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Egypt shifts to open support for Assad regime in Syrian civil war


Apr 7, 2008
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Egypt shifts to open support for Assad regime in Syrian civil war

"Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq." Sisi said.

Egypt's President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi looks on as he delivers a speech in Cairo.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has moved to open support of the Syrian army in that country's civil war, risking a worsening of relations with key ally Saudi Arabia, the main opponent of the regime of President Bashar Assad and backer of the rebels.

In an interview aired Tuesday with Portuguese broadcaster RTP, Sisi shifted Egypt's position from unofficial support of the Assad regime to overt, official backing, in effect offering a further boost to Damascus which is counting also on a shift in its favor by the incoming Trump administration. Sisi said Syrian government forces were ''best positioned to combat terrorism and restore stability" in Syria, where a civil war that has taken more than 400,000 lives is in its sixth year.

''Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq." Sisi said.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia backs the Syrian rebels, also Sunnis, in what it views as a key front of its sectarian battle with Shiite Iran for regional primacy. Iran and the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah back the Assad regime, whose key figures are drawn heavily from Syria's Alawite minority.

At first glance it might seem puzzling that Sunni Egypt would allow itself to break ranks in such an overt way from the Saudi stance on Syria, especially given that Riyadh is the main prop to Cairo's struggling economy, having pumped in some 25 billion dollars in financial assistance to Egypt since Sisi took power in a military coup in 2013. Analysts say that its stance can be understood however in light of its burgeoning relations with Russia, the main backer of the Assad regime and its antipathy towards the Muslim brothers, an important component of the rebel forces.

''For Saudi Arabia, the principal enemy is Iran, for Egypt it is not Iran but rather the Muslim brothers, that's where the gap between them appears'' says Ofir Winter, an analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies.

''In Egypt's view, a victory for the Syrian opposition could give a push to the brothers in Egypt. And a defeat of the Syrian military regime could be an introduction to similar occurrences to the regime in Egypt.'' he added.

Sisi's comments follow up Egypt's vote in the UN security council last month in favor of a Russian draft resolution opposed by Riyadh calling for a ceasefire in Syria without specifying a halt to Russian and Assad regime bombing of besieged Aleppo. Also last month, Syrian National Security Bureau head Ali Mamlouk visited Cairo, where he conferred with Khaled Fawzy, the head of Egypt's General Intelligence Service. The two sides agreed to coordinate political positions and strengthen cooperation in ''the fight against terror'' according to Syria's Sana news agency.

Saudi Arabia termed Egypt's security council vote ''painful'' and its Aramco oil company announced the suspension of discounted fuel supplies to Cairo. The Egyptian media reacted with heated attacks on Riyadh.

But Sisi's statements show he is not deterred from his pro-Russian stance on Syria. ''This is his way of saying I support Putin and his involvement in Syria instead of what the US has been doing in Iraq, Egypt and the fact that it almost didn't do anything in Syria,'' said Mira Tzoreff, an Egypt specialist at Tel Aviv University's Dayan Center.

At the same time, Sisi will take pains to stress to the Saudis that the support for Damascus is no more than verbal backing and that he will not be allying with Tehran, Tzoreff says. ''It is not either Saudi Arabia or Russia,'' she said. ''Sisi wants them both so he has to exert much effort to explain to the Saudis why he chose to support the Syrian army and indirectly Bashar Assad.''

Sisi appears to have calculated that the Saudis will continue to support his regime despite its backing of Damascus because the alternative could be chaos or a return of the Muslim Brotherhood to power and because it remains the weightiest Sunni country in the region.

Sisi first sought to deepen ties with Russia due to cool relations with the Obama administration, widely seen in Egypt as being sympathetic to the Moslem Brotherhood. Military ties have proliferated, with the two sides holding joint excercises in Egypt in October. Plans are for the Russian company RosAtom is to build a nuclear power plant in Egypt and the two sides are negotiating on the establishment of Russian industrial zones in the country. Moreover, Russia used to be an important source of tourism to Egypt until the bombing of a Russian plane over Sinai last year and Egypt wants to persuade Russia to resume the flights.

''We always take into account our people's national interests and security concerns and we think that Russia can help to achieve security and balance throughout the world,'' Sisi said during a September meeting with Putin.

