businesses. Btw now they have a powerful airfoce, which can defend their sovereignity.
All in all, we need to balance Iran and KSA, rather than puting our all balls in one basket.
This thing is not as black and white as you are trying to portray it to be, If I am not wrong they did help you a lot in past and the biggest of which is funding your nuclear program. The sense of betrayal was strong in them when you refuse to join yemen war. You can not expect them to fight for you as donating money is their forte and fighting is yours.

Feel free to correct me if you think otherwise
Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.

For decades, Pakistan single handedly fought for ALL Islamic causes and peoples all alone. But no one else rose to the occasion or helped us. We've done more than our fair share for the Islamic/Middle Eastern world. It's time we looked after ourselves first. The other Muslim countries need to do their bit. You can't expect Pakistan to do everything and keep taking from us without giving anything back. Charity starts at home.
Yaar we need to start taking the big boys decisions.Otherwise these Pakistani members here talking about Kashmir similarly our Government.
Internationally when you talk about Kashmir,India say's you support people like Hafiz saeed and do terrorism.
That is about where everything ends.
You need some Geo-political power to take kashmir politically,Otherwise I've been listening to Pakistanis crying about Kashmir since 1998 ever since i grew up.
Probably the first word I heard on TV was kashmir :P
So we can either try and expand our countries Military and political projection and do it Cohesively with Israel.
And do you think KSA or others will fight our Kashmir case at international level? Do you know how many OIC resolutions are there on Kashmir? And will KSA go against India while they have their business interests there? Okay tell me how many of them helped us against war on terror? Infact they boost the terror activities by financing them. Nobody is going to fight for us. The quick you learn the better.
We just need to grow our economy, and when we are strong enough economically and militiarily, we will snatch IOk from India.
This thing is not as black and white as you are trying to portray it to be, If I am not wrong they did help you a lot in past and the biggest of which is funding your nuclear program. The sense of betrayal was strong in them when you refuse to join yemen war. You can not expect them to fight for you as donating money is their forte and fighting is yours.

Feel free to correct me if you think otherwise
We did help them in Arab-Isreal war and Operation Cleanup, and when iraqi forces threatened them. LOl, they didnt fund our nuclear program (we had made nuclear bomb in 1980s when Afghan war was there) and give a single oil barrel free of cost. These are just your misconception.
LOL why do we fight their war in Yemen? Why dont they ask Americans or you indians to fight their war for money? We refused bcz it was not in our interests. And do you think without their money, we will die of hunger? LOL.
Once done with jews , move nukes to Bangladesh, ask Myanmar to give a separate land for rohingyas. After that move it to Azerbaijan and ask Russia to compensate Chechens for the genocide. then move back to Pakistan and ask PM to provide proper food and water supply to Tharparkar, create emploment in FATA and Balochistan, or else PM's palace would be nuked. kia mian , baithay baithay khiali palao paqatain kia.
We just need to grow our economy, and when we are strong enough economically and militiarily, we will snatch IOk from India.

You cannot match India economically ,Mahrastra produces GDP output greater than our Combined.You're going to combat Indian Economy??Its 5th in the world In terms of GDP(If I'm not mistaken)
The best we can do in a outstanding scenario would be with complete democratic stability a GDP of around 800 billion,There are limits to where that can go.
Pakistan has other advantages of Geo-strategy and you play that like a Game of chess to your advantage,By using your Identity and connections.
Going by your logic Pakistan should've given up long ago because India is a 3 trillion economy.
I'm sorry to say this but Kashmir is just a Distant dream and your children's won't even come to see it,Unless you create leverage.
Pakistan is the card which can Unite the arab world,Think big and we need to stop crying about Kashmir.
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Never! There is nothing as a free lunch. How can they help us to achieve our goals?

