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New Currency Notes??

Muhammad Omar

Feb 3, 2014
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Anyone has the news about State Bank of Pakistan gonna issue new Currency Notes??

here's an Example
wow, I hope that's fake because that colour scheme is just obnoxious
Dont do that again .... there was rumour of 50 rupee coin though
We need synthetic plastic notes like the Australian dollars .
New British 5 pond note, synthetic and plastic and the best part it you can't rip it with your hands - I've tried it will my full strength and I can't rip it.

Synthetic feel fake and like Monopoly money.

Polymer notes are better. They are cleaner, safer and stronger than paper notes. Polymer notes provide enhanced counterfeit resilience and increase the quality of notes in circulation. And, because they last at least 2.5 times longer than paper notes, polymer notes are also more environmentally friendly.
Synthetic feel fake and like Monopoly money.

Polymer notes are better. They are cleaner, safer and stronger than paper notes. Polymer notes provide enhanced counterfeit resilience and increase the quality of notes in circulation. And, because they last at least 2.5 times longer than paper notes, polymer notes are also more environmentally friendly.
The £5 note felt kinda fake for a while but you get used to it I guess. It feels normal now and to be honest I have only handled about 2-3 new £5 notes.
The £5 note felt kinda fake for a while but you get used to it I guess. It feels normal now and to be honest I have only handled about 2-3 new £5 notes.

England money is the hardest to forge because they are made from a special kind of paper and use a certain type of ink. Hence when scanned it's easily apparent whether it's fake or not.

I believe they'll come out with others soon. I think at this moment in time it's just trial and test.
Electronic currency is easier to control and manipulate. I wouldn't vouch for that
Agreed. M
My post / comment has two parts..first is my prediction based on the current trends and study of the banker's mentality. The second part is my analysis and that is it will be an economic Guantanamo for people (i.e. a prison for people). Bankers will have a stronger control over the lives of the people...whoever will go against the govt or establishment, will find himself without money, all card blocked instantly..a pretty horrible future.
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