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Inappropriate Language...

The word is not banned, please read my post carefully.

Maybe i didn't make it clear enough, never tough it'd be too tough to understand...
Here you go...

The word itself is not banned, using it poorly is not allowed, simple. 'Bharti dogs', 'Bharti scums', 'bharti shits', should i go on? I think 'inappropriately' was enough in my initial post. Apparently not.
@Oscar , some clarification.
@Levina , these members failed to get the point. The word is not banned at all, much like we can't ban 'Pakistani'. Now using 'Pakistani', now using 'Pakistani' inappropriately is most defiantly banned. Wonder why we are getting so emotional for?

Please note: 'P A K I' is an insult. There is a difference. Bhartiya is not an insult.

None of us supports use of abusive words like shit/dogs/scum etc etc tagging these with any nationality.

Some Indian members were calling use of bharat and bharti as inappropriate that is why we did not the point.

Now it is clear

Bharatha> Sanskrit name of India

Bharoti> A common pronunciation of Bengalis of Bharatiya, but commonly used here on the forum by Pakistani members focusing on the "roti" part of the word to play of the act of crying or whining.

:lol: only I use bengali version bharoti and trust me it never cross my mind that roti" stands for crying. lolzzzz your own misconception is at work here. Seriously when I call someone from your side a cry baby I simply use the word rondoo. I never used the word bharoti for this purpose.

sometime self-inflicted injuries are the ones that hurt you not others
None of us supports use of abusive words like shit/dogs/scum etc etc tagging these with any nationality.

Some Indian members were calling use of bharat and bharti as inappropriate that is why we did not the point.

Now it is clear

:lol: only I use bengali version bharoti and trust me it never cross my mind that roti" stands for crying. lolzzzz your own misconception is at work here. Seriously when I call someone from your side a cry baby I simply use the word rondoo. I never used the word bharoti for this purpose.

sometime self-inflicted injuries are the ones that hurt you not others

You are not the only one using the term, and as I clearly mentioned, I have no problems with any of the terms, even the obscenely abusive ones.

the way a person conducts himself is a true reflection of upbringing, people hurling obscenities and slurs are not really doing any damage to the people they are responding to.
You are not the only one using the term, and as I clearly mentioned, I have no problems with any of the terms, even the obscenely abusive ones.

the way a person conducts himself is a true reflection of upbringing, people hurling obscenities and slurs are not really doing any damage to the people they are responding to.

Your countrymen here on the forum even had been blackmailing female members. So please do not bring in upbringing specially when every other Indian reader use abusive dirty language even when commenting on news stories on Pakistani newspaper websites.
Your countrymen here on the forum even had been blackmailing female members. So please do not bring in upbringing specially when every other Indian reader use abusive dirty language even when commenting on news stories on Pakistani newspaper websites.
did I refer to nationality, I plainly said the way a person conducts himself/herself is a true reflection of his/her upbringing. Do you disagree?
did I refer to nationality, I plainly said the way a person conducts himself/herself is a true reflection of his/her upbringing. Do you disagree?

:) YES I do.

Because out of 100% may be 0.1% parents hardly would bring their children in an inappropriate manner.
let's agree to disagree, then . :)

You have made ur point clear.....
Peopleb are stuck to a word....but There are several other words wajsal has mentioned...its time we focus on them....

Why ? can't we put logical argument to either agree or disagree based on reason?
Madamji.... You still can use that word.... :p
Why ? can't we put logical argument to either agree or disagree based on reason?
We can, but my interpretation of common sense, seems to be on a different plane, where from observation and engagement, I have seen that there is a direct correlation of how a person conducts himself, and the way he was brought up by his guardians/parents at home. I have seen ignored/un-engaged children becoming fickle minded youth when they grow up. I have seen over disciplined kids turning out to be rebellious. I have seen children growing up to think drinking and smoking is right of passage just because thier parents did that. i have seen kids swear at their parents because that's what they saw their father doing at their neighbors. AND then I have seen people grow up and have the humility because that's what they saw in their parent's, I have also seen kids taking after the the linguistic demeanor of their parents.

What I have never encountered is great parenting producing rotten kids. and that exactly is my take that you seem to be vehemently opposing. My view is based on my observations, again a trait I might have picked up from my upbringing, so in your disagreement, my entire premise may be incorrect.

The strongest institution of education is family, strong education in family provides the basic foundation on which the character of a child is built upon, without a strong foundation, super structure is suspect, one might be able to polish it in later stages, but it sometime does show up. This foundation strength lies in the upbringing which has major influence of parents, siblings, neighbors, and educational institutions. You mostly behave the way you were brought up, as you grow up you can polish your self and become more refined, but once you get into a confrontation, the true self usually reveals itself, in the cases of heated arguments here, when people are abusing others on basis of skin color, race, religion, caste, creed, lineage - all of the inbuilt insecurities and hatred embedded in the upbringing manifests itself.

Again none of it is offensive to me, I just sit back a feel sad for those kids.
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We can, but my interpretation of common sense, seems to be on a different plane, where from observation and engagement, I have seen that that there is a direct correlation of how a person conducts, and the way he was brought up by his guardians/parents at home. I have seen ignored/un-engaged children becoming fickle minded youth when they grow up. I have seen over disciplined kids turning out to be rebellious. I have seen children growing up to think drinking and smoking is right of passage just because thier parents did that. i have seen kids swear at their parents because that's what they saw their father doing at their neighbors. AND then I have seen people grow up and have the humility because that's what they saw in their parent's, I have also seen kids taking after the the linguistic demeanor of their parents.

What I have never encountered is great parenting producing rotten kids. and that exactly is my take that you seem to be vehemently opposing. My view is based on my observations, again a trait I might have picked up from my upbringing, so in your disagreement, my entire premise may be incorrect.

The strongest institution of education is family, strong education in family provides the basic foundation on which the character of a child is built upon, without a strong foundation, super structure is suspect, one might be able to polish it in later stages, but it sometime does show up. This foundation strength lies in the upbringing which has major influence of parents, siblings, neighbors, and educational institutions. You mostly behave the way you were brought up, as you grow up you can polish your self and become more refined, but once you get into a confrontation, the true self usually reveals itself, in the cases of heated arguments here, when people are abusing others on basis of skin color, race, religion, caste, creed, lineage - all of the inbuilt insecurities and hatred embedded in the upbringing manifests itself.

Again none of it is offensive to me, I just sit back a feel sad for those kids.

Now write a full paragraph and make me understand that sun rises in the east.
Why is "Baharti" a banned word? Is beyond me.

Not that I use it, but it is perfectly normal Urdu word: "Baharti Wazir-e-Azam", "Baharti Cricket Team", "Baharti Fauj", "Baharti Adakaar"...

Taken from the country "Baharat", which is used in Hindi as well.

I have never heard it being used as an insult. I think it should not be banned, unless we want to ban "Urdu Language".
It's not Baharti, rather it is Bhartiya. Baharti or Bharti is slang and used for hurt others who belong to Bharat. And correct way of saying is Bhartiya wazir e Azam like this, however many misuse the wording to suit their side.

How is bharti a slang? in urdu indians are called bharti aswell... we didnt invent a slur>?

The word "bhakt" is hindi for follower.. and used mostly by indians for eachother.. for example RSS Bhakt... even indian media uses it..

So calm down a bit.
In Urdu a Indian is called either Hindustani or Bhartiya.
In Urdu a Indian is called either Hindustani or Bhartiya.

This is how it is wrote in Urdu... Now read it so you can understand how it is called Bharti... The word is not an offense as it is wrote in Urdu like below however, one can say that the context in which it is used could be offensive...

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