KSA want us to be their slaves, and fight for their interests. They aid religious schools creating sect. voilence. They finance terrorists fighting Pak forces. They prefer India over Pak for doing businesses. Btw now they have a powerful airfoce, which can defend their sovereignity.
All in all, we need to balance Iran and KSA, rather than puting our all balls in one basket.

few years ago i saw a video named " Bakshoo". A street boy who is there to help everyone but in retuen nobody gives him a damn, same with Pakistan. We should not give them any type of support or nuclear umbrella.
The best we can do in a outstanding scenario would be with complete democratic stability a GDP of around 800 billion,There are limits to where that can go.
GDP of around 800 billion
2 trillion.*
Okay we will be an $800 billion economy as compared to $2 trillion of India, while having 7x less population. We dont want to match india. Incase of GDP per capita, we are almost equal.
I'm sorry to say this but Kashmir is just a Distant dream and your children's won't even come to see it,Unless you create leverage.
Aaj nahi to kal, our dream will come true.
Pakistan is the card which can Unite the arab world,Think big and we need to stop cryin
But.. but Kashmir. :agree:

few years ago i saw a video named " Bakshoo". A street boy who is there to help everyone but in retuen nobody gives him a damn, same with Pakistan. We should not give them any type of support or nuclear umbrella.
Right brother. When you dont have anything to offer, nobody gives a shit. :)
Damn it kids these days.. NUCLEAR WEAPONS, seems some kind of joke here in Pakistan flying one country to the other like some shitless chicken..:o::o::o::o:

And shitless fantasy world of "WE SHOULD DO THIS AND WE SHOULD THAT" :pleasantry::pleasantry:let's just concentrate on our problems we should even don't recognize the world that won't make any difference.....concentrate on our problems...we don't need more hostile nations you shitless kids walking here on pdf that i have been seeing since 8 years..same old 5 years old post pops out in another head and there you go another thread...i wish i could knock some sense in all of these insane minds..:mad::mad:
We did help them in Arab-Isreal war and Operation Cleanup, and when iraqi forces threatened them. LOl, they didnt fund our nuclear program (we had made nuclear bomb in 1980s when Afghan war was there) and give a single oil barrel free of cost. These are just your misconception.
LOL why do we fight their war in Yemen? Why dont they ask Americans or you indians to fight their war for money? We refused bcz it was not in our interests. And do you think without their money, we will die of hunger? LOL.
Please don't judge my post based on my nationality, I am trying my best here to give a neutral perspective.

I know what you did in Arab Isreali war and after that, your army massacred the Palestinians on behalf of Jordan. You are actually strengthening my point here. Fighting other's war for religious and monetary cause is not something new to you. You did that for them in the past and they paid you heavily which however you could not properly utilized against India. I read in pdf itself from respected professionals and analysts that saudi had a huge role to play in your nuclear program, It also did it's best to help you during Indo pak wars, but you have to consider that Arab's of 60's and 70's were not as rich as they are today, allow me some time, I will surely post links.

Pardon me for saying this, but your last para does not make sense at all. With relation with India at it's all time low you need them now more than ever. America fights war for it's own reason, if USA had seen any benefits it would have bombed the democracy to the Houthis by now, with or without Arabs. About India, our relation with Arab countries is purely business centric, considering the size of our economy and labor force it is simple mathematics that our trades with them exceeds Pakistan by a large margin, We do more business than you do with China, Turkey and Iran as well, I don't see you blaming them. It would have been absolutely ridiculous on their part if they had asked us to fight their war. We neither have the past experience of fighting other's war nor do we have any intentions to do so now.

No, you will not go hungry even if you discard all the relation with GCC and other Arab countries, but then you would have to pay a huge price both internally and externally, diplomatically, socially, economically and geopolitically that you would rather choose to be hungry than to deal with that kind of a situation.
Palestine already have a Nuclear Umbrella , Israel got Nukes and as far as they are their no one will attack them except for Israel..
and for KSA , why would we do it ? if the reason is this Ummah BS than i guess first convince GCC countries to stop trading with Mushrikeen than we'll talk ..

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