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18 Indian Terrorists sabotaging CPEC arrested in Pakistan

Khan_21 said:

actually u r country has low temp and more hilly areas thats why u r country have fair look. btw fair skin people belong to Kashmir or u r north side not in sindh/punjab/baluchistan becoz except kashmiris we all are ethnically same.
Forget about Pakistan dude, tell a Punjabi Jatt Sikh that he is ethnically same as a Tamil. chances are you will be paying a visit to the dentist:lol::lol:, now do yourself a favour and log off before you embarrass yourself any further.

Unfortunately,in some cases RAW recruits Pakistanis also. The picture comes out as disgruntled Pakistanis working against state of Pakistan.

Although every design is planned by RAW itself.

Its a long way to go to clean Pakistan from RAW.

Things are out in the open also, back in 1980's Indian PM told about RAW network in Pakistan to Gen Zia Ul Haq.

In a telephonic conversation, Desai (Indian PM) revealed details of the RAW network in Pakistan to Zia-ul-Haq, the neighbouring country's then martial law administrator, and told him that the Indian government also knew about its secret nuclear bomb-making facility at Kahuta.

That is an interesting read about Desai and his supposed revelations, I for one am somewhat skeptical, sure I believe RAW has had intelligence networks conducting clandestine operations inside Pakistan for decades yet, I get this feeling the Indians are trying to disguise their own shortcomings by declaring magnanimity, just like they claim they could have captured Lahore and Sialkot when we all know the reality of the situation and the actions of the cowardly Major Gen Prasad.Kudos Sarge
the use of foul language against indians is disgusting. Grow up.

CPEC is not a project, it is a grand design in Pakistan China nexus. It cannot be sabotaged, blowed up, other than pen pricks that will only defame india and tire its resources over other strategic goals. Indian resources maybe better spent making government subsidized housing for people sleeping on the streets in Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta.
yes they condemn it but they did not tow your line that means they believed Pakistan is not involved or India is involved in Pakistan...either way they leave it on two countries to sort it out

Why do you think no one supported Nawaz Sharif's bleatings about Kashmir at UNGA? What bigger fallout than that do you expect?

As for "sorting out" all issues bilaterally, I thing the Indian government is pretty OK with that. Pakistan has an agenda of internationalizing Kashmir, Indus Water Treaty, etc. - we don't.
CPEC is working like a honeycomb. The more it progresses, more of these attracted and captured. On one side where the CPEC is going to be fruitful for Pakistan China and the region as well so other side it is going to cost India more and more to spent on such assets which goes to vain pretty soon every time. Rather than trying to sabotage a progressive projects, India should have spent the same budget for projects like CPEC through India so that the Region could prosper more. However, the capture of Kulbhushan that use to travel from Iran to Pakistan not just sabotaged the ring of such nexus but also, risked the Indian interests in Chahbahar as well. As becoming aware of Indian interests in Chahbahar, only to the extent to counter Gawadar, is failed hence all these anti-CPEC activities.

CPEC is not just a port but a strategic value asset that India will try hard to sabotage but the reality is, it cannot be undone like this as being of a highly national interest for Pakistan and China as well. CPEC is a reality and there is still time to be accepted at it is or we have no issue to bring down more of them assets.
18 Indian terrorists sabotaging CPEC arrested in Pakistan


Seriously!?!? 18 dudes went to sabotage a billion dollar project? :rofl: Come up with something believable next time. Quoting news channels from both the countries are crap. Unreliable, just for rating.:disagree:
CPEC is working like a honeycomb. The more it progresses, more of these attracted and captured. On one side where the CPEC is going to be fruitful for Pakistan China and the region as well so other side it is going to cost India more and more to spent on such assets which goes to vain pretty soon every time. Rather than trying to sabotage a progressive projects, India should have spent the same budget for projects like CPEC through India so that the Region could prosper more. However, the capture of Kulbhushan that use to travel from Iran to Pakistan not just sabotaged the ring of such nexus but also, risked the Indian interests in Chahbahar as well. As becoming aware of Indian interests in Chahbahar, only to the extent to counter Gawadar, is failed hence all these anti-CPEC activities.

CPEC is not just a port but a strategic value asset that India will try hard to sabotage but the reality is, it cannot be undone like this as being of a highly national interest for Pakistan and China as well. CPEC is a reality and there is still time to be accepted at it is or we have no issue to bring down more of them assets.

Excellent thoughts. Unfortunately, no one gave the memo to the ISI/Pak Army, which has been busy perfecting asymmetrical warfare and "thousand cuts" for decades. Your incisive analysis would be better used if it could be conveyed to them.
Unfortunately, no one gave the memo to the ISI/Pak Army, which has been busy perfecting asymmetrical warfare and "thousand cuts" for decades.

That is may be you take it like this because it is about ISI. You should check such claims from your side as well or at-least can ask your C.O if has information, would really tell you how things works. The perfecting thing comes as many of details are censored/reserved for another time like what you know about Kulbhushan are only what PA shared and the rest of details can be seen in light of achievements to capture such rings that he helped a lot. He is co-operating.
Why do you think no one supported Nawaz Sharif's bleatings about Kashmir at UNGA? What bigger fallout than that do you expect?

As for "sorting out" all issues bilaterally, I thing the Indian government is pretty OK with that. Pakistan has an agenda of internationalizing Kashmir, Indus Water Treaty, etc. - we don't.

this is where you are wrong, Pakistan has an agenda of dealing Kashmir her own way and world should not interfere and this time it seems they have been successful. What i meant by dealing with each other is that the world is ok now for us to kill each other without involving them.
That is may be you take it like this because it is about ISI. You should check such claims from your side as well or at-least can ask your C.O if has information, would really tell you how things works. The perfecting thing comes as many of details are censored/reserved for another time like what you know about Kulbhushan are only what PA shared and the rest of details can be seen in light of achievements to capture such rings that he helped a lot. He is co-operating.

