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Indian Special Forces

And then I rest my case. Because your evasive answers and not answering single query of mine is for all to see. Hence proved that Idiots find way out from the debates that they know they cant win or can counter logically. Continue to chest thump with all other Indians members here .

Yawn again.
I'd recommend you get English lessons before you talk big? People don't read a forum with a crystal ball to know if you are talking about imaginary fairies or power puff girls.

Yea everyone except you is an Idiot. Cant be any other logical reason to respond to someone so stubborn and full of himself. Next time you wanna call someone names, start at home and not others.

P.S: Since you seem to have communication problems, the word ignorant is not name calling in English calling.

Good Day to you and your wall!

English lessons, I'm talking about from Indian perspective all along to understand and judge where there are so many holes in your story . Is it my mistake that your meager IQ and mental acumen cant understand all these things ?

With you and another brainless indrajit I havent received single Answer to my queries. Please Enlighten me about the queries I raised because you know about Guerilla warfare more than I See as it seems
And who is talking India serious now on their Imaginary claims Might I ask ? or for that Matter when Turkey downed the Russian Fighter JET did India backed Russia against Turkey or who stood behind Russia at that time ? If it is your scale of judging seriousness of Party X not being taken serious by other 25 Alphabets , Than I might add your sense of logic and sane is in shard decline now a days. Because I asked Pakistan showed something physical not made imaginary claims like you guys are making. Try to understand what is someone saying instead of going on tangents liek Arnab gosawami
Did the US show any evidence of a dead osama , despite everything. How can you expect India to provide evidence to the public. What you say may be true that nothing happened, but there is equal probability that something happened. We as civilians can only assume as per our pre-conceived notions or just wait
I understand the question is laced more with rhetoric than with genuine curiosity, but for the sake of others, I'll provide a general explanation of what a launch pad is (as referred to by the DGMO). Please feel free to ignore me. I have no interest in engaging a think tank intent on rhetoric.

The Launch Pad being described by the DGMO is the final holding point for the militants waiting to cross the LC. The analogue to this is the Forming Up Point in military parlance, and to a lesser extent, the base camp in mountaineering circles. They mostly consist of a few tents and rations plus supplies for anywhere from a week to 10 days.

The militants arriving on these FuPs are sent up front to the start line (SL) (anywhere from 200m-1000m from the fencing) when the final clearance by higher ups is made, ideally within 2-4 days. Too long, and risks to infiltration by the party increases substantially.This is also the point the militants retreat to in case the insertion fails or is called off for whatever reason.

You see another gaping hole in your theory. An Insurgent going to be launched to another side in 2016 when he knows how much india is armed to teeth and you expect Insurgents to be either sleeping or lightly armed in their launching pads ? Remind me again, Did Uri attakcers came armed to teeth or did they first crossed the border armed themselves inside kashmir and then attacked Uri Camp

Forget about sleeping in night. The best time of day to sleep for such guys are obviously in the morning and afternoon. Or do you expect indians to strike such camps during daylight now ?

Did the US show any evidence of a dead osama , despite everything. How can you expect India to provide evidence to the public. What you say may be true that nothing happened, but there is equal probability that something happened. We as civilians can only assume as per our pre-conceived notions or just wait

Did or Did not Pakistan agreed with USA assertions ?
English lessons, I'm talking about from Indian perspective all along to understand and judge where there are so many holes in your story . Is it my mistake that your meager IQ and mental acumen cant understand all these things ?

With you and another brainless indrajit I havent received single Answer to my queries. Please Enlighten me about the queries I raised because you know about Guerilla warfare more than I See as it seems

Only because you seem to be in a hurry and seem to be missing out on what people write. I've clearly mentioned in my first post that I'm not debating on this whole issue. The brainless one here is the guy who is arguing with me without even reading what i posted in the first place. Mayb its not English lessons you need, a good pair of specs and some patience to read things through ?

P.S: Don't care about what Indians or Pakistanis in this forum thinks about the issue. If its true, good enough and if its false, its about time something is done. I'm just surprised few people are still in denial about Kargil and OBL lol.

Good Day to all the haters!

Good Day to you and your unique reading skills!
Please move all discussion related to the Surgical Strikes to the relevant thread.
This is a nice thread with great pictures, let it be.
And stop trying to convince the other side.

NSG's toys
As I said where is the proof of the total chutiyapa claimed by you without any details?

I do.. We did own it up by merging a paramilitary into regular army and awarding medals etc..

Everybody knew it... Nobody made false claims in the air.
Still those brave shaheeds are searching for atleast an acknowledgement from Pakistanis, you even do not respect the mens who have made supreme sacrifice in the service of their nation. Please they deserves far better words and to tell the SSGs till date have not been able to capture Siachin.
Still those brave shaheeds are searching for atleast an acknowledgement from Pakistanis, you even do not respect the mens who have made supreme sacrifice in the service of their nation. Please they deserves far better words and to tell the SSGs till date have not been able to capture Siachin.
Which shaheeds ? Pakistanis treat our martyrs much better than you that's for sure.. We don't transport bodies on garbage trucks or steal even their coffins..

As for siachin .. Again that was your cowardly act and of no strategic value.
Which shaheeds ? Pakistanis treat our martyrs much better than you that's for sure.. We don't transport bodies on garbage trucks or steal even their coffins..

As for siachin .. Again that was your cowardly act and of no strategic value.
You just read your fellow's words and comprehend it and I am resting my case.
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