Sisi may also be emboldened by the election of Donald Trump, who has praised his leadership and also signaled that he seeks an improved relationship with Putin's Russia. Trump has said that he views Islamic State as the main enemy in Syria, not Assad regime forces that are fighting IS. As part of what appears to be an emerging Trump-Sisi love fest, the Egyptian leader even voiced understanding during the RTP interview for the idea supported by members of Trump's team of establishing a registry of Muslim immigrants.

Asked by his interviewer whether he was concerned about talk of a US database for Muslims, Sisi said: ''Yes. But every country tries to provide security and stability for its citizens and we understand that.''

This show the very limitation and influence of Saudi. Even Sunni brother Egypt turn against them despite shower with money and the same sect of religion. Maybe Saudi king say something that piss sisi badly?
What else we can expect from a Dictator whose hands are drowned in blood of his own people. Who has captured power with military might by overthrowing the elected govt of Muhammad Mursi. We can clearly see the situation of Democracy under this killer in Egypt.
PRoves that syrian opposition is really full of terrorists, rats and violent anti rassad types who in a practical situation cannot govern syria better than Assad. stupid terrorists never have good game plan at the end...we can all see they they will get tired soon OR their foreign backers, with their foreign agendas(which include destroying syria while trying to achieve their selfish gains)will get tired soon.
Mashallah ! :agree:

Great move by the General, screw those scumbag terrorist rebels. This might have had something to do with it as well.

Syrian rebels' days are numbered, Trump will stop all support to them, diplomatic or military. 'Murrican JDAMS will soon join the party with Russian bombs and Assads barrel bombs. :yahoo:

Make Syria Great Again. ! :usflag:
Syrian army is not national

its a minority alewite ruled minority whose purpose is to suppress the people so they agree to eternal dominion of the Assad dictatorship and his alewite clan

there brutal slaughter of the Syrian people has left everlasting hatred in and outside Syria and come what may minority rule by brute force will only last so long
Mashallah ! :agree:

Great move by the General, screw those scumbag terrorist rebels. This might have had something to do with it as well.

Syrian rebels' days are numbered, Trump will stop all support to them, diplomatic or military. 'Murrican JDAMS will soon join the party with Russian bombs and Assads barrel bombs. :yahoo:

Make Syria Great Again. ! :usflag:

You should invite them to join your RSS aka indian Nazi party. Birds of a feather flock together.
Assad has just made the second mistake of his life, after letting the the US in. After the swarm of yellow jackets, a colony of termites..:cuckoo:
Syrian army is not national

its a minority alewite ruled minority whose purpose is to suppress the people so they agree to eternal dominion of the Assad dictatorship and his alewite clan

there brutal slaughter of the Syrian people has left everlasting hatred in and outside Syria and come what may minority rule by brute force will only last so long
Why do u believe it not national? Or u just want to deny that Sunnis and many minorities r in the Syrian army.other minorities eve. Joined more for fear of potential future ayrian govt being run by Islamic terrorists..
Egypt shifts to open support for Assad regime in Syrian civil war

"Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq." Sisi said.

Egypt's President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi looks on as he delivers a speech in Cairo.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has moved to open support of the Syrian army in that country's civil war, risking a worsening of relations with key ally Saudi Arabia, the main opponent of the regime of President Bashar Assad and backer of the rebels.

In an interview aired Tuesday with Portuguese broadcaster RTP, Sisi shifted Egypt's position from unofficial support of the Assad regime to overt, official backing, in effect offering a further boost to Damascus which is counting also on a shift in its favor by the incoming Trump administration. Sisi said Syrian government forces were ''best positioned to combat terrorism and restore stability" in Syria, where a civil war that has taken more than 400,000 lives is in its sixth year.

''Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq." Sisi said.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia backs the Syrian rebels, also Sunnis, in what it views as a key front of its sectarian battle with Shiite Iran for regional primacy. Iran and the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah back the Assad regime, whose key figures are drawn heavily from Syria's Alawite minority.

At first glance it might seem puzzling that Sunni Egypt would allow itself to break ranks in such an overt way from the Saudi stance on Syria, especially given that Riyadh is the main prop to Cairo's struggling economy, having pumped in some 25 billion dollars in financial assistance to Egypt since Sisi took power in a military coup in 2013. Analysts say that its stance can be understood however in light of its burgeoning relations with Russia, the main backer of the Assad regime and its antipathy towards the Muslim brothers, an important component of the rebel forces.