Look, I am sure you are aware of the term "false equivalence". They must be doing it as well - that is the most favourite way to expunge guilt.

ISI's role in fomenting trouble is well-documented.


As far as India's/RAW's role is concerned, if there are any concrete non-partisan references, then I am all ears.

this is where you are wrong, Pakistan has an agenda of dealing Kashmir her own way and world should not interfere and this time it seems they have been successful. What i meant by dealing with each other is that the world is ok now for us to kill each other without involving them.

So be it then. If you think that by blackmailing India or the rest of the world about dire repercussions, Pakistan will be allowed to have its way, you are mistaken. We are fine if the the world doesn't care.

As for Pakistan's agenda of creating trouble in Kashmir, that is the single biggest reason why despite losing so many thousand civilians to terrorist attacks, all it gets from the world are calls to "do more on the issue of terrorism". I know it must be infuriating, but you may consider this blatant hypocrisy of creating trouble for neighbours and expecting no blowback.
"Indian terrorists" seem to be omni-present.. if a polio team goes for vaccination, they are RAW agents..if someone blows them up, they are RAW agents too... this has long crossed the line of ridiculousness...
I had to create this account just to post this.....

JESUS CHRIST are Pakistani's so racist ??? every word or reply...has some kind of a racist connotation

Every thread i read...same thing.... :/

They just have a different sense of propriety than we do.
Blindly believing a government which has a decades-long history in false propaganda and misdirection signifies lack of knowledge and perception.
You are merely repeating what i said with a slight change in names. That itself makes your post useless.

You mean 18 innocent people have been framed? And more to follow...
Arguing for the sake of argument, you have too much time on your hands, i dont.

So then who is Kulbhushan Yadav...since we happen to know his name?
if you still dont know that then i am sure you are hell bent on wasting my time.

ISI has a long history of forgery and deceit:


No one except gullible Pakistanis believes your government. This is what happens when you build nothing but a legacy of fraud and deceit.

probably its better to come prepared before senselessly scribbling words here and there , its just frustration showing in your words instead of logical, knowledgeable or any meaningful point.

You are at loss of words for RAW so now argument suddenly turns to ISI, thats a trolling tactic. Unfortunately your words lacks any substance for my replies to continue. Kindly dont quote me again, its pure time wastage even replying you.

No proof this has anything to do with Yadav. It's been months since Yadav has been caught. Any agents under his control not already arrested are probably shut down. These arrests might be all together different.
do you even know what the word "network" means and how its applied in intelligence based ops. Ofcourse you dont :-)

That is an interesting read about Desai and his supposed revelations, I for one am somewhat skeptical, sure I believe RAW has had intelligence networks conducting clandestine operations inside Pakistan for decades yet, I get this feeling the Indians are trying to disguise their own shortcomings by declaring magnanimity, just like they claim they could have captured Lahore and Sialkot when we all know the reality of the situation and the actions of the cowardly Major Gen Prasad.Kudos Sarge

There are million more revelations about RAW, its networking and operations in Pakistan. Usually nothing is told to the Pakistani public by our own intelligence agencies and there are many different reasons for that.

I dont want to sound like im on an agenda on exposing RAW ops in Pakistan and probably derail the thread. Circumstances will themselves keep coming up with time.
You are merely repeating what i said with a slight change in names. That itself makes your post useless.

You have hurt my feelings by saying that.

Arguing for the sake of argument, you have too much time on your hands, i dont.

Which is why you have clocked up over 5 times as many posts as I during the same time on PDF. That totally makes sense.

if you still dont know that then i am sure you are hell bent on wasting my time.

You claimed inside knowledge of intelligence operations - namely, that names are never to be revealed. Why was Yadav's name revealed then? Hint - you don't know s**t

probably its better to come prepared before senselessly scribbling words here and there , its just frustration showing in your words instead of logical, knowledgeable or any meaningful point.

Your personal opinion masqueraded as facts. But I will take it.

You are at loss of words for RAW so now argument suddenly turns to ISI, thats a trolling tactic.

The comment was made in response to the post that all intelligence agencies behave the same way. It is important to point out that ISI has no parallel in being evil.

You seem to know all about tactics - from intelligence to trolling. About the latter I can see why, but may I ask what your qualifications for the former are?

Unfortunately your words lacks any substance for my replies to continue.

There you go...you have hurt me again.

Kindly dont quote me again, its pure time wastage even replying you.

If you had said as much at the very beiginning of your response, then I wouldn't have bothered replying in the first place.

So next time, don't be so clever as to have the last word and then stop the conversation. We can all play games.
do you even know what the word "network" means and how its applied in intelligence based ops. Ofcourse you dont :-)

There is also something called compartmentalization too. Yadav only knew about his agents in his network. No proof these 18 were Yadav's agents. If so, it would be foolish to keep them when their control officer was compromised. But if it makes you feel better. :enjoy:
There is also something called compartmentalization too. Yadav only knew about his agents in his network. No proof these 18 were Yadav's agents. If so, it would be foolish to keep them when their control officer was compromised. But if it makes you feel better. :enjoy:

Cdr KY has been made public as he raised his hand after the first hour in interrogation and said I am a Navy Commander, please don't beat me like this. There are other operators also in custody who are much more hardened, and don't speak up.

This sad and vicious cycle of violence will continue, to what end? This is the most unfortunate development of a right wing government in India that is going on the covert offensive while Pakistan's hands are tied eliminating the artifacts of the Afghan conflict, which India also suffers from. However, but diverting the Pakistani attention, India itself help bring alive a monster that will hurt all of India more than it will hurt Pakistan. Self defeating strategy?
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