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R.I.P Sikh Commando Balbir Singh

We should offer complete support to the Khalistan movement like India is offering support to BLA and BRA and BLUF
I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but in 1971, didn't India try to bomb some holy Sikh sites in Pakistan.
I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but in 1971, didn't India try to bomb some holy Sikh sites in Pakistan.
Actually you are not sure about any thing because everything propogated in Pakistan is FALSE PROPOGANDA.
All your statements have" If, not sure, could be" these things are only found in Pakistan.

And best part theories are formed on these assumptions.
What exactly is the source of all this ?

Almost everybody who enrols in Indian army knows fully well who the main enemy is and where he will most likely have to fire if it comes to it. Only Pakistanis will believe this news without any authentic source.

Nothing but a part of Pakistani attempt to reignite the long dead Khalistan movement. They failed then, they will fail again.
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Rip brother....
On a serious note
Those are impotence of highest order who don't respect human lives cant make difference in the lifetime or after .....
Anywhere in India, actually.
He is always boasting about the south and Tamil Nadu, if it was up to him (and he could get away with it) he would nuke Pakistan, a truly cunning and crafty individual who starts his conversation as a dove and metamorphosises into a hawk.Kudos old boy.

By the time nuclear reaches Tamil Nadu, not just the missile would be taken out but also its source.
HAHAHAHAHA you wish, I suppose your DRDO has it's own star wars program, the same DRDO which is the laughing stock of the region, make no mistake about it, I presume you are from the south, in the event of total war, the south will become a dystopian wasteland of mutants for the next thousand years.Kudos
He is always boasting about the south and Tamil Nadu, if it was up to him (and he could get away with it) he would nuke Pakistan, a truly cunning and crafty individual who starts his conversation as a dove and metamorphosises into a hawk.Kudos old boy.

HAHAHAHAHA you wish, I suppose your DRDO has it's own star wars program, the same DRDO which is the laughing stock of the region, make no mistake about it, I presume you are from the south, in the event of total war, the south will become a dystopian wasteland of mutants for the next thousand years.Kudos

He has much to boast about. An unbroken civilisation and tradition of administration of many centuries, a land that produced the sub-continent's only trans-oceanic empire, a culture still rock-steady in its values and its prolific offering in each and every imaginable cultural field, a war-like soldiery that took on the best and kept their own land free till the end.

He would never nuke Pakistan. That would mean irreducible ruin to his own country, a country that spans from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. He may frighten a few blowhards and braggarts not being used to being exposed as windy bullies, but that is not the same as wanting to nuke anybody.

It is customary for the bluff and rather unrefined intellects of lesser refined parts of the sub-continent to think of anything which they cannot comprehend as cunning and crafty. To them, as a direct result, most of the world looks cunning and crafty; most of the world says things that they cannot comprehend.

Oh, by the way, the word is metamorphoses, not metamorphosises. For somebody with your superb insights into English slang, there are some odd patches that stand out. A dictionary sometimes helps. For the comprehension, however, there is not much hope.
He has much to boast about. An unbroken civilisation and tradition of administration of many centuries, a land that produced the sub-continent's only trans-oceanic empire, a culture still rock-steady in its values and its prolific offering in each and every imaginable cultural field, a war-like soldiery that took on the best and kept their own land free till the end.

He would never nuke Pakistan. That would mean irreducible ruin to his own country, a country that spans from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. He may frighten a few blowhards and braggarts not being used to being exposed as windy bullies, but that is not the same as wanting to nuke anybody.

It is customary for the bluff and rather unrefined intellects of lesser refined parts of the sub-continent to think of anything which they cannot comprehend as cunning and crafty. To them, as a direct result, most of the world looks cunning and crafty; most of the world says things that they cannot comprehend.

Oh, by the way, the word is metamorphoses, not metamorphosises. For somebody with your superb insights into English slang, there are some odd patches that stand out. A dictionary sometimes helps. For the comprehension, however, there is not much hope.
"Kanyakumari to Kashmir" his nation and your nation, delusional are thee old boy.

When did this happen??
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