''For Saudi Arabia, the principal enemy is Iran, for Egypt it is not Iran but rather the Muslim brothers, that's where the gap between them appears'' says Ofir Winter, an analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies.

''In Egypt's view, a victory for the Syrian opposition could give a push to the brothers in Egypt. And a defeat of the Syrian military regime could be an introduction to similar occurrences to the regime in Egypt.'' he added.

Sisi's comments follow up Egypt's vote in the UN security council last month in favor of a Russian draft resolution opposed by Riyadh calling for a ceasefire in Syria without specifying a halt to Russian and Assad regime bombing of besieged Aleppo. Also last month, Syrian National Security Bureau head Ali Mamlouk visited Cairo, where he conferred with Khaled Fawzy, the head of Egypt's General Intelligence Service. The two sides agreed to coordinate political positions and strengthen cooperation in ''the fight against terror'' according to Syria's Sana news agency.

Saudi Arabia termed Egypt's security council vote ''painful'' and its Aramco oil company announced the suspension of discounted fuel supplies to Cairo. The Egyptian media reacted with heated attacks on Riyadh.

But Sisi's statements show he is not deterred from his pro-Russian stance on Syria. ''This is his way of saying I support Putin and his involvement in Syria instead of what the US has been doing in Iraq, Egypt and the fact that it almost didn't do anything in Syria,'' said Mira Tzoreff, an Egypt specialist at Tel Aviv University's Dayan Center.

At the same time, Sisi will take pains to stress to the Saudis that the support for Damascus is no more than verbal backing and that he will not be allying with Tehran, Tzoreff says. ''It is not either Saudi Arabia or Russia,'' she said. ''Sisi wants them both so he has to exert much effort to explain to the Saudis why he chose to support the Syrian army and indirectly Bashar Assad.''

Sisi appears to have calculated that the Saudis will continue to support his regime despite its backing of Damascus because the alternative could be chaos or a return of the Muslim Brotherhood to power and because it remains the weightiest Sunni country in the region.

Sisi first sought to deepen ties with Russia due to cool relations with the Obama administration, widely seen in Egypt as being sympathetic to the Moslem Brotherhood. Military ties have proliferated, with the two sides holding joint excercises in Egypt in October. Plans are for the Russian company RosAtom is to build a nuclear power plant in Egypt and the two sides are negotiating on the establishment of Russian industrial zones in the country. Moreover, Russia used to be an important source of tourism to Egypt until the bombing of a Russian plane over Sinai last year and Egypt wants to persuade Russia to resume the flights.

''We always take into account our people's national interests and security concerns and we think that Russia can help to achieve security and balance throughout the world,'' Sisi said during a September meeting with Putin.

Sisi may also be emboldened by the election of Donald Trump, who has praised his leadership and also signaled that he seeks an improved relationship with Putin's Russia. Trump has said that he views Islamic State as the main enemy in Syria, not Assad regime forces that are fighting IS. As part of what appears to be an emerging Trump-Sisi love fest, the Egyptian leader even voiced understanding during the RTP interview for the idea supported by members of Trump's team of establishing a registry of Muslim immigrants.

Asked by his interviewer whether he was concerned about talk of a US database for Muslims, Sisi said: ''Yes. But every country tries to provide security and stability for its citizens and we understand that.''


Not surprising this murderer hands is also red with blood of thousands of unarmed Opposition activist .
It's the only sensible move. I wonder who in the West really still believes that the government that replaces Assad will in any way, shape, or form, be "democratic", or less hostile to Western interests? They are fools if they do. I also doubt it will effect Egypt's relationship with Saudi Arabia, which is about as close as it's ever been in my lifetime.

And if President Trump does what he says, America will be following President el-Sissi's lead in short order.
It's the only sensible move. I wonder who in the West really still believes that the government that replaces Assad will in any way, shape, or form, be "democratic", or less hostile to Western interests? They are fools if they do. I also doubt it will effect Egypt's relationship with Saudi Arabia, which is about as close as it's ever been in my lifetime.

And if President Trump does what he says, America will be following President el-Sissi's lead in short order.

Saudi shut off oil supply to Egypt. You can imagine the r/s between these 2 sunni countries are very sour.
The Saudi Kingdom creates its own enemies. I don't feel pity for Saudi Arabia at all. This is an outcome that Riyadh deserves; they helped actively with money and diplomatic support to overthrow Mursi. And now? They are missing him badly. What goes around, comes around.
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