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Trump may mount pressure to limit Pak nuclear programme

And who the hell are you to plant that question? Clearly an enemy!
An enemy of whom, exactly? The people of Pakistan or a self-interested elite benefiting from excessive defense spending?
It is better to have freedom and be hungry and armed to defend our home than to be slave with a full stomach.
And who the hell are you to plant that question? Clearly an enemy!

Look, I know how you lot love playing with words to manipulate and corrupt others minds.

As usual, a twister that wouldn't miss a chance to do so. The world's No. 1 occupier and human rights violators questioning others as such contrary to the facts that their own hands are red with innocent's blood and are still depending upon US aid. No need to feed at all.
An enemy of whom, exactly? The people of Pakistan or a self-interested elite benefiting from excessive defense spending?

Enough of you and your propaganda to influence some amongst my kind. It won't work no matter how much you try.

You should look forward to your Promised Land .. that is The Fire.
It is better to have freedom and be hungry and armed to defend our home than to be slave with a full stomach.
In the American experience "guns vs. butter" spending isn't a one-or-the-other choice but a balance carefully evaluated by elected politicians.
In the American experience "guns vs. butter" spending isn't a one-or-the-other choice but a balance carefully evaluated by elected politicians.

That's America experience and nothing to do with us!

Your own PM admittedly followed our Prophet's (S.A.W) defence strategy so don't tell us what we should and shouldn't be doing!

Go brainwash your own kind to be murderers and looters of the 'Gentiles'
That's America experience and nothing to do with us! Your own PM admittedly followed our Prophet's (S.A.W) defence strategy so don't tell us what we should and shouldn't be doing!'
One, the U.S. doesn't have a prime minister. Two, if America's experience has "nothing to do" with Pakistan's then why did you just invoke the comparison?
One, the U.S. doesn't have a prime minister. Two, if America's experience has "nothing to do" with Pakistan's then why did you just invoke the comparison?

Stupid, it was the Israeli PM!
Although the US thinks himself the world leader, he just can't act properly.

If Pak's nuclear capabilities are limited, the whole Muslim world will be against him.
Do they really have enough money and soldiers to repress the oppositions worldwide?
Enough of you and your propaganda to influence some amongst my kind. It won't work no matter how much you try.
So it doesn't matter what the Pakistani people think because you have the power and they don't? And you expect to keep that power as long as you can wield hate as a blind and shield?
Dont waste your time with Old senile Zionist, who claims to be more purer than angel.

The Chosen Ones (to abode in The Fire) like him need to be challenged and exposed for their attmpts to manipulate the gullible amongst us.
The Chosen Ones
I am Afraid the ''Cult'' itself is wrong in Judaism. It basically violates the core beliefs of Judaism, and yet argues that it has got everything to do with it, while in fact they are working hard to destroy the very foundations of this followers of Torah
I am Afraid the ''Cult'' itself is wrong in Judaism. It basically violates the core beliefs of Judaism, and yet argues that it has got everything to do with it, while in fact they are working hard to destroy the very foundations of this followers of Torah


Allah (s.w.t) says:
"And what of him who stands upon a clear sign from his Lord, and a witness from Him recited it, and before him is the Book of Moses for an ensample and mercy? Those believe in it; but whomsoever disbelieves in it, being one of the partisans, his promised land is the Fire. So be thou not in doubt of it; it is the truth from thy Lord, but most men do not believe."

There are many more aayats covering the changes made by them in the Book of Moses because they disputed them.

Their loss! They take by force and by spilling the blood of innocent their so-called promised land on the earth in exchange for Allah's promised land of fire for them.
The Chosen Ones (to abode in The Fire) like him need to be challenged and exposed for their attmpts to manipulate the gullible amongst us.
Exactly. I've accused you of using hate as a tool to dominate the populace and you've responded by calling on your fellows to help stir up more hatred. Circular reasoning. Since it's useless to appeal for change to a leader who justifies everything by circular reasoning what resort can the oppressed have other than revolt or revolution?
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