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Surgical Strikes: On A Nearly Moonless Night, Soldiers Trekked 10 Hours

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American raided killed, worlds most wanted terrorist along with six of his body guards in his safe house in Pakistan, how many casualties did they suffer.

It is all about achieving tactical surprise.

Hit them at night, when they are unsuspecting and sleeping.
Apparently you are not aware of full details.
US helicopters were not only detected but also shot down. There were atleast 12 causalities on American side (eye witness claims) due to helicopter downing. Out of two helicopter only one returned back to Afghanistan with Osama body (as per official story)

And it was not USA sole hunting mission, it was joint operation supported by few secret agencies in Pakistan. Helicopters were not only refueled twice with in Pakistan but wreck as well as bodies of downed helicopter & its crew were also removed immediately by Pakistan.
There are a hell lot to know about OBL raid, but for general public satisfaction, official story version is enough.
Rest you are most welcome to believe what ever come in your mind while revolving in your arm chair. :smokin:

In the end, found themselves one soldier short :rofl:
As per reports they attack one of our post close to LOC but our army got alert and as a result they lost most of the attacking soldiers and one surrendered before our army.
Looks like the Officer leading the attack was Sunny Deol.

I can't actually believe Indian members are buying this B.S crap from Indian media outlets. @Joe Shearer @hellfire have already disclosed what happened, read that.

10 hrs track.. then killed 38 militants ... than hours back....by sound of things they are still on their way back

I am perplexed how people are actually buying this crap. Sunny Deol was leading the attack.
10 hours of trekking?????

Come on injuns!
Did they use Tejas for the SirGKal strike? :rofl:
choro yr , use Rajni Kaant for surgical strikes, and i am sure he will never ever traced, nor we will ask any proofs , because we knew that "he will do any thing".

I think in yesterday , if your DG MO said" Rajni kant sent for surgical strikes, and he is returned safe" nobody will ask you for proofs.
Are we sure this attack happened on LOC not bombay??
There were no surgical strikes and Pakistan has an Indian soldier in its custody.

All attempts being made to free soldier in Pakistan captivity: Rajnath Singh



Whom are you trying to convince here, us or yourselves?

I suspect in their hearts, most of the Pakistanis or at least the sensible ones know, strikes did happen.

They just don't want to admit,

"Our army is lying to us"
"Indians won this round"
Please understand their (PA) dilemma,
If they accept strike and act against India they are doomed and do not act they will be damned


first proof you did that, in Pakistan we not afraid of asking questions from our Military so why u afraid of that.
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