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‘Pakistan’s economy will collapse in the next 10 years’

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Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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KARACHI: Education is linked with economic prosperity but the education sector in Sindh is underperforming despite the fact that Rs700 million of the province’s annual development budget has been allocated to the education sector, said Education Minister Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar.

“Pakistan’s economy is going to collapse like that of Greece’s in the next 10 years,” he warned. Dahar was addressing the inauguration ceremony of a conference, titled ‘International Conference on Transforming Economic Development: Policies and Strategies’, organised by the Applied Economics Research Centre (AERC) at the ICCBS, Karachi University on Tuesday. “Pakistan has been divided into haves and have-nots classes,” he said.

Like other flourishing countries, Pakistan has to manage according to its own environment to achieve the international Sustainable Development Goals, he said.


Pakistan is facing enormous challenges such as illiteracy, poverty, inequalities, corruption, energy and governance issues that have had a direct negative impact on the economic development and growth of the country, he pointed out.

“Pakistan is heading towards a social and economic hurricane that will cause great damage,” said AERC director Prof Dr Samina Khalil, adding that the economic hurricane will sweep away much of the current economy and Pakistan’s assumptions about the future.

The three-day conference aims to devise development policies and strategies for the transformation of the economy of Pakistan, explained Dr Khalil. It is providing a forum for discussion among renowned national and international academics, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and students, she said.

Seconding the education minister, economist Dr Kaiser Bengali said that Pakistan has been divided into two classes, the haves and have-nots. “The country’s exports are being reduced as compared to imports, which have increased,” he said, pointing out that the deficit created from this difference between exports and imports is mounting up debts.

Tension with India is extremely harmful for us, said Pakistan Institute of Development Economics vice-chancellor Dr Asad Zaman. “Pakistan needs to rethink and reconfigure trading patterns; self-sufficiency is the need of the hour,” said Zaman.

A total of 32 research papers will be presented in the conference.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 23rd, 2016.
KARACHI: Education is linked with economic prosperity but the education sector in Sindh is underperforming despite the fact that Rs700 million of the province’s annual development budget has been allocated to the education sector, said Education Minister Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar.

“Pakistan’s economy is going to collapse like that of Greece’s in the next 10 years,” he warned. Dahar was addressing the inauguration ceremony of a conference, titled ‘International Conference on Transforming Economic Development: Policies and Strategies’, organised by the Applied Economics Research Centre (AERC) at the ICCBS, Karachi University on Tuesday. “Pakistan has been divided into haves and have-nots classes,” he said.

What is this? The rumor mill? The US's economy took off due to her expansive infrastructure designs back in early 60's. The minimum education until the start of the 90's was a high school diploma and a person with a Bachelor's, would be considered as "set for life". Then came the Masters and MBA's from 1994-2010. And now, that level has gone up to the PhD.

In Pakistan, the infrastructure didn't exist. So now its being built and the internal economy of Pakistan should grow healthy 3-4% (without too much international trade). This isn't high growth, but the point is, that the infrastructure development will boost internal economy and ore cities, hospitals, highways, hotels, tourism, restaurants, mechanic shops, cities would be built. So that's natural growth. Then comes the foreign investments and we know today that many large companies from auto to various other sectors want to come to Pakistan.

I have a lot of friends who believe its not the education, its the ability to run a business that you should have. The early on you start, the early on you'll grow. Similarly, in the case of Pakistan, its not empty Master's degrees one needs, its really "skilled labor" that Pakistan needs. That means vocational and technical education so the main level of education like it was in the US, will remain high school graduate in Pakistan also. The skilled labor can still make a great living and produce Doctors, Engineer, Pilots, etc, from their children. Thanks
Modern education is the foundation for growth and prosperity, ignore it at your own peril.
Children are the future of a country and its most valuable resource, if you dont educate them then they will not be able to cope with the rapidly developing world.
The same valuable resource will turn in to a liability.
What is this? The rumor mill? The US's economy took off due to her expansive infrastructure designs back in early 60's. The minimum education until the start of the 90's was a high school diploma and a person with a Bachelor's, would be considered as "set for life". Then came the Masters and MBA's from 1994-2010. And now, that level has gone up to the PhD.

In Pakistan, the infrastructure didn't exist. So now its being built and the internal economy of Pakistan should grow healthy 3-4% (without too much international trade). This isn't high growth, but the point is, that the infrastructure development will boost internal economy and ore cities, hospitals, highways, hotels, tourism, restaurants, mechanic shops, cities would be built. So that's natural growth. Then comes the foreign investments and we know today that many large companies from auto to various other sectors want to come to Pakistan.

I have a lot of friends who believe its not the education, its the ability to run a business that you should have. The early on you start, the early on you'll grow. Similarly, in the case of Pakistan, its not empty Master's degrees one needs, its really "skilled labor" that Pakistan needs. That means vocational and technical education so the main level of education like it was in the US, will remain high school graduate in Pakistan also. The skilled labor can still make a great living and produce Doctors, Engineer, Pilots, etc, from their children. Thanks
A great way of explaining. Problem is most of the folks are too much single variable type...
Debt which goes to make infrastructure and social programmes is good, since it pays for itself. Debt which goes to financiliasation, like Greece is not.
I have been hearing this for the last 30 years
oh yesssss, the express tribune again.................................
Hi guys. Spend more on education and health. It is a key